The two new controller models - the OPS v1 and the OPS v3 Pro - offer design, function, and feature sets for every type of PC and Cloud gamer, starting at $49.99.
WOODINVILLE, Wash., Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PowerA, a global leader in enhancing interactive entertainment with officially licensed gaming accessories, proudly announces the launch of its new OVERPOWERED Series of wireless PC gaming controllers, the OPS line. This new range debuts with two models - the OPS v1 Wireless Controller and the flagship OPS v3 Pro Wireless Controller - designed to cater to every type of gamer. Each controller features industry-leading technologies, tailored to meet the diverse needs of today's gamers. From the casual player seeking convenience and comfort with some performance enhancement to the enthusiast gamer craving a pro-level competitive edge, the OPS line seeks to elevate a variety of gaming experiences to peak levels of immersive control and ergonomic comfort.
The power of handwritten notes combined with digital studying and organization to enhance student learning
DAYTON, Ohio, July 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Five Star®, a leader in student-focused school products, is expanding its line of Five Star Study App compatible products to include wide ruled notebooks, composition books and filler paper to help meet the study needs of younger students. Now from the first spelling test to the last college final, students can benefit from combining the power of paper with digital studying and organization for academic success throughout their school careers.
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