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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
Mo., 10.06.2024       Mondi

Mondi plc

Incorporated in England and Wales

Registered number: 6209386

LEI: 213800LOZA69QFDC9N34

LSE share code: MNDI   ISIN: GB00BMWC6P49

JSE share code: MNP



10 June 2024


Regulatory Report on Payments to Governments in respect of Logging Industries for the Year 2023


This report of payments to governments is made by Mondi plc and its subsidiary undertakings (`Mondi') for the year ended 31 December 2023 as required by companies in the extractive and logging industries of their payments to governments in countries in which they operate.

The report is prepared in compliance with the UK's Report on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014 (as amended in December 2015) (the `Regulation') and in accordance with DTR 4.3A of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the UK Financial Conduct Authority.

To read details of Mondi's payments to governments go to



Basis of preparation


The application of the Regulation for Mondi relates to logging activities and specifically to the disclosure of payments to governments relating to the logging of primary forests.

We have used the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations definition of `primary forest' being:


`Naturally regenerated forest of native tree species, where there are no clearly visible indications of human activities and the ecological processes are not significantly disturbed'.


Also, for the purposes of this report, the original `IFL 2000' (Greenpeace, World Resources Institute (WRI) and Transparent World) inventory of intact forests has been used as the base for reporting on the harvesting of primary forests in the Komi Republic, Russia (`Komi').


Only a portion of the Syktyvkar logging operations in Komi fall within the above definition of primary forests. Mondi is required to report for the period during 2023 until the sale of Syktyvkar was completed on 4 October. Our operations in South Africa comprise plantation forests that are not associated with any primary forests and therefore are excluded from the report.


 Exchange rate


Payments made in currencies other than the euro (Mondi Group's reporting currency) are translated for this report using the average exchange rate during the financial year to which it relates.



Government Report


Production entitlement





Licence fees, etc

Infrastructure improvements












Projects Report


Production entitlement





Licence fees, etc

Infrastructure improvements


JSC Mondi Syktyvkar1






















 1 This covers the period up to 4 October 2023, being the date on which the sale of Syktyvkar was completed. Prior to this, the Group's operations in Russia, including Syktyvkar, had been classified as discontinued operations and reported as held for sale.


The report has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at:




Mondi Group


Fiona Lawrence       +44 742 587 8683

Group Head of Investor Relations


Kerry Cooper       +44 788 145 5806

Mondi Group Communication Director




About Mondi

Mondi is a global leader in packaging and paper, contributing to a better world by producing products that are sustainable by design. We employ 22,000 people in more than 30 countries and operate an integrated business with expertise spanning the entire value chain, enabling us to offer our customers a broad range of innovative solutions for consumer and industrial end-use applications. Sustainability is at the centre of our strategy, with our ambitious commitments to 2030 focused on circular driven solutions, created by empowered people, taking action on climate.

In 2023, Mondi had revenues of €7.3 billion and underlying EBITDA of €1.2 billion. Mondi has a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange (MNDI), where the Group is a FTSE100 constituent, and also has a secondary listing on the JSE Limited (MNP).

Sponsor in South Africa: Merrill Lynch South Africa Proprietary Limited t/a BofA Securities.


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