Zinnov Zones ratings recognize Akkodis' capabilities in several categories, including ER&D Services, Digital Engineering Services, Data & AI and Generative AI Engineering Services, Automotive, Aerospace and EV.
ZURICH, Oct. 21, 2024 /CNW/ -- Akkodis, global digital engineering company and Smart Industry leader, is delighted to announce that it has been recognized as a leader in the 2024 Zinnov Zones for ER&D and Digital Engineering Services Ratings for the second consecutive year. This is based on a 360-degree evaluation of ~60 leading Global Technology Service Providers, as part of Zinnov's annual assessment of their prowess and scalability across the ER&D value chain.
Zinnov Zones ratings recognize Akkodis' capabilities in several categories, including ER&D Services, Digital Engineering Services, Data & AI and Generative AI Engineering Services, Automotive, Aerospace and EV.
ZURICH, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Akkodis, global digital engineering company and Smart Industry leader, is delighted to announce that it has been recognized as a leader in the 2024 Zinnov Zones for ER&D and Digital Engineering Services Ratings for the second consecutive year. This is based on a 360-degree evaluation of ~60 leading Global Technology Service Providers, as part of Zinnov's annual assessment of their prowess and scalability across the ER&D value chain.
Zinnov Zones ratings recognize Akkodis' capabilities in several categories, including ER&D Services, Digital Engineering Services, Data & AI and Generative AI Engineering Services, Automotive, Aerospace and EV.
ZURICH, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Akkodis, global digital engineering company and Smart Industry leader, is delighted to announce that it has been recognized as a leader in the 2024 Zinnov Zones for ER&D and Digital Engineering Services Ratings for the second consecutive year. This is based on a 360-degree evaluation of ~60 leading Global Technology Service Providers, as part of Zinnov's annual assessment of their prowess and scalability across the ER&D value chain.
Zinnov Zones ratings recognize Akkodis' capabilities in several categories, including ER&D Services, Digital Engineering Services, Data & AI and Generative AI Engineering Services, Automotive, Aerospace and EV.
ZURICH, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Akkodis, global digital engineering company and Smart Industry leader, is delighted to announce that it has been recognized as a leader in the 2024 Zinnov Zones for ER&D and Digital Engineering Services Ratings for the second consecutive year. This is based on a 360-degree evaluation of ~60 leading Global Technology Service Providers, as part of Zinnov's annual assessment of their prowess and scalability across the ER&D value chain.
The report combines insights from global CTOs on this latest era of digital transformation and recommendations for navigating the shift to an AI-powered enterprise
ZURICH, Sept. 10, 2024 /CNW/ -- In recent years, digital transformation has become an indispensable priority for the C-suite, with many CTOs recognizing that digitalization is an ever-evolving concept; unlike earlier phases that focused on process automation, a majority of CTOs now see "catalyzing business growth" as a top benefit. However, according to a major study published today by global digital engineering company and Smart Industry leader, Akkodis, CTOs report numerous challenges and acknowledge that there is still much progress to be made. There are still many uncertainties surrounding the introduction of AI technologies and there is also a discrepancy between the CTOs' concepts and the corporate reality.
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