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Letzte Aktualisierung: 31.03.2025 | 11PM
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AT&T Inc.
GICS: 50101020 · Sektor: Communication Services · Sub-Sektor: Telecommunications Services
AT&T Inc.
Fr., 28.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 28, 2025 /CNW/ -- The board of directors today declared a quarterly dividend of $0.2775 per share on the company's common shares, payable May 1, 2025.

Key Takeaways:

The board of directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.2775 per share on the company's common shares.Dividends on common stock as well as Series A and Series C preferred stock are payable on May 1, 2025.

The board of directors of AT&T (NYSE:T) today declared a quarterly dividend of $0.2775 per share on the company's common shares.

Fr., 28.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The board of directors today declared a quarterly dividend of $0.2775 per share on the company's common shares, payable May 1, 2025.

Key Takeaways:

The board of directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.2775 per share on the company's common shares.Dividends on common stock as well as Series A and Series C preferred stock are payable on May 1, 2025.

The board of directors of AT&T (NYSE:T) today declared a quarterly dividend of $0.2775 per share on the company's common shares.

Di., 11.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 11, 2025 /CNW/ -- We will release our first-quarter 2025 results on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, and webcast a conference call to discuss results.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T will release its first-quarter 2025 results on April 23AT&T will webcast a conference call to discuss results

AT&T (NYSE:T) will release its first-quarter 2025 results before the New York Stock Exchange opens on Wednesday, April 23, 2025. The company's earnings release and related materials will be available on the AT&T Investor Relations website.

Di., 11.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- We will release our first-quarter 2025 results on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, and webcast a conference call to discuss results.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T will release its first-quarter 2025 results on April 23AT&T will webcast a conference call to discuss results

AT&T (NYSE:T) will release its first-quarter 2025 results before the New York Stock Exchange opens on Wednesday, April 23, 2025. The company's earnings release and related materials will be available on the AT&T Investor Relations website.

Mo., 10.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 10, 2025 /CNW/ -- Tomorrow, AT&T's chief financial officer will participate in a fireside chat where he will discuss the Company's multi-year strategic growth plan.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T is embarking on a multi-year strategic growth plan that centers around putting customers first and continued network investment.AT&T continues to make progress on becoming the best connectivity provider in America and remains on track to meet all of the financial and operational guidance and capital allocation plans shared during its fourth quarter 2024 earnings conference call and its 2024 Analyst & Investor Day.AT&T expects to report strong free cash flow in the first quarter as well as the receipt of more than $2 billion in cash proceeds and payments related to previously announced transactions.
Mo., 10.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Tomorrow, AT&T's chief financial officer will participate in a fireside chat where he will discuss the Company's multi-year strategic growth plan.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T is embarking on a multi-year strategic growth plan that centers around putting customers first and continued network investment.AT&T continues to make progress on becoming the best connectivity provider in America and remains on track to meet all of the financial and operational guidance and capital allocation plans shared during its fourth quarter 2024 earnings conference call and its 2024 Analyst & Investor Day.AT&T expects to report strong free cash flow in the first quarter as well as the receipt of more than $2 billion in cash proceeds and payments related to previously announced transactions.
Di., 04.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, AT&T's chairman and chief executive officer participated in a fireside chat where he discussed the Company's multi-year strategic growth plan.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T is embarking on a multi-year strategic growth plan that centers around putting customers first and continued network investment.AT&T continues to make progress on becoming the best connectivity provider in America and remains on track to meet all of the financial and operational guidance shared during its fourth quarter 2024 earnings conference call and its 2024 Analyst & Investor Day.
Di., 04.03.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, March 4, 2025 /CNW/ -- Today, AT&T's chairman and chief executive officer participated in a fireside chat where he discussed the Company's multi-year strategic growth plan.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T is embarking on a multi-year strategic growth plan that centers around putting customers first and continued network investment.AT&T continues to make progress on becoming the best connectivity provider in America and remains on track to meet all of the financial and operational guidance shared during its fourth quarter 2024 earnings conference call and its 2024 Analyst & Investor Day.
Di., 18.02.2025       AT&T

In the news release, AT&T to Webcast Fireside Chats with CEO & CFO at Upcoming Analyst & Investor Conferences, issued 18-Feb-2025 by AT&T over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the first bullet of the "Upcoming analyst & investor conference schedule" section should read "8:05 a.m. ET" rather than "7:30 a.m. ET" as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:

AT&T to Webcast Fireside Chats with CEO & CFO at Upcoming Analyst & Investor Conferences

DALLAS, Feb. 18, 2025 /CNW/ -- Tune in to upcoming fireside chats with John Stankey and Pascal Desroches that will be webcast live and available for replay.

