Two-decade commitment to building a better tomorrow by supporting the underrepresented and underserved communities of India
CHENNAI, India, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) today announced it is commemorating the upcoming 20th anniversary of Cognizant Foundation India. Since its inception, Cognizant Foundation India has partnered with over 300 non-profit organizations across the subcontinent and successfully implemented more than 600 projects, which have positively impacted millions of economically and socially disadvantaged people across India. Cognizant Foundation India's initiatives are dedicated to making a meaningful impact for individuals and communities in India and working towards a brighter tomorrow by focusing on empowering people with disabilities, promoting holistic child development and fostering gender equality. These programs have evolved and expanded to meet societal needs and are often supported by Cognizant Outreach volunteers who provide their time, talent, and technology to make a difference. Recent Cognizant Foundation India efforts have centered around Health4All and Future4All - with projects dedicated to enabling access to quality health, inclusive learning in schools, digitally-enabled STEAM education, and technology-enabled skilling leading to gainful employment.
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