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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GICS: 40203020 · Sektor: Financial Services · Sub-Sektor: Financial - Capital Markets
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Fr., 18.10.2024       Goldman Sachs

CEO and Co-Founder Tony Smith Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at 2024 Builders and Innovators Summit

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) is recognizing Restaurant365 CEO and Co-Founder Tony Smith as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California.

Goldman Sachs selected Smith from multiple industries to be honored at the two-day event.

Do., 17.10.2024       Goldman Sachs

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Augusto Marietti, the CEO and co-founder of Kong Inc., a leading developer of cloud API technologies, was recognized once again by Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California. Goldman Sachs selected Mr. Marietti from multiple industries to be honored at the two-day event.

Mo., 07.10.2024       Goldman Sachs

Strategic investment from Goldman Sachs Alternatives and additional credit facility commitments fortify BrightNight's standing as a leading U.S. renewable power platform.

NEW YORK, Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BrightNight, the next-generation renewable power producer built to deliver clean and dispatchable power solutions, today announced the successful closing of a $440 million strategic equity investment from Goldman Sachs Alternatives.

Do., 18.07.2024       Goldman Sachs

Betterment to Personalize Strategies for Investors Seeking After-Tax Yield

NEW YORK, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Betterment and Goldman Sachs Asset Management are excited to announce the launch of the Goldman Sachs Tax-Smart Bonds portfolio. This industry-first portfolio leverages Goldman Sachs' expertise in bond markets and Betterment's automation. The portfolio seeks to generate after-tax yield.

Di., 09.07.2024       Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs to acquire majority stake from Providence Equity Partners and other existing investors

TAIT management team to continue leading company and remain significant shareholders

LITITZ, Pa., July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TAIT, a global leader in live experiences, today announced that the Private Equity business at Goldman Sachs Alternatives ("Goldman Sachs") will acquire a majority stake in the company from affiliates of Providence Equity Partners ("Providence"), subject to obtaining customary regulatory approvals. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Di., 09.07.2024       Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs to acquire majority stake from Providence Equity Partners and other existing investors

TAIT management team to continue leading company and remain significant shareholders

LITITZ, Pa., July 9, 2024 /CNW/ -- TAIT, a global leader in live experiences, today announced that the Private Equity business at Goldman Sachs Alternatives ("Goldman Sachs") will acquire a majority stake in the company from affiliates of Providence Equity Partners ("Providence"), subject to obtaining customary regulatory approvals. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Di., 09.07.2024       Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs to acquire majority stake from Providence Equity Partners and other existing investors

TAIT management team to continue leading company and remain significant shareholders

LITITZ, Pa., July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TAIT, a global leader in live experiences, today announced that the Private Equity business at Goldman Sachs Alternatives ("Goldman Sachs") will acquire a majority stake in the company from affiliates of Providence Equity Partners ("Providence"), subject to obtaining customary regulatory approvals. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Di., 09.07.2024       Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs to acquire majority stake from Providence Equity Partners and other existing investors

TAIT management team to continue leading company and remain significant shareholders

LITITZ, Pa., July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TAIT, a global leader in live experiences, today announced that the Private Equity business at Goldman Sachs Alternatives ("Goldman Sachs") will acquire a majority stake in the company from affiliates of Providence Equity Partners ("Providence"), subject to obtaining customary regulatory approvals. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Di., 09.07.2024       Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs to acquire majority stake from Providence Equity Partners and other existing investors

TAIT management team to continue leading company and remain significant shareholders

LITITZ, Pa., July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TAIT, a global leader in live experiences, today announced that the Private Equity business at Goldman Sachs Alternatives ("Goldman Sachs") will acquire a majority stake in the company from affiliates of Providence Equity Partners ("Providence"), subject to obtaining customary regulatory approvals. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

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