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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Graphic Packaging Holding Company
GICS: - · Sektor: Consumer Cyclical · Sub-Sektor: Packaging & Containers
Graphic Packaging Holding Company
Do., 19.09.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), ("Graphic Packaging", the "Company"), a global leader in sustainable consumer packaging, will announce third quarter 2024 financial results before the market opens on Tuesday, October 29th, with a call to discuss results at 10:00 a.m. ET.

The conference call will be webcast and can be accessed from the investors section of the Graphic Packaging website at Participants may also listen via telephone by using the following dial-in numbers:

Di., 03.09.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), ("Graphic Packaging", the "Company"), a global leader in sustainable consumer packaging, today provided an update on operating conditions in the third quarter and on its full-year 2024 outlook.

During July, severe weather conditions led to modestly reduced production at two paperboard manufacturing facilities. In August, an electrical substation was damaged at a third facility, resulting in additional disruption, lost production, and restart costs. While not material individually, as a group these events and added costs are expected to reduce Adjusted EBITDA by approximately $20 million to $25 million in the third quarter. As a result, the Company now expects full-year 2024 results will fall below the midpoint of the previously announced $1,730 million to $1,830 million Adjusted EBITDA guidance range and the $2.65 to $2.85 Adjusted EPS guidance range.

Do., 22.08.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), a leading consumer packaging company, announced today that Mark W. Connelly, Senior Vice President, Investor Strategy and Development, will present at the Stifel London Industrials Summit on Wednesday, September 4th at 7:00am ET.

The discussion will be in the form of a fireside chat and will be available live and in replay via webcast and can be accessed from the Investors section of the Graphic Packaging website at

Mi., 14.08.2024       Graphic Packaging

Company advances sustainability and aspires to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050

ATLANTA, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging International, LLC, a global leader in sustainable consumer packaging, today announced its aspiration to achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050 in conjunction with the release of its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance report. The ESG report outlines the company's Better, Every Day sustainability strategy and plans for achieving its new Better by 2030 sustainability goals designed to drive more circularity in its innovative paperboard consumer packaging, support a safe and inclusive culture, and protect environmental resources.

Mo., 22.07.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK) today announced that consumer packaged goods industry executive Andy Callahan has joined its Board of Directors, as the company ushers in ambitious Vision 2030 goals announced in February. Mr. Callahan is currently a Director at Harry's Inc., a leading retail consumer products company, and over the past 29 years held executive leadership positions across the consumer packaged goods industry.

Di., 04.06.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), (the "Company"), will announce second quarter 2024 financial results before the market opens on Tuesday, July 30th, with a call to discuss results at 10:00 a.m. ET.

The conference call will be webcast and can be accessed from the investors section of the Graphic Packaging website at Participants may also listen via telephone by using the following dial-in number: +1 215-268-9905.

Di., 28.05.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), a leading consumer packaging company, announced today that Stephen R. Scherger, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, will present at the Wells Fargo Industrials Conference on Tuesday, June 11th at 2:30pm ET.

The discussion will be in the form of a fireside chat and will be available live and in replay via webcast, and can be accessed from the Investors section of the Graphic Packaging website at

Do., 23.05.2024       Graphic Packaging

ATLANTA, May 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), a leading consumer packaging company, announced today that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.10 per share of common stock to stockholders of record at the close of business on June 15, 2024. The dividend is payable on July 5, 2024.

About Graphic Packaging Holding CompanyGraphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, designs and produces consumer packaging made primarily from renewable or recycled materials. An industry leader in innovation, the Company is committed to reducing the environmental footprint of consumer packaging. Graphic Packaging operates a global network of design and manufacturing facilities serving the world's most widely recognized brands in food, beverage, foodservice, household, and other consumer products. Learn more at

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