For the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2024:Consolidated net sales decreased by 0.6%, but increased by 1.0% on a constant currency basis1, year-over-year to US$942.4 million, in line with expectationsIncreased gross profit margin by 30 basis points year-over-year to 60.2%Expanded adjusted EBITDA margin2 by 160 basis points year-on year to 20.7%
For the year ended December 31, 2024:Consolidated net sales were US$3,588.6 million, a decrease of 2.5%, but approximately flat on a constant currency basis1, versus a strong net sales base in 2023Expanded gross profit margin by 70 basis points year-over-year to 60.0%Achieved adjusted EBITDA margin2 of 19.0%Increased adjusted free cash flow3 by US$26.5 million year-over-year to US$311.0 millionReturned US$307.6 million to shareholders through US$157.6 million in share buybacks and a US$150.0 million cash distributionMaintained substantial liquidity4 of US$1.4 billion
New corporate name better reflects portfolio of customer-centric, iconic brands
HONG KONG, Jan. 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Samsonite International S.A. ("Samsonite" or "the Company", together with its consolidated subsidiaries, "the Group"; SEHK stock code: 1910), a leader in the global lifestyle bag industry and the world's best-known and largest travel luggage company, announced that its shareholders approved changing the Company's name to Samsonite Group S.A. at an extraordinary general meeting held yesterday, January 23, 2025. Samsonite's stock code on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange remains unchanged.
Third quarter 2024 consolidated net sales decreased by 6.8%1 versus a strong net sales base in prior year period
Recorded gross profit margin of 59.3% and Adjusted EBITDA margin2 of 17.6% for the third quarter of 2024
Generated strong third quarter 2024 Free Cash Flow3 of US$94.2 million, a year-on-year increase of US$5.4 million
Returned a total of US$222.0 million to shareholders through a cash distribution of US$150.0 million and share buybacks of US$72.0 million during the third quarter of 2024
Pledges to considerably expand use of recycled materials while maintaining long-standing commitment to durability
HONG KONG, Nov. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Building on its heritage of innovation, durability and sustainability, Samsonite International S.A. ("the Company," together with its consolidated subsidiaries, "the Group;" SEHK stock code: 1910), today announced an ambitious near-term science-based climate target in alignment with the criteria of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The Company operates a portfolio of customer-centric brands including Samsonite, Tumi and American Tourister, as well as several other complementary brands. The Company commits to continuing to use 100% renewable electricity in all the Group's own operations. The Company will also significantly increase recycled materials used in products to reduce Scope 3 emissions from purchased goods and services 52% by 2030 on an intensity basis per unit gross profit1. The Company's new target is measured from a 2022 base year and was submitted to SBTi for validation last month. The Company's science-based climate target applies collectively to all the Group's brands worldwide.
Consolidated net sales increased by 2.8%1 compared to a strong first half in 2023
Gross profit margin expanded by 140 basis points year-on-year to 60.2% and Adjusted EBITDA margin2 increased by 10 basis points to 18.9%, both first half records
Profit attributable to the equity holders increased by 7.7% (+16.1% constant currency) year-on-year to US$164.3 million
Generated strong Free Cash Flow3 of US$81.6 million, a year-on-year increase of US$18.2 million
Total net leverage ratio4 further improved to 1.39x, the lowest level since the 2016 acquisition of Tumi
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