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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
Mi., 11.12.2024       Quantum Blockchain


11 December 2024

Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc

( “QBT” or “the Company”)



Amendment and Grant of Options


The Board of Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc (AIM:QBT) wishes to inform its shareholders regarding the amendment of the exercise date of 52 million already granted Options over QBT’s ordinary shares of 0.25 pence each in the Company (Options), as follows:


-          28,500,000 Options with exercise price at 5p:

Number Options

Old Exercise Date (on or before)

New Exercise Date (on or before)














-          23,500,000 Options with exercise price at 10p:

Number Options

Old Exercise Date (on or before)

New Exercise Date (on or before)















For all these Options the new exercise date is on or before 6 May 2026.


Notably, within the above Options are included the following ones, issued to the Non-Executive Directors (the “NED Options”):


-          Peter Fuhrman

2,500,000 Options with exercise price at 5p and (previous) exercise date on or before 15 December 2024 2,500,000 Options with exercise price at 10p and (previous) exercise date on or before 15 December 2024

-          Mark Trafeli

2,500,000 Options with exercise price at 5p and (previous) exercise date on or before 15 December 2024


Moreover, the Company has also issued new 2,000,000 Options to a consultant, as follows:

-          1,000,000 Options with exercise price at 5p and exercise date on or before 06 May 2026

-          1,000,000 Options with exercise price at 10p and exercise date on or before 06 May 2026


The Company now has outstanding Options over 134,500,000 Ordinary Shares exercisable at 5 pence and Options over 134,500,000 Ordinary Shares, exercisable at 10 pence. These Options expire during 2026. The number of Options still available to be issued (as duly authorised at the General Meeting held on 6 May 2022) is 31,000,000.


Related Party Transaction


As 7,500,000 Options are held by Mark Trafeli and Peter Fuhrman, both non-executive directors of the Company, the extension to the expiry date of the NED Options is considered to be a related party transaction pursuant to AIM Rule 13 of the AIM Rules for Companies.


Accordingly, Francesco Gardin, being the director independent of the extension of the NED Options considers, having consulted with the Company’s nominated adviser, that the terms of extension of the NED Options is fair and reasonable in so far as ordinary shareholders are concerned.



For further information please contact:


Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc Francesco Gardin, CEO and Executive Chairman                                                                   +39 335 296573


SP Angel Corporate Finance (Nominated Adviser & Broker) Jeff Keating                                                                                                                           +44 (0)20 3470 0470  

Leander (Financial PR) Christian Taylor-Wilkinson                                                                                                +44 (0) 7795 168 157


About Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc

QBT (AIM: QBT) is an AIM listed investment company with a strategic focus on technology related investments, including a special regard towards Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and AI sectors. The Company has an aggressive R&D and investment programme in the dynamic world of Blockchain Technology, which includes cryptocurrency mining and other advanced blockchain applications.







Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated



Peter Fuhrman


Reason for the notification



Non-Executive Director


Initial notification/Amendment:



Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor



Quantum Blockchain Technologies Plc





Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted.


Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument: Identification code:

Warrants on Ordinary shares of 0.25p each


Nature of the transaction:

Extension of exercise date


Price(s) and volume(s):

Price(s) Volume(s)

5p                                  2,500,000

10p 2,500,000


Aggregated information: Aggregated volume: Price:

Single transaction as in 4 c) above Price(s) Volume(s)

5p                                  2,500,000

10p 2,500,000


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