Di., 18.02.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Feb. 18, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Tune in to upcoming fireside chats with John Stankey and Pascal Desroches that will be webcast live and available for replay.

Key Takeaways:

AT&T to webcast fireside chat with CEO, John Stankey, at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference on March 4.AT&T to webcast fireside chats with CFO, Pascal Desroches, at the Barclays Communication and Content Symposium on Feb. 25 and at the Deutsche Bank Media, Internet & Telecom Conference on March 11.AT&T remains on track to meet all of the 2025 and multi-year financial and operational guidance shared during its fourth quarter 2024 earnings call and at its 2024 Analyst & Investor Day.
Fr., 14.02.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Feb. 14, 2025 /CNW/ -- AT&T (NYSE:T) announced on February 14, 2025 that its directors have unanimously elected John Stankey to the role of Board Chair. Stankey succeeds William E. Kennard, who was elected Lead Independent Director.

"As AT&T embarks on its comprehensive, Board-approved three-year strategic and capital allocation plan, this change provides the right governance structure for the Board," said Bill Kennard, outgoing Chair and incoming Lead Independent Director of AT&T. "This will increase our governance agility and enhance our ability to seize opportunities to create long-term shareholder value while maintaining robust independent leadership of the Board."

Fr., 14.02.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Feb. 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T (NYSE:T) announced on February 14, 2025 that its directors have unanimously elected John Stankey to the role of Board Chair. Stankey succeeds William E. Kennard, who was elected Lead Independent Director.

"As AT&T embarks on its comprehensive, Board-approved three-year strategic and capital allocation plan, this change provides the right governance structure for the Board," said Bill Kennard, outgoing Chair and incoming Lead Independent Director of AT&T. "This will increase our governance agility and enhance our ability to seize opportunities to create long-term shareholder value while maintaining robust independent leadership of the Board."

Mo., 27.01.2025       AT&T

Company meets all 2024 consolidated financial guidance and reiterates full-year 2025 and long-term financial and operational guidance

Continued customer-centric and investment-led approach bolsters customer additions, increases convergence penetration and drives expected full-year industry-leading postpaid phone churn

DALLAS, Jan. 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) reported strong fourth-quarter and full-year results that showcased solid momentum in gaining and retaining profitable 5G and fiber subscribers. The Company met all 2024 consolidated financial guidance and reiterates all financial and operational guidance for 2025 and beyond that was shared at its recent Analyst & Investor Day.

Mo., 27.01.2025       AT&T

Company meets all 2024 consolidated financial guidance and reiterates full-year 2025 and long-term financial and operational guidance

Continued customer-centric and investment-led approach bolsters customer additions, increases convergence penetration and drives expected full-year industry-leading postpaid phone churn

DALLAS, Jan. 27, 2025 /CNW/ -- AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) reported strong fourth-quarter and full-year results that showcased solid momentum in gaining and retaining profitable 5G and fiber subscribers. The Company met all 2024 consolidated financial guidance and reiterates all financial and operational guidance for 2025 and beyond that was shared at its recent Analyst & Investor Day.

