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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Prudential Financial, Inc.
GICS: 40301020 · Sektor: Financial Services · Sub-Sektor: Insurance—Life
Prudential Financial, Inc.
Do., 25.04.2024       Prudential Financial

The five grand prize winners were among 25 students recognized for their work addressing the challenges of a changing world and honored this week by co-anchor of NBC's "Today" show, Hoda Kotb, and Prudential Chairman and CEO Charles Lowrey.

NEWARK, N.J., April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Twenty-five outstanding young people were honored this week by the Prudential Emerging Visionaries program for their initiatives to address pressing financial and societal issues. 

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Cincinnati student will receive a $5,000 award and an invitation to the 2024 summit for her work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Angelina DiPaola, 18, of Cincinnati, today was named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for her inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

As one of 25 Prudential Emerging Visionary winners, Angelina will receive a $5,000 award to help take her innovation to the next level. She is also invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to Prudential's headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, where she will be coached by Prudential employees and have the chance to meet other young leaders.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Buffalo and Pittsford students will receive $5,000 awards and invitations to the 2024 summit for their work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sunya Afrasiabi, 17, of Buffalo, and OlaRose Ndubuisi, 16, of Pittsford, today were each named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for their inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Stonecrest student will receive a $5,000 award and an invitation to the 2024 summit for his work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caden Harris, 14, of Stonecrest, today was named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for his inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

As one of 25 Prudential Emerging Visionary winners, Caden will receive a $5,000 award to help take his innovation to the next level. He is also invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to Prudential's headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, where he will be coached by Prudential employees and have the chance to meet other young leaders.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Moodus and Farmington students will receive a $5,000 award and invitations to the 2024 summit for their work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jonathan De Caro, 16, of Moodus, and Sreenidi Bala, 16, of Farmington, today were named 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionaries for their inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Sewickley and Downingtown students will receive $5,000 awards and invitations to the 2024 summit for their work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sebastian Tan, 16, of Sewickley, and Yaduraj Choudhary, 17, of Downingtown, today were each named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for their inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Winterville student will receive a $5,000 award and an invitation to the 2024 summit for his work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Michael Brode, 17, of Winterville, today was named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for his inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

As one of 25 Prudential Emerging Visionary winners, Michael will receive a $5,000 award to help take his innovation to the next level. He is also invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to Prudential's headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, where he will be coached by Prudential employees and have the chance to meet other young leaders.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Nolanville and Houston students will receive $5,000 awards and invitations to the 2024 summit for their work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Donte Jennings, 17, of Nolanville, and Saheb Nibber, 17, of Houston, today were each named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for their inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Nashville student will receive a $5,000 award and an invitation to the 2024 summit for his work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Saawan Duvvuri, 16, of Nashville, today was named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for his inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

As one of 25 Prudential Emerging Visionary winners, Saawan will receive a $5,000 award to help take his innovation to the next level. He is also invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to Prudential's headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, where he will be coached by Prudential employees and have the chance to meet other young leaders.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Falls Church student will receive a $5,000 award and an invitation to the 2024 summit for his work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Preston Lieu, 17, of Falls Church, today was named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for his inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

As one of 25 Prudential Emerging Visionary winners, Preston will receive a $5,000 award to help take his innovation to the next level. He is also invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to Prudential's headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, where he will be coached by Prudential employees and have the chance to meet other young leaders.

Di., 13.02.2024       Prudential Financial

Englewood and Matawan students will receive $5,000 awards and invitations to the 2024 summit for their work addressing the challenges of a changing world.

NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Marie Dillard, 18, of Englewood, and Anika Dugal, 17, of Matawan, today were each named a 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionary for their inspiring commitment to improving the lives of others.

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