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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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ADC Therapeutics SA
GICS: - · Sektor: Healthcare · Sub-Sektor: Biotechnology
ADC Therapeutics SA
Do., 02.01.2025       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Jan. 2, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced that the Company has made grants of options to purchase an aggregate of 20,000 of the Company's common shares to two new employees on January 2, 2025 (each, a "Grant").

The Grants were offered as material inducement to the employees' employment. The grants were approved by the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors pursuant to the Company's Inducement Plan to motivate and reward the recipients to perform at the highest levels and contribute significantly to the success of the Company. The Grants were made in reliance on the employment inducement exemption under the NYSE's Listed Company Manual Rule 303A.08.

Mo., 30.12.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Dec. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced the completion of enrollment in LOTIS-5, the Phase 3 confirmatory trial evaluating ZYNLONTA® (loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl) in combination with rituximab (Lonca-R) in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (r/r DLBCL). ZYNLONTA previously received accelerated approval for the treatment of r/r DLBCL after two or more lines of systemic therapy from the FDA in 2021.

Mi., 11.12.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

ZYNLONTA in combination with glofitamab demonstrated clinically meaningful benefit with 94% best ORR and 72% CR rate

Safety data show no dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), no high-grade cytokine release syndrome (CRS) or high-grade immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) across all patients

Company to host conference call today at 8:30 a.m. EST

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced positive initial data from the LOTIS-7 Phase 1b open-label clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of ZYNLONTA® in combination with the bispecific antibody glofitamab (COLUMVI™) in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (r/r DLBCL).

Mo., 09.12.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

Publication follows oral presentation at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting

Combination in r/r follicular lymphoma shows best ORR of 97% and CR rate of 77% with 12-month PFS of 95%

Additional IIT data also presented at ASH on ZYNLONTA monotherapy in marginal zone lymphoma shows ORR of 91% and 70% CR

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced updated data from the investigator-initiated Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating ZYNLONTA® (loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl) in combination with rituximab to treat relapsed or refractory (r/r) follicular lymphoma (FL) were published in the December issue of The Lancet Haematology, following an oral presentation of the data at the recent 66th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition.

Mo., 02.12.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced that the Company has made grants of options to purchase an aggregate of 34,900 of the Company's common shares to three new employees on December 2, 2024 (each, a "Grant").

The Grants were offered as material inducement to the employees' employment. The grants were approved by the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors pursuant to the Company's Inducement Plan to motivate and reward the recipients to perform at the highest levels and contribute significantly to the success of the Company. The Grants were made in reliance on the employment inducement exemption under the NYSE's Listed Company Manual Rule 303A.08.

Mi., 06.11.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

Mündliche Präsentation der vom Prüfarzt initiierten Phase-2-Studie zur Bewertung von ZYNLONTA® (Loncastuximab-Tesirin-Lpyl) in Kombination mit Rituximab bei Patienten mit r/r follikulärem Lymphom

Posterpräsentation der ersten Zwischenanalyse zur Futility der laufenden, von einem Prüfarzt initiierten klinischen Phase-2-Studie zur Untersuchung von ZYNLONTA als Behandlung für R/R-Marginalzonenlymphom

LAUSANNE, Schweiz, 6. November 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im kommerziellen Stadium und Pionier auf dem Gebiet der Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugate (ADCs), gab heute bekannt, dass unabhängige, von Prüfärzten initiierte Studien-Abstracts zu ZYNLONTA® (Loncastuximab-Tesirin-Lpyl) zur Präsentation auf der 66. Jahrestagung der American Society of Hematology (ASH) angenommen wurden, die vom 7. bis 10. Dezember 2024 in San Diego, Kalifornien, stattfinden wird.

