TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings
1. Issuer Details
Issuer Name
UK or Non-UK Issuer
2. Reason for Notification
An acquisition or disposal of voting rights; An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments
3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
City of registered office (if applicable)
Wilmington, Delaware
Country of registered office (if applicable)
4. Details of the shareholder
Full name of shareholder(s) if different from the person(s) subject to the notification obligation, above
City of registered office (if applicable)
Country of registered office (if applicable)
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached
6. Date on which Issuer notified
7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation
% of voting rights attached to shares (total of 8.A)
% of voting rights through financial instruments (total of 8.B 1 + 8.B 2)
Total of both in % (8.A + 8.B)
Total number of voting rights held in issuer
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached
Position of previous notification (if applicable)
8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reached
8A. Voting rights attached to shares
Class/Type of shares ISIN code(if possible)
Number of direct voting rights (DTR5.1)
Number of indirect voting rights (DTR5.2.1)
% of direct voting rights (DTR5.1)
% of indirect voting rights (DTR5.2.1)
Sub Total 8.A
8B1. Financial Instruments according to (DTR5.3.1R.(1) (a))
Type of financial instrument
Expiration date
Exercise/conversion period
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted
% of voting rights
Securities Lending
Sub Total 8.B1
8B2. Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to (DTR5.3.1R.(1) (b))
Type of financial instrument
Expiration date
Exercise/conversion period
Physical or cash settlement
Number of voting rights
% of voting rights
Sub Total 8.B2
9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation
2. Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entities (please add additional rows as necessary)
Ultimate controlling person
Name of controlled undertaking
% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 1)
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 1)
Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 1)
Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 1)
Goldman Sachs International
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 2)
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 2)
GSAM Holdings LLC
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Chain 2)
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P.
10. In case of proxy voting
Name of the proxy holder
The number and % of voting rights held
The date until which the voting rights will be held
11. Additional Information
Please note, positions previously reportable are now exempt under the market making exemption as they are below the 10% limit.Please note, the total amount of voting rights has been rounded to 6 decimal places therefore there is a possibility of a rounding error.General email
12. Date of Completion
13. Place Of Completion
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