NEW YORK, March 13, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Monteverde & Associates PC (the "M&A Class Action Firm"), has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders and is recognized as a Top 50 Firm by ISS Securities Class Action Services Report. We are headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City and are investigating:
Accolade, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACCD), relating to the proposed merger with Transcarent. Under the terms of the agreement, Transcarent will acquire Accolade for $7.03 per share in cash.Partnership increases access to specialized, whole-person clinical care for people managing digestive health conditions
SEATTLE, March 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) has partnered with Oshi Health, a leading virtual clinic specializing in gastrointestinal (GI) conditions that delivers convenient, accessible, whole-person care through a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach. This partnership adds to Accolade's existing GI health partnership with Cylinder and reinforces Accolade's commitment to delivering best-in-class health solutions to customers and their employee and member populations.
NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Monteverde & Associates PC (the "M&A Class Action Firm"), has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders and is recognized as a Top 50 Firm by ISS Securities Class Action Services Report. We are headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City and are investigating:
Yotta Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: YOTA), relating to its proposed merger with DRIVEiT Financial Auto Group, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, DRIVEiT securityholders are expected to own approximately 78.4% of the combined company.
NEW YORK, Feb. 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Monteverde & Associates PC (the "M&A Class Action Firm"), has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders and is recognized as a Top 50 Firm by ISS Securities Class Action Services Report. We are headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City and are investigating:
Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: KAVL), relating to its proposed merger with Delta Corp Holdings Limited. Under the terms of the agreement, shareholders of Kaival Brands will receive 1 share of Delta for each share of Kaival Brands common stock they own, and are anticipated to own approximately 10.30% of the combined company.Effort broadens healthcare access and removes barriers to primary care and weight management services
SEATTLE, Feb. 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Accolade, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACCD) announced that its direct-to-consumer virtual healthcare offering, PlushCare, is now accepting Medicare Part B, expanding care access to 64 million beneficiaries across all 50 states. PlushCare offers quality primary care, clinical weight management services, and mental health support from leading providers. This expansion enhances accessibility and convenience for older adults and younger individuals with disabilities or chronic conditions, empowering them to manage their health better and improve their quality of life. Through PlushCare, beneficiaries can now access a broader range of convenient healthcare services from the comfort of their homes.
NEW YORK, Jan. 13, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Halper Sadeh LLC, an investor rights law firm, is investigating the following companies for potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties to shareholders relating to:
Accolade, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACCD)'s sale to Transcarent for $7.03 per share in cash. If you are an Accolade shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Rowley Law PLLC is investigating potential securities law violations by Accolade (NASDAQ: ACCD) and its board of directors concerning the proposed acquisition of the company by Transcarent. Stockholders will receive $7.03 for each share of Accolade stock that they hold. The transaction is valued at approximately $621 million and is expected to close in the second quarter of 2025.
If you are a stockholder of Accolade and are interested in obtaining additional information regarding this investigation, please visit us at: You may also contact Shane Rowley, Esq. at Rowley Law PLLC, 50 Main Street Suite 1000, White Plains, NY 10606, by email at, or by telephone at 914-400-1920 or 844-400-4643 (toll-free).
NEW YORK, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Monteverde & Associates PC (the "M&A Class Action Firm"), has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders and is recognized as a Top 50 Firm by ISS Securities Class Action Services Report. We are headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City and are investigating Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD), relating to the proposed merger with Transcarent. Under the terms of the agreement, Transcarent will acquire Accolade for $7.03 per share in cash.
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Partnership will drive cost savings for customers while providing high-touch services that improve health outcomes to members with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
SEATTLE, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) today announced that Renalogic, the recognized industry leader that manages the human and financial costs of chronic kidney disease (CKD) for self-insured employers and their members, will join the company's Trusted Partner Ecosystem, to offer its proven CKD risk management and dialysis cost containment solutions.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Celeste Health Solutions (Celeste), a new company that will focus on merging the power of data insights, technology and personalized health management, is being introduced to the market to simplify healthcare access for employees while also easing the burden for employers.
According to Bryan Dorathy, Celeste's Vice President of Innovation, Celeste will appeal to employers who want to see their employees' health improve while also helping them better navigate the healthcare system. Often, employers offer a variety of health solutions that may address areas like diabetes management, mental health, or digestive issues, but the employee is not aware of how to best engage with the solution.
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