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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
GICS: 15101010 · Sektor: Basic Materials · Sub-Sektor: Chemicals - Specialty
LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
Fr., 23.08.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

Erweitert das Technologieportfolio des Unternehmens und den Circular Hub

Akquisition erweitert den Geschäftsbereich Circular and Low Carbon Solutions von LYB und diversifiziert das Angebot an innovativen RecyclingtechnologienTransaktion umfasst bestehende Anlagen und geplante Wachstumsprojekte

ROTTERDAM, Niederlande, 23. August 2024 /PRNewswire/ – LyondellBasell (LYB) gab heute bekannt, dass es eine Vereinbarung zum vollständigen Erwerb der APK AG in Merseburg, Deutschland, abgeschlossen hat. Durch die Übernahme ist LYB in der Lage, seinen Geschäftsbereich Circular and Low Carbon Solutions zu erweitern und auszubauen.

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 22.08.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

Expands Company's Technology Portfolio and Circular Hub

Acquisition increases LYB Circular and Low Carbon Solutions Business and diversification of innovative recycling technologiesTransaction encompasses existing assets and planned growth projects

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) today announced it entered into an agreement to acquire full ownership of APK AG in Merseburg, Germany. Enabled by its technology, the acquisition positions LYB to grow and upgrade its Circular and Low Carbon Solutions business.

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 22.08.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

Expands Company's Technology Portfolio and Circular Hub

Acquisition increases LYB Circular and Low Carbon Solutions Business and diversification of innovative recycling technologiesTransaction encompasses existing assets and planned growth projects

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) today announced it entered into an agreement to acquire full ownership of APK AG in Merseburg, Germany. Enabled by its technology, the acquisition positions LYB to grow and upgrade its Circular and Low Carbon Solutions business.

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 22.08.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

Expands Company's Technology Portfolio and Circular Hub

Acquisition increases LYB Circular and Low Carbon Solutions Business and diversification of innovative recycling technologiesTransaction encompasses existing assets and planned growth projects

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) today announced it entered into an agreement to acquire full ownership of APK AG in Merseburg, Germany. Enabled by its technology, the acquisition positions LYB to grow and upgrade its Circular and Low Carbon Solutions business.

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 22.08.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

Expands Company's Technology Portfolio and Circular Hub

Acquisition increases LYB Circular and Low Carbon Solutions Business and diversification of innovative recycling technologiesTransaction encompasses existing assets and planned growth projects

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Aug. 22, 2024 /CNW/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) today announced it entered into an agreement to acquire full ownership of APK AG in Merseburg, Germany. Enabled by its technology, the acquisition positions LYB to grow and upgrade its Circular and Low Carbon Solutions business.

LyondellBasell Industries
Fr., 16.08.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON and LONDON, Aug. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced it has declared a dividend of $1.34 per share, to be paid to shareholders on Sept. 3, 2024, with an ex-dividend and record date of Aug. 26, 2024.

About LyondellBasellWe are LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) ― a leader in the global chemical industry creating solutions for everyday sustainable living. Through advanced technology and focused investments, we are enabling a circular and low carbon economy. Across all we do, we aim to unlock value for our customers, investors and society. As one of the world's largest producers of polymers and a leader in polyolefin technologies, we develop, manufacture and market high-quality and innovative products for applications ranging from sustainable transportation and food safety to clean water and quality healthcare. For more information, please visit or follow @LyondellBasell on LinkedIn.

LyondellBasell Industries
Fr., 19.07.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON and LONDON, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB), a leader in the global chemical industry, will announce its second-quarter 2024 financial results before the U.S. market opens Friday, Aug. 2, followed by a webcast and teleconference to discuss the results at 11 a.m. EDT.

Teleconference and webcast detailsFriday, Aug. 2, 202411 a.m. EDTHosted by David Kinney, head of investor relationsAccess the webcast 10 to 15 minutes prior to the start of the call at

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 30.05.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON und RIYADH, Saudi-Arabien, 30. Mai 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) und Alujain Corporation (Alujain) gaben heute den Abschluss des Erwerbs einer 35%igen Beteiligung an der in Saudi-Arabien ansässigen National Petrochemical Industrial Company (NATPET) durch LYB von Alujain bekannt.

Das Joint Venture wird durch die LYB Spheripol Polypropylen (PP)-Technologie ermöglicht und versetzt LYB in die Lage, sein PP-Kerngeschäft profitabel auszubauen, indem es Zugang zu vorteilhaften Rohstoffen und zusätzlichen Produktabsatzmengen erhält.

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 30.05.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) and Alujain Corporation (Alujain) today announced completion of the acquisition of a 35% interest in Saudi Arabia–based National Petrochemical Industrial Company (NATPET) by LYB from Alujain.

The joint venture is enabled by LYB Spheripol polypropylene (PP) technology and positions LYB to profitably expand its core PP business by gaining access to advantaged feedstocks and additional product marketing volumes.

"This investment in NATPET reflects our commitment to grow and upgrade our core businesses and strengthen our presence in Saudi Arabia through a new long-term partnership," said LYB CEO Peter Vanacker. "With our strategic partner Alujain, the joint venture will leverage LYB's leading technology and global market positions. Customers will enjoy enhanced supply reliability through a larger global operations and marketing network."

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 30.05.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) and Alujain Corporation (Alujain) today announced completion of the acquisition of a 35% interest in Saudi Arabia–based National Petrochemical Industrial Company (NATPET) by LYB from Alujain.

The joint venture is enabled by LYB Spheripol polypropylene (PP) technology and positions LYB to profitably expand its core PP business by gaining access to advantaged feedstocks and additional product marketing volumes.

"This investment in NATPET reflects our commitment to grow and upgrade our core businesses and strengthen our presence in Saudi Arabia through a new long-term partnership," said LYB CEO Peter Vanacker. "With our strategic partner Alujain, the joint venture will leverage LYB's leading technology and global market positions. Customers will enjoy enhanced supply reliability through a larger global operations and marketing network."

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 30.05.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) and Alujain Corporation (Alujain) today announced completion of the acquisition of a 35% interest in Saudi Arabia–based National Petrochemical Industrial Company (NATPET) by LYB from Alujain.

The joint venture is enabled by LYB Spheripol polypropylene (PP) technology and positions LYB to profitably expand its core PP business by gaining access to advantaged feedstocks and additional product marketing volumes.

"This investment in NATPET reflects our commitment to grow and upgrade our core businesses and strengthen our presence in Saudi Arabia through a new long-term partnership," said LYB CEO Peter Vanacker. "With our strategic partner Alujain, the joint venture will leverage LYB's leading technology and global market positions. Customers will enjoy enhanced supply reliability through a larger global operations and marketing network."

LyondellBasell Industries
Do., 30.05.2024       LyondellBasell Industries

HOUSTON and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 30, 2024 /CNW/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) and Alujain Corporation (Alujain) today announced completion of the acquisition of a 35% interest in Saudi Arabia–based National Petrochemical Industrial Company (NATPET) by LYB from Alujain.

The joint venture is enabled by LYB Spheripol polypropylene (PP) technology and positions LYB to profitably expand its core PP business by gaining access to advantaged feedstocks and additional product marketing volumes.

"This investment in NATPET reflects our commitment to grow and upgrade our core businesses and strengthen our presence in Saudi Arabia through a new long-term partnership," said LYB CEO Peter Vanacker. "With our strategic partner Alujain, the joint venture will leverage LYB's leading technology and global market positions. Customers will enjoy enhanced supply reliability through a larger global operations and marketing network."

LyondellBasell Industries

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