Di., 05.11.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

Oral presentation of investigator-initiated Phase 2 study evaluating ZYNLONTA® (loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl) in combination with rituximab in patients with r/r follicular lymphoma

Poster presentation of first interim futility analysis of ongoing investigator-initiated Phase 2 clinical trial studying ZYNLONTA as treatment for r/r marginal zone lymphoma

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Nov. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced independent, investigator-initiated study abstracts on ZYNLONTA® (loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl) have been accepted for presentation at the 66th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting, which will be held in San Diego, California from December 7-10, 2024.

Mo., 04.11.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Schweiz, 4. November 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), ein weltweit führendes und innovatives Unternehmen im Bereich der Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugate (Antibody Drug Conjugates, ADCs), gab heute seine Teilnahme an zwei Investorenkonferenzen im November bekannt:

Guggenheim Securities Healthcare Innovation Conference

Datum: 11. November 2024Uhrzeit der Präsentation: 11.00 Uhr Eastern Time (ET)Format: KamingesprächVortragender: Ameet Mallik, Chief Executive Officer

Mo., 04.11.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Nov. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced participation in two investor conferences in November:

Guggenheim Securities Healthcare Innovation Conference

Date: November 11, 2024Presentation Time: 11:00 a.m. ETFormat: Fireside ChatSpeaker: Ameet Mallik, Chief Executive Officer

Sa., 02.11.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Schweiz, 2. November 2024 /PRNewswire/ – ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), ein weltweit führendes und innovatives Unternehmen im Bereich der Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugate (ADCs), gab heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen zwei neuen Mitarbeitern am 1. November 2024 Optionen zum Kauf von insgesamt 42.000 Stammaktien des Unternehmens zugesprochen hat (jeweils ein „Zuschuss").

Die Zuschüsse wurden als wesentlicher Anreiz für die Beschäftigung der Mitarbeiter angeboten. Die Zuschüsse wurden vom Vergütungsausschuss des Vorstands des Unternehmens gemäß dem Anreizplan des Unternehmens genehmigt, um die Empfänger zu motivieren und zu belohnen, damit sie Höchstleistungen erbringen und wesentlich zum Erfolg des Unternehmens beitragen. Die Zuschüsse wurden unter Berufung auf die Ausnahmeregelung für Beschäftigungsanreize gemäß NYSE's Listed Company Manual Rule 303A.08 gewährt.

Fr., 01.11.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced that the Company has made grants of options to purchase an aggregate of 42,000 of the Company's common shares to two new employees on November 1, 2024 (each, a "Grant").

The Grants were offered as material inducement to the employees' employment. The grants were approved by the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors pursuant to the Company's Inducement Plan to motivate and reward the recipients to perform at the highest levels and contribute significantly to the success of the Company. The Grants were made in reliance on the employment inducement exemption under the NYSE's Listed Company Manual Rule 303A.08.

Do., 31.10.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Schweiz, 31. Oktober 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen und Pionier auf dem Gebiet der Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugate (Antibody Drug Conjugates, ADCs), gab heute bekannt, dass es am Donnerstag, dem 7. November 2024, um 8:30 Uhr EST eine Telefonkonferenz und einen Live-Webcast veranstalten wird, um über die Finanzergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2024 zu berichten und aktuelle Informationen zum Geschäftsverlauf zu geben.

Um an der Telefonkonferenz teilzunehmen, registrieren Sie sich bitte hier . Die gebührenfreie Einwahlnummer für Teilnehmer lautet 1-800-836-8184 für Nordamerika und Kanada. Es wird empfohlen, sich mindestens 10 Minuten vor der Veranstaltung anzumelden, aber Sie können sich auch jederzeit im Voraus registrieren. Ein Live-Webcast der Telefonkonferenz wird unter „Events and Presentations" im Investorenbereich der ADC Therapeutics-Website verfügbar sein. Der archivierte Webcast wird 30 Tage lang nach der Telefonkonferenz verfügbar sein.

Do., 31.10.2024       ADC Therapeutics SA

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced that it will host a conference call and live webcast on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. EST to report financial results for the third quarter 2024 and provide operational updates.

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