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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Mercury General Corporation
GICS: - · Sektor: Financial Services · Sub-Sektor: Insurance - Property & Casualty
Mercury General Corporation
Di., 03.09.2024       Mercury General

Mercury's New Umbrella Insurance Better Protects Illinoisans' Personal Wealth Against Bodily Injury Claims

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Multi-vehicle crashes, dog bites or a delivery person being injured on your property are some of the unexpected events that are putting Illinoisans' personal financial health at risk. In fact, bodily injury payouts have continued to climb year over year since the start of the pandemic, with the average amount for a liability claim increasing by 35%, according to Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY). 

Di., 16.07.2024       Mercury General

Dr. Zhiyun Li will serve as the Mercury Insurance Climate Economist at UCLA Anderson Forecast, providing insight into the economic impact of climate change in California and its implications on the insurance business

LOS ANGELES, July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY), a leading provider of property and casualty insurance, has announced a strategic partnership with the UCLA Anderson Forecast to spearhead research into the growing impact and implications of climate change on the California economy. The results of the effort will help create a roadmap for California — and California-based businesses like Mercury — to support Californians living with increased risk from the impacts of extreme climate events.

Fr., 12.07.2024       Mercury General

Two Hyundai products top this year's list

LOS ANGELES, July 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Specific sedan models are once again some of the most affordable vehicles to purchase and own, according to Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY), a leading auto insurer in California. Announced today, Mercury has compiled a list of the most affordable new sedans to insure. This list was created with the goal of helping budget-conscious consumers find a vehicle that will save them money on insurance.

Di., 09.07.2024       Mercury General

LOS ANGELES, July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury General Corporation (NYSE: MCY) reported today that after the markets close on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Company will issue an earnings press release reporting its results for the second quarter of 2024, and will also file its quarterly report on Form 10-Q with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The earnings press release should be read in conjunction with the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q.

Mercury General Corporation and its subsidiaries are a multiple line insurance organization offering predominantly personal automobile and homeowners insurance through a network of independent producers and direct-to-consumer sales in many states.  For more information, visit the Company's website at

Di., 09.07.2024       Mercury General

Policyholders can report claims anytime at (800) 503-3724 or via Mercury's automated digital experience

LOS ANGELES, July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance is ready to assist policyholders who have been impacted by Hurricane Beryl in Houston, Texas. Customers can report damages and losses anytime through Mercury's claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or digitally by visiting

"We recognize that the recovery process after a hurricane such as Beryl can be a difficult and emotional time. However, the Mercury claims team is here for our Texas customers impacted by the severe weather," says Bonnie Lee, Vice President, Property Claims at Mercury Insurance.

Di., 25.06.2024       Mercury General

Chevrolet takes top two truck spots with Ford taking five spots in the top 10; Fiat is the most budget-friendly SUV to insure with Honda taking four in the top 10 

LOS ANGELES, June 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Consumers continue to gravitate toward larger vehicles as the truck and SUV segments dominate sales in the U.S., a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY), a leading personal and commercial auto insurer in California — the car capital of the U.S. — and provider of auto insurance in 10 other states, has generated a list of the most affordable new SUVs and trucks to help car buyers find a vehicle that will save them money on insurance.

Do., 20.06.2024       Mercury General

Company Continues Long-Standing Support of Live Music with New Venue Sponsorship

LOS ANGELES, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY), a longtime supporter of live music, will be amping up the summer concertgoing experience at the North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre (NICUA) in San Diego. Music lovers will have more than just music to enjoy during NICUA concerts, with fan experiences designed to excite the eyes as well as the ears.

"Seeing your favorite artist live is an incredible experience, and we wanted to help make each show a night to remember for Mercury customers and music fans from all walks of life," said Erik Thompson, VP & CMO of Mercury Insurance. "We've created some amazing experiences that will help San Diego music lovers forge unforgettable memories with family and friends this summer."

Mi., 12.06.2024       Mercury General

Award Recognizes Mercury's Commitment to its Employees' Mental Health

LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance has been named by Newsweek, in conjunction with market data research firm Plant-A Insights, as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Mental Wellbeing 2024. This is the first year Newsweek is offering the award, and only 15 non-health-related insurance carriers were selected out of 750 businesses recognized.

"We continue to be humbled and honored by the recognition our employee care and empowerment actions have received," stated Heidi Lopez, Vice President, Chief Human Capital Officer for Mercury. "Our employees have access to a great number of resources and programs designed to promote positive mental well-being. The Mercury team is a community, and we will always strive to provide the best services and tools to support the mental and physical health of our employees." 

Do., 06.06.2024       Mercury General

Vigilance and Detailed Documentation are Key Prevention Measures

LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- While inflation continues to drive up home and auto insurance costs, fraud is a hidden culprit contributing to the hikes. Whether you're an actual victim of insurance fraud or simply an active policyholder, the reality is that insurance fraud impacts everyone. And as the frequency and complexity of fraudulent activities increase, so does the cost of insurance for all policyholders.

What exactly is insurance fraud? It's a deliberately deceptive act with the goal of receiving a wrongful payout from an insurance process. It can be committed by applicants, policyholders, third parties or even the insurance providers themselves — and it affects virtually every type of insurance including auto and homeowners.

Mi., 29.05.2024       Mercury General

Mercury policyholders can report claims anytime at (800) 503-3724

LOS ANGELES, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance policyholders who have been impacted by recent heavy storms in Texas and Oklahoma can report damages and losses through Mercury's claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or digitally by visiting

"We recognize that the recovery process after a storm can be a difficult and emotional time. However, the Mercury claims team is here for our Texas and Oklahoma customers impacted by the severe weather," says Bonnie Lee, Vice President, Property Claims at Mercury Insurance.

Mi., 29.05.2024       Mercury General

Mercury policyholders can report claims anytime at (800) 503-3724

LOS ANGELES, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance policyholders who have been impacted by recent heavy storms in Texas and Oklahoma can report damages and losses through Mercury's claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or digitally by visiting

"We recognize that the recovery process after a storm can be a difficult and emotional time. However, the Mercury claims team is here for our Texas and Oklahoma customers impacted by the severe weather," says Bonnie Lee, Vice President, Property Claims at Mercury Insurance.

Di., 28.05.2024       Mercury General

Mercury's new umbrella insurance better protects Oklahomans' personal wealth against bodily injury claims

LOS ANGELES, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Multi-vehicle crashes, dog bites or a delivery person being injured on your property are some of the unexpected events that are putting Oklahomans' personal financial health at risk. In fact, bodily injury payouts continue to climb year over year since the pandemic started, with the average amount for a liability claim increasing by 35%, according to Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY). 

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