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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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Stewart Information Services Corporation
GICS: 40301040 · Sektor: Financial Services · Sub-Sektor: Insurance—Property & Casualty
Stewart Information Services Corporation
Mo., 02.12.2024       Stewart Information

HOUSTON, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) today announced that its Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.50 per share for the fourth quarter 2024, payable December 30, 2024, to common stockholders of record on December 16, 2024.

About StewartStewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) is a global real estate services company, offering products and services through our direct operations, network of Stewart Trusted Providers™ and family of companies. From residential and commercial title insurance and closing and settlement services to specialized offerings for the mortgage industry, we offer the comprehensive service, deep expertise and solutions our customers need for any real estate transaction. Learn more at ST-IR

Mi., 23.10.2024       Stewart Information

Total revenues of $667.9 million ($663.2 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $601.7 million ($603.7 million on an adjusted basis) in the prior year quarterNet income of $30.1 million ($33.1 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $14.0 million ($23.9 million on an adjusted basis) in the prior year quarter Diluted earnings per share of $1.07 ($1.17 on an adjusted basis) compared to prior year diluted EPS of $0.51 ($0.86 on an adjusted basis)

HOUSTON, Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE: STC) today reported net income attributable to Stewart of $30.1 million ($1.07 per diluted share) for the third quarter 2024, compared to $14.0 million ($0.51 per diluted share) for the third quarter 2023. On an adjusted basis, third quarter 2024 net income was $33.1 million ($1.17 per diluted share) compared to $23.9 million ($0.86 per diluted share) in the third quarter 2023. Pretax income before noncontrolling interests for the third quarter 2024 was $42.8 million ($46.8 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $27.1 million ($40.0 million on an adjusted basis) for the third quarter 2023.

Mi., 23.10.2024       Stewart Information

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cloudvirga, a leading provider of digital mortgage point-of-sale platforms, today announced the findings of a consumer survey that highlighted the increasing digitalization of the front-end of the mortgage origination process and growing homebuyer expectations for an even more automated, digital experience.

The survey asked recent homeowners, the majority of whom were first-time buyers, a series of questions about their experience during the mortgage application and closing process, including their perceptions on the use of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and automated communications. The survey found that the majority of participants expressed overall satisfaction with the digital experience provided by lenders and would expect even more automation with their next mortgage transaction.

Di., 03.09.2024       Stewart Information

HOUSTON, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) today announced a dividend increase that reflects the company's continuing commitment to return capital to its shareholders.

The Stewart Board of Directors has approved an increase in the Company's annual cash dividend from $1.90 to $2.00 per share, beginning with the third quarterly payment of 2024 of $0.50 per share, payable September 30, 2024, to common stockholders of record on September 16, 2024.

Di., 13.08.2024       Stewart Information

IRVINE, Calif., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cloudvirga, a leading provider of digital mortgage point-of-sale platforms, announced today that it has formed a dynamic advisory panel that will be an open-forum industry group to explore industry and technical issues, test-drive solutions and contribute to ongoing research. The Cloudvirga Advisory Panel includes both clients and non-clients and is open to mortgage lending professionals. It will host monthly virtual meetings for the ongoing initiatives.

Mi., 24.07.2024       Stewart Information

Total revenues of $602.2 million ($602.7 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $549.2 million ($550.3 million on an adjusted basis) in the prior year quarterNet income of $17.3 million ($25.4 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $15.8 million ($25.8 million on an adjusted basis) in the prior year quarter Diluted earnings per share of $0.62 ($0.91 on an adjusted basis) compared to prior year diluted EPS of $0.58 ($0.94 on an adjusted basis)

HOUSTON, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE: STC) today reported net income attributable to Stewart of $17.3 million ($0.62 per diluted share) for the second quarter 2024, compared to $15.8 million ($0.58 per diluted share) for the second quarter 2023. On an adjusted basis, second quarter 2024 net income was $25.4 million ($0.91 per diluted share) compared to $25.8 million ($0.94 per diluted share) in the second quarter 2023. Pretax income before noncontrolling interests for the second quarter 2024 was $29.0 million ($39.6 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $25.2 million ($38.3 million on an adjusted basis) for the second quarter 2023.

Mo., 03.06.2024       Stewart Information

HOUSTON, June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) today announced that its Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.475 per share for the second quarter 2024, payable June 28, 2024, to common stockholders of record on June 17, 2024.

About StewartStewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) is a global real estate services company, offering products and services through our direct operations, network of Stewart Trusted Providers™ and family of companies. From residential and commercial title insurance and closing and settlement services to specialized offerings for the mortgage industry, we offer the comprehensive service, deep expertise and solutions our customers need for any real estate transaction. Learn more at ST-IR

Mi., 24.04.2024       Stewart Information

Total revenues of $554.3 million ($547.3 million on an adjusted basis) compared to $524.3 million ($526.1 million on an adjusted basis) in the prior year quarterNet income of $3.1 million ($4.6 million on an adjusted basis) compared to net loss of $8.2 million (net income of $0.2 million on an adjusted basis) in the prior year quarter Diluted earnings per share of $0.11 ($0.17 on an adjusted basis) compared to prior year quarter loss per diluted share of $0.30 ($0.01 earnings per share on an adjusted basis)
Di., 12.03.2024       Stewart Information

IRVINE, Calif., March 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cloudvirga, a leading provider of digital mortgage point-of-sale platforms, announced today that it has expanded its integration with Informative Research, a leading technology platform that delivers data-driven solutions to the lending community. Through the expanded integration, originators on Cloudvirga's Horizon Platform and Horizon TPO can now access Informative Research's Verification of Employment (VOE) and Verification of Income (VOI) data and analytics.

Fr., 01.03.2024       Stewart Information

HOUSTON, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) today announced that its Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.475 per share for the first quarter 2024, payable March 28, 2024, to common stockholders of record on March 15, 2024.

About Stewart Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) is a global real estate services company, offering products and services through our direct operations, network of Stewart Trusted Providers™ and family of companies. From residential and commercial title insurance and closing and settlement services to specialized offerings for the mortgage industry, we offer the comprehensive service, deep expertise and solutions our customers need for any real estate transaction. Learn more at ST-IR

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