AUSTIN, Texas, June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- An affiliate of Peak Rock Capital ("Peak Rock"), a leading middle-market private equity firm, announced today that it has completed the previously announced acquisition of the dental segment ("HuFriedyGroup" or the "Company") of STERIS plc (NYSE:STE) ("STERIS").
Founded in 1908, HuFriedyGroup is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality instruments, infection prevention products, instrument management systems, and conscious sedation products for the dental industry. The Company has industry leading brands, including Hu-Friedy, Crosstex, Omnia, and Accutron. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, the Company serves customers in ~100 countries, and is supported by a base of ~1,500 employees across over 20 global manufacturing facilities and locations. The Company has built a strong reputation in the industry for its outstanding quality, broad product offerings, efficient workflow solutions, and ergonomic instrument designs.
AUSTIN, Texas, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- An affiliate of Peak Rock Capital ("Peak Rock"), a leading middle-market private equity firm, announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the dental segment ("HuFriedyGroup" or the "Company") of STERIS plc (NYSE:STE) ("STERIS").
Founded in 1908, HuFriedyGroup is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality instruments, infection prevention products, instrument management systems, and conscious sedation products for the dental industry. The Company has industry leading brands, including Hu-Friedy, Crosstex, Omnia, and Accutron. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, the Company serves customers in ~100 countries, and is supported by a base of ~1,500 employees across over 20 global manufacturing facilities and locations. The Company has built a strong reputation in the industry for its outstanding quality, broad product offerings, efficient workflow solutions, and ergonomic instrument designs.
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