National Weather Service has issued a "Fire Weather Watch" for large portions of Texas with the risk of strong winds and fire danger in the Greater Houston area from noon to 9 p.m. on Saturday
CenterPoint working closely with local emergency partners and will communicate with customers about the risk of potential outages due to wildfire conditions
HOUSTON, March 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- CenterPoint Energy continues to closely monitor evolving weather conditions and is taking precautionary measures to mitigate wildfire risk as the National Weather Service issued a Fire Weather Watch for large portions of Texas including in the Greater Houston area on Saturday from noon to 9 p.m. Due to the potentially dangerous weather conditions, including high wind gusts, dry fuels and low humidity, CenterPoint is actively preparing its response, including conducting pre-inspections, adjusting power line safety settings, communicating with customers, and working closely with local emergency agencies. As part of its customer outreach, CenterPoint will be notifying customers via its Power Alert Service in the Cypress, Fort Bend and Katy areas of the possibility that extreme weather and wind conditions could result in some temporary safety outages during part of the day on Saturday.
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