X-Feed Billboard

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.2024 | 6AM
Do., 21.11.2024       Viatris

Das Instrument VIA US92556V1061 VIATRIS INC. O.N. EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 22.11.2024 The instrument VIA US92556V1061 VIATRIS INC. O.N. EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 22.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024       SCHLOSS WACHENHEIM

Das Instrument SWA DE0007229007 SCHLOSS WACHENHEIM AG O.N EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 22.11.2024 The instrument SWA DE0007229007 SCHLOSS WACHENHEIM AG O.N EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 22.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024       Pernod Ricard

Das Instrument PER FR0000120693 PERNOD RICARD O.N. EQUITY wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 22.11.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 25.11.2024 The instrument PER FR0000120693 PERNOD RICARD O.N. EQUITY has its pre-dividend/interest day on 22.11.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 25.11.2024
Silent Ad
Do., 21.11.2024       Netcall

Das Instrument MWOL IE000QIF5N15 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLD ETF hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FLS0, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y The instrument MWOL IE000QIF5N15 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLD ETF has its first trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FLS0, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y
Do., 21.11.2024       Netcall

Das Instrument F50A IE0009DRDY20 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLA ETF hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FDL0, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y The instrument F50A IE0009DRDY20 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLA ETF has its first trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FDL0, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y
Do., 21.11.2024       Netcall

Das Instrument F50B IE0009DRDY20 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLA ETF hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FDL0, SettlCurr USD, CCP Y The instrument F50B IE0009DRDY20 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLA ETF has its first trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FDL0, SettlCurr USD, CCP Y
Do., 21.11.2024       HWA AG

Das Instrument H9W DE000A0LR4P1 HWA AG INH.O.N. EQUITY wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 22.11.2024 The instrument H9W DE000A0LR4P1 HWA AG INH.O.N. EQUITY is traded ex capital adjustment on 22.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024       GOING PUBLIC

Das Instrument G6P DE0007612103 GOING PUBLIC MEDIA NA ON EQUITY wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 22.11.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 25.11.2024 The instrument G6P DE0007612103 GOING PUBLIC MEDIA NA ON EQUITY is traded cum capital adjustment on 22.11.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 25.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024       Netcall

Das Instrument MWOZ IE000QIF5N15 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLD ETF hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FLS0, SettlCurr GBP, CCP Y The instrument MWOZ IE000QIF5N15 AM-PRIME GL.E. DLD ETF has its first trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS TRADING WITH AUCTIONS, PAG FLS0, SettlCurr GBP, CCP Y
Do., 21.11.2024       Amundi Prime Global

Das Instrument LU2089238203 AMUN.I.S.-A.PR.GL.UEDRDLA ETF wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 22.11.2024 The instrument LU2089238203 AMUN.I.S.-A.PR.GL.UEDRDLA ETF is traded ex capital adjustment on 22.11.2024
Silent Ad
Do., 21.11.2024       Amundi Prime Global

Das Instrument LU1931974692 AMUN.I.S.-A.PR.GL.UEDRDLD ETF wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 22.11.2024 The instrument LU1931974692 AMUN.I.S.-A.PR.GL.UEDRDLD ETF is traded ex capital adjustment on 22.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000HV4Y5G9 HVB Aktienanleihe v.24(25)1YD WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARUN_04 The instrument DE000HV4Y5G9 HVB Aktienanleihe v.24(25)1YD WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARUN_04
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000PC99WS7 MEM.EXPR.AIR.Z22.11.29 MUV2 WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARBN_06 The instrument DE000PC99WS7 MEM.EXPR.AIR.Z22.11.29 MUV2 WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARBN_06
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000PC99WG2 Exp.Bon.Z22.11.27 HMSB WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARBN_06 The instrument DE000PC99WG2 Exp.Bon.Z22.11.27 HMSB WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARBN_06
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000PC99AC7 MEM.EXPR.AIR.Z23.12.30 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARBN_06 The instrument DE000PC99AC7 MEM.EXPR.AIR.Z23.12.30 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARBN_06
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000PC99XU1 Anleihe v.24(23.11.26) WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARBN_06 The instrument DE000PC99XU1 Anleihe v.24(23.11.26) WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARBN_06
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000SH9VR15 NACHK.Z 22.11.29 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARSG_06 The instrument DE000SH9VR15 NACHK.Z 22.11.29 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARSG_06
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000JV05LP6 EO-MTN 2024(28) Aktien Basket WARRANT hat eine Veraenderung in den Referenzdaten. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024 The instrument DE000JV05LP6 EO-MTN 2024(28) Aktien Basket WARRANT has a change of reference data causing deletion of all open orders on 22.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument CH1390857717 Express Z.22.11.27 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024: WARIC_01 The instrument CH1390857717 Express Z.22.11.27 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 22.11.2024: WARIC_01
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000HT0XW39 Aktienanleihe v.24(26)RHM WARRANT hat eine Veraenderung in den Referenzdaten. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 22.11.2024 The instrument DE000HT0XW39 Aktienanleihe v.24(26)RHM WARRANT has a change of reference data causing deletion of all open orders on 22.11.2024
Silent Ad
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument R10 CA74061L1040 PREMIUM RES LTD. O.N. EQUITY hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_EQU, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument R10 CA74061L1040 PREMIUM RES LTD. O.N. EQUITY has its first trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_EQU, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Do., 21.11.2024       Barrett Business Services

Das Instrument BB1 US0684631080 BARRETT BUS. SVCS DL-,01 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 22.11.2024 The instrument BB1 US0684631080 BARRETT BUS. SVCS DL-,01 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 22.11.2024
Barrett Business Services
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument DE000A12T7M4 AAREAL BANK MTN S.223 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000A12T7M4 AAREAL BANK MTN S.223 BOND has its last trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Do., 21.11.2024       GOING PUBLIC

Das Instrument G6P DE0007612103 GOING PUBLIC MEDIA NA ON EQUITY wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 22.11.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 25.11.2024 The instrument G6P DE0007612103 GOING PUBLIC MEDIA NA ON EQUITY is traded cum capital adjustment on 22.11.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 25.11.2024
Do., 21.11.2024

Das Instrument XS0857662448 MCDONALDS CORP. 12/24 MTN BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument XS0857662448 MCDONALDS CORP. 12/24 MTN BOND has its last trading date on 22.11.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N

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