HONG KONG, Nov. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company and community, today released findings from its Asia Pacific "New Year, New Me" survey, which revealed that 85% of consumers say a healthier diet is important to support their mental and physical health. Almost eight in 10 (77%) plan to have healthier habits in the coming year and will measure the success of a healthier diet as achieving better overall wellbeing, feeling more energetic and sleeping better.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a celebration of health, fitness, and culinary creativity, Herbalife, LA Galaxy, and the Garden School Foundation teamed up yesterday to host the third annual Thanksgiving Cookoff for over 50 students from Leapwood Avenue and Annalee Elementary Schools. The event, held at Dignity Health Sports Park, kicked off with an exciting soccer clinic designed to help students hone their skills on the field. This was followed by a tour of the LA Galaxy's community garden, where the young participants learned firsthand about sustainable farming and how fresh, locally grown produce is used to create healthy meals.
Continuing a Successful Association for the Third Consecutive Year
PANAJI, India, Nov. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company, community, and platform, had announced its partnership with IRONMAN 70.3 India, marking the third consecutive year of collaboration. This agreement underscored Herbalife's commitment to supporting athletic performance through premium sports nutrition.
More Than 4,900 Fitness Enthusiasts from Around the World Participated in a High-Intensity Interval Training Workout, Including a Local Event Organized at Mumbai Convention Center in India
BENGALURU, India, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company community and platform, has made history by setting a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the largest high-intensity interval training class (multiple venues). The global event united more than 4,900 Herbalife independent distributors and fitness enthusiasts in a shared mission to celebrate the power of community, health and wellness. The event was organized at Mumbai Convention Center in India where fitness enthusiasts across the country participated.
More than 4,900 fitness enthusiasts from around the world participated in a high-intensity interval training workout
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company, community and platform, has made history by setting a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the largest high-intensity interval training class (multiple venues). The global event united more than 4,900 independent Herbalife distributors and fitness enthusiasts in a shared mission to celebrate the power of community, health and wellness.
Untapped opportunities seen in health and wellness for aspiring entrepreneurs
HONG KONG, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company and community, today released findings from its Asia Pacific Business of Wellness Survey, which revealed that despite concerns about the current state of the economy, more than three in five (63%) aspiring entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific plan to start a small business in the next 18 months. In addition, there is positive sentiment for entrepreneurship with 59% of respondents expressing optimism about entrepreneurial pursuits in the coming months.
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