Fr., 24.01.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Jan. 24, 2025 /CNW/ -- Pioneering transaction monetizes properties with development potential, reduces operating expenses, and provides revenue sharing

Key Takeaways:

Unlocks value in company-owned properties originally constructed for legacy network equipmentAT&T realizes more than $850 million in upfront cash proceeds from the asset transfer of 74 properties located across the countryUnique deal structure preserves the necessary infrastructure requirements to keep the network running smoothly, plus participation in future revenue generated from redevelopment
Fr., 24.01.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Jan. 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Pioneering transaction monetizes properties with development potential, reduces operating expenses, and provides revenue sharing

Key Takeaways:

Unlocks value in company-owned properties originally constructed for legacy network equipmentAT&T realizes more than $850 million in upfront cash proceeds from the asset transfer of 74 properties located across the countryUnique deal structure preserves the necessary infrastructure requirements to keep the network running smoothly, plus participation in future revenue generated from redevelopment
Mi., 08.01.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The AT&T Guarantee will set a new bar in customer experience covering network, customer care and offers for consumers & small businesses

Key Takeaways: 

AT&T is leveling up the industry with a bold guarantee to our customers, promising an elevated experience focused on connectivity they can depend on, deals they want, and the prompt, friendly service they deserve. All guaranteed, or we make it right.We're the first and only carrier to launch a customer guarantee for both its wireless and fiber networks – and across both consumers and small businesses – because we are dedicated to connecting our customers at work, at home and on the go.The customer is at the center of every decision, innovation, and connection we make, and we are committed to taking action and continuously improving our customer experiences.
Mi., 08.01.2025       AT&T

DALLAS, Jan. 8, 2025 /CNW/ -- The AT&T Guarantee will set a new bar in customer experience covering network, customer care and offers for consumers & small businesses

Key Takeaways: 

AT&T is leveling up the industry with a bold guarantee to our customers, promising an elevated experience focused on connectivity they can depend on, deals they want, and the prompt, friendly service they deserve. All guaranteed, or we make it right.We're the first and only carrier to launch a customer guarantee for both its wireless and fiber networks – and across both consumers and small businesses – because we are dedicated to connecting our customers at work, at home and on the go.The customer is at the center of every decision, innovation, and connection we make, and we are committed to taking action and continuously improving our customer experiences.
Di., 07.01.2025       AT&T

AT&T is the leading NG911 Service Provider in the United States with direct contracts covering a population of over 80 million and a market share of approximately 30%.

SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan recently researched the next-generation 911 market and, based on its analysis, recognizes AT&T with the 2024 US Market Leadership Award, for the sixth consecutive year. The company's comprehensive and transformational approach to public safety enhances situational awareness, expands incident intelligence, and dramatically improves outcomes during critical events. In particular, the convergence of FirstNet® with AT&T's Emergency Services IP Network (AT&T ESInet™) enables an ecosystem where citizens and connected assets can send IP-based communications to emergency call centers (ECCs) that can efficiently consolidate and forward this information to the appropriate first responders, dramatically improving emergency response efforts. The AT&T ESInet™ service model has been in production since 2018, and it provides a nationally distributed, geographically diverse, and redundant service architecture designed to enhance the customer service experience. AT&T has a nationwide network of data centers co-located with existing 911 databases across the United States that provide pre-deployed call processing. As a pre-built, 12 core national solution, the architecture is unique from competitive offerings and allows ECCs to manage unexpected call volumes by automatically redistributing calls to neighboring ECCs.

Di., 07.01.2025       AT&T

AT&T is the leading NG911 Service Provider in the United States with direct contracts covering a population of over 80 million and a market share of approximately 30%.

SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan recently researched the next-generation 911 market and, based on its analysis, recognizes AT&T with the 2024 US Market Leadership Award, for the sixth consecutive year. The company's comprehensive and transformational approach to public safety enhances situational awareness, expands incident intelligence, and dramatically improves outcomes during critical events. In particular, the convergence of FirstNet® with AT&T's Emergency Services IP Network (AT&T ESInet™) enables an ecosystem where citizens and connected assets can send IP-based communications to emergency call centers (ECCs) that can efficiently consolidate and forward this information to the appropriate first responders, dramatically improving emergency response efforts. The AT&T ESInet™ service model has been in production since 2018, and it provides a nationally distributed, geographically diverse, and redundant service architecture designed to enhance the customer service experience. AT&T has a nationwide network of data centers co-located with existing 911 databases across the United States that provide pre-deployed call processing. As a pre-built, 12 core national solution, the architecture is unique from competitive offerings and allows ECCs to manage unexpected call volumes by automatically redistributing calls to neighboring ECCs.

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