EDMONTON, AB, Nov. 13, 2024 /CNW/ - K-Bro Linen Inc. ("K-Bro" or the "Corporation") today announces its Q3 2024 financial and operating results.
Q3 2024 Financial and Operating Highlights
Consolidated revenue increased 20.2% compared to Q3 2023, with healthcare revenue having increased by 6.0% and hospitality revenue by 36.8%.Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA Margin & Adjusted Net EarningsAdjusted EBITDA increased in the third quarter of 2024 by $4.9 million to $23.0 million compared to $18.1 million over the comparable 2023 period, a 27.2% increase.Adjusting items include costs of $0.6 million in the quarter related to non-recurring transaction and transition costs, offset by a gain on settlement of contingent consideration of $0.5 relating to Villeray.Adjusted EBITDA margin increased to 22.0% from 20.8% in the comparable period.Adjusted net earnings in the third quarter increased by $1.3 million to $8.3 million compared to $7.0 million in the comparative period of 2023.EBITDA, EBITDA Margin & Net EarningsEBITDA increased in the third quarter of 2024 by $5.1 million to $22.8 million compared to $17.7 million over the comparable 2023 period, a 29.1% increase.EBITDA margin increased to 21.9% from 20.4% in the comparable period as the result of the EBITDA contribution from the acquisition of Shortridge, as well as non-recurring transaction and transition costs in the third quarter of 2023.Net earnings in the third quarter of 2024 increased by $1.4 million to $8.1 million compared to $6.7 million in the comparative period of 2023, and as a percentage of revenue increased by 0.1% to 7.8%.For the third quarter of 2024, K-Bro declared dividends of $0.300 per common share.Long-term debt at the end of Q3 2024 was $135.9 million compared to $70.2 million at the end of fiscal 2023 due to the acquisitions of Shortridge and C.M.K-Bro entered into a three-year, $175 million committed, syndicated revolving credit facility on March 26, 2024. The facility includes access to a further $75 million accordion.Die hier zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen unterliegen keiner redaktionellen Bearbeitung. Die Aufbereitung erfolgt vollautomatisch und wird durch Zusatzinformationen und weiterführende Recherchemöglichkeiten angereichert. Ziel der Inhalte ist die schnelle und unkomplizierte Versorgung der Informationssuchenden mit den für sie relevanten Informationen. Durch eine Rückverlinkung auf den Informationsanbieter und -eigentümer ist sichergestellt, dass die hier aufbereiteten Daten bei Bedarf mit den Quellinformationen abgeglichen werden können. Das Newsboard zeigt keine Informationen in Echtzeit. Diese bitten wir bei Bedarf beim Börsenbetreiber abzurufen. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Hochverfügbarkeit kann nicht gewährleistet werden. Sollten Sie Fehler in der Funktionsweise bemerken, teilen Sie uns diese über das weiter unten befindliche Formular "Report a Bug" mit.
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