The shared platform will enable greater collaboration and improve the safety of communities
LONDON, Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.K. fire and rescue services (FRSs) Hereford and Worcester FRS, Shropshire FRS, Cleveland Fire Brigade and Country Durham & Darlington FRS have selected Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) to deploy a new Control Room Solution (CRS) utilising a shared control room platform to allow the four control rooms to work independently as well as a collaborative services hub. The new solution integrates workflows from initial call taking to dispatch, into an intuitive and unified response system. It will standardise data and processes and provide control room staff with the ability to more quickly respond to incidents and be able to scale operations and capabilities in times of high demand.
New video technology delivers real-time footage and alerts officers to critical events happening around them
LONDON, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) today announced that Lancashire Police will deploy the M500 in-car video solution across its entire fleet of vehicles. The new video solution observes the vehicle's environment from multiple viewpoints to provide officers with real-time awareness of their surroundings, whilst capturing video evidence that can provide accurate incident documentation to aid investigations.
New response system helps streamlining workflows, strengthening resilience and improving safety for more than 1 million people in Northeast England
LONDON, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service has announced that it is strengthening its emergency response capabilities through a cloud-hosted Control Room Solution (CRS) from Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI). This move will foster digitalisation, streamline workflows and offer the agency the ability to better scale operations in critical situations such as flooding and wildfires, which have increased in frequency in the U.K. in recent years.
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