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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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XTI Aerospace Inc
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XTI Aerospace Inc
Mo., 21.10.2024       XTI Aerospace

Podcast to Deliver Insights on Aviation Innovations for Industry Professionals and Investors in Transportation/Infrastructure Transformation

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XTI Aerospace, Inc. (NASDAQ: XTIA) ("XTI Aerospace" or the "Company") today announced that it will be a founding sponsor and partner in Hangar X Studios, a podcast focusing on the cutting-edge world of aviation. The Hangar X Studios show will be available on all major podcast platforms, and episodes will drop weekly. To experience the first episodes, and for more information, visit

Do., 10.10.2024       XTI Aerospace

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XTI Aerospace, Inc. (NASDAQ: XTIA) ("XTI" or the "Company"), an aerospace company developing the revolutionary TriFan 600 aircraft, today announced the release of software version 1.9 of its proprietary Flight Transition Simulator. This advanced simulator is designed to optimize flight transitions from vertical-lift flight to wing-borne flight and vice versa for the TriFan 600 vertical lift crossover airplane. The latest update includes the addition of One-Engine-Inop (OEI) capability, a crucial feature that simulates engine-out scenarios at specific points during takeoff.

Mo., 23.09.2024       XTI Aerospace

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --XTI Aerospace, Inc. (NASDAQ: XTIA) ("XTI" or the "Company") today announced the appointment of Tobin Arthur as Chief Strategy Officer, effective as of September 19, 2024. In this new role, Mr. Arthur will help guide the Company's vision and oversee its sales, marketing, and investor relations.

Tobin Arthur brings over thirty years of experience in helping companies develop and implement corporate strategies focused on innovation. Early in his career, he helped Starbucks Coffee bring disruptive innovation to the market as it became a rapidly growing public company. After his time at Starbucks, Mr. Arthur shifted his focus to the healthcare sector, where he spent the last decade building companies such as CureUs and AngelMD. CureUs, later acquired by Springer Nature, is a pioneering medical publishing platform that allows authors to retain their copyrights while making medical science more accessible. AngelMD is a large online community that connects thousands of startups with clinicians and investors.

Mi., 11.09.2024       XTI Aerospace

Michael Tapp Named Advisory Board Chairman and Senior Advisor

Newly Formed Advisory Board to Help Evaluate Strategic Opportunities

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XTI Aerospace, Inc. (NASDAQ: XTIA) today announced formation of the XTI Corporate Advisory Board and the appointment of Michael Tapp as its Chairman. Mr. Tapp is an operating partner for Palingen Capital, an evergreen holding company that acquires lower middle market businesses from legacy-minded owners.  Mr. Tapp will also serve as a Senior Advisor to the Company. 

Mi., 14.08.2024       XTI Aerospace

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XTI Aerospace, Inc. (NASDAQ: XTIA) ("XTI Aerospace" or the "Company") today announces a business update and the filing of its quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.

"We continue to advance the development of the TriFan 600, a fixed-wing, vertical lift crossover aircraft uniquely designed to meet the needs of the evolving aviation industry and its customers," said Scott Pomeroy, CEO of XTI Aerospace. "In the second quarter, XTI Aerospace and AVX Aircraft Company ("AVX"), a leader in advanced vertical lift solutions, announced the signing of a letter of intent, and are currently progressing towards a definitive agreement, whereby AVX's experienced engineers will provide design, development and certification services to XTI Aerospace, reducing overall commercialization costs and potentially accelerating the timeline to first flight."

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