DGAP-News: Rubean AG
/ Schlagwort(e): Firmenübernahme/Kapitalmaßnahme
Corporate news CCV and Rubean AG grow together - Annual General Meeting approves the incorporation of the CCV PhonePOS business into Rubean AG through an in-kind capital increase - Joint tap-to-phone development bundled into Rubean's solutions - Extensive cooperation to open up large markets Munich, August 26, 2021: The fintech company Rubean AG, Munich, (ISIN: DE0005120802, WKN: 512080, R1B: GR) and the CCV Group (headquarters in Arnhem), can deepen their partnership and open up larger Tap-to -Phone markets. The general meeting of Rubean approved the transfer of the "CCV PhonePOS" business to Rubean AG, which had already been agreed between the partners, with a large majority. This clears the way for strong growth to become a leading company in the field of mobile payments. The contribution of the CCV part operation will be carried out by way of an in-kind capital-with the exclusion of subscription rights-against the issue of 600,000 shares. This increases the existing share capital to EUR 2,60 million. The partners had already signed an extensive cooperation agreement that includes the development, support and sales of the jointly developed PhonePOS software. Accordingly, the CCV Group will sell the PhonePOS software in the D-A-CH and the Benelux countries in the future, while RUBEAN will also develop and be responsible for sales in the rest of Europe, North and South America, Asia, Oceania and Africa. With the contribution, CCV and Rubean are moving the jointly developed PhonePOS solution onto Rubean alone, which will grow strongly in the future. PhonePOS is the leading solution for secure, cashless payment acceptance using an Android-powered smartphone, without the need for additional devices. In Germany, the Sparkasse Finance Group has already started to offer the PhonePOS solution nationwide under the name "Sparkasse POS". Other major customers are the BBVA financial group, which is the leader in Spain and Latin America, and the global payment service provider Global Payments from Atlanta / USA. The PhonePOS solution, which can be installed as an app on a conventional smartphone, is aimed primarily at smaller merchants and businesses. Based on market research, 42 million customers were identified for PhonePOS across Europe, as well as a considerable customer potential in the USA. "We are happy that the Annual General Meeting has now cleared the last formal hurdle for the closer partnership with the CCV Group," says Dr. Hermann Geupel, CEO of Rubean AG. "After more than five years of development work and intensive joint development, we will now also benefit from the fruits of our work together," Geupel concluded. About RUBEAN If you have any questions, please contact: Anna Sammer, Rubean AG as Jörg Bretschneider, german communications AG
26.08.2021 Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht, übermittelt durch DGAP - ein Service der EQS Group AG. |
Sprache: | Deutsch |
Unternehmen: | Rubean AG |
Kistlerhofstr. 168 | |
81379 München | |
Deutschland | |
Telefon: | 089-357560 |
Fax: | 089-35756111 |
E-Mail: | info@rubean.com |
Internet: | www.rubean.com |
ISIN: | DE0005120802 |
WKN: | 512080 |
Börsen: | Freiverkehr in München |
EQS News ID: | 1229137 |
Ende der Mitteilung | DGAP News-Service |
1229137 26.08.2021
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