Collaboration Aims to Fuel the Next Generation of Big 12 Athletes through Safer Sports Access
KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Phillips 66® is proud to announce that they will be contributing $100,000 towards revamping the basketball courts in the Parade Park community in Kansas City, Mo. This year's Big 12 Basketball Tournament marked the 36th consecutive year Phillips 66® has served as a tournament partner and the 15th consecutive year the tournament has been held in Kansas City, with the Big 12 recently announcing the tournament will be held in Kansas City through 2031. The Parade Park project marks an elevated brand commitment to the local community and to accessibility to sport for all athletes.
Campaign to Serve as Catalyst for 2024 Promotions and Brand Activations
HOUSTON, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Phillips 66® is excited to announce the launch of its GO GO GO™ branded fuels campaign that offers a variety of benefits for consumers, including discounts at the pump. The campaign aims to highlight the different ways that Phillips 66®, Conoco®, and 76® fuel consumers' GO beyond just their vehicles.
Dustin Lynch takes center stage before the highly anticipated final Big 12 rivalry game between The University of Oklahoma at Oklahoma State University
STILLWATER, Okla., Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As the college football season reaches its peak, Phillips 66® proudly sponsors the Bedlam Series, with the game being the final Big 12 tussle between Oklahoma and Oklahoma State due to conference re-alignment.
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