HAMILTON, Bermuda, Nov. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ardmore Shipping Corporation (NYSE: ASC) ("Ardmore", the "Company" or "we") today announced results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
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Reported net income and Adjusted earnings of $23.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, or $0.55 earnings and Adjusted earnings per basic share and diluted share, compared to net income attributable to common stockholders and Adjusted earnings of $20.3 million, or $0.49 earnings and Adjusted earnings per basic share and diluted share for the three months ended September 30, 2023. (See reconciliation of net income to Adjusted earnings in the Non-GAAP Measures section.)Reported net income of $123.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, or $2.96 earnings per basic share and $2.93 earnings per diluted share, compared to net income attributable to common stockholders of $87.3 million, or $2.12 earnings per basic share and $2.09 earnings per diluted share, for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. We reported Adjusted earnings of $109.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, or $2.62 Adjusted earnings per basic share and $2.60 Adjusted earnings per diluted share, compared to Adjusted earnings of $87.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, or $2.12 Adjusted earnings per basic share and $2.09 Adjusted earnings per diluted share. (See reconciliation of net income to Adjusted earnings in the Non-GAAP Measures section with the main driver of the variance being the gain on the sale of the Ardmore Seafarer of $12.3 million.)Consistent with the Company's variable dividend policy of paying out dividends on its shares of common stock equal to one-third of Adjusted earnings, the Board of Directors declared a cash dividend on November 6, 2024, of $0.18 per common share for the quarter ended September 30, 2024. The dividend will be paid on December 13, 2024, to all shareholders of record on November 29, 2024.MR Eco-Design tankers earned an average spot TCE rate of $28,481 per day for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Chemical tankers earned an average TCE rate of $21,604 per day for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Based on approximately 50% of total revenue days currently fixed for the fourth quarter of 2024, the average spot TCE rate is approximately $25,000 per day for MR Eco-Design tankers; based on approximately 55% of revenue days fixed for the fourth quarter of 2024, the average TCE rate for chemical tankers is approximately $25,150 per day.Die hier zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen unterliegen keiner redaktionellen Bearbeitung. Die Aufbereitung erfolgt vollautomatisch und wird durch Zusatzinformationen und weiterführende Recherchemöglichkeiten angereichert. Ziel der Inhalte ist die schnelle und unkomplizierte Versorgung der Informationssuchenden mit den für sie relevanten Informationen. Durch eine Rückverlinkung auf den Informationsanbieter und -eigentümer ist sichergestellt, dass die hier aufbereiteten Daten bei Bedarf mit den Quellinformationen abgeglichen werden können. Das Newsboard zeigt keine Informationen in Echtzeit. Diese bitten wir bei Bedarf beim Börsenbetreiber abzurufen. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Hochverfügbarkeit kann nicht gewährleistet werden. Sollten Sie Fehler in der Funktionsweise bemerken, teilen Sie uns diese über das weiter unten befindliche Formular "Report a Bug" mit.
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