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Biotech Growth Trust
ISIN: GB0000385517
WKN: 935622
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Biotech Growth Trust · ISIN: GB0000385517 · PR Newswire (ID: 202502270106)
27 Februar 2025 03:49PM

The Biotech Growth Trust PLC - Result of General Meeting


The Biotech Growth Trust PLC

(the "Company")


Result of General Meeting


27 February 2025


Following a General Meeting of the Company held today, the Board is pleased to announce that the special resolution seeking the approval of Shareholders to renew the Company's authority to buy back up to 14.99 per cent. of the Company's issued Share capital, was passed on a show of hands.

The proxy voting figures are shown below:


Special Resolution

Votes For


Votes Against


Total Votes Cast













Any proxy votes which are at the discretion of the Chair have been included in the "for" total. A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the votes for or against a resolution.


At the date and time of the General Meeting, the total number of Ordinary Shares of 25p each in issue and the total number of voting rights was 28,387,591.


The proxy voting figures will shortly be available on the Company's website at www.biotechgt.com


The full text of the special resolution passed has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.

The special resolution will additionally be filed with Companies House.


The full text of the resolution can be found in the Notice of General Meeting contained in the Circular dated 3 February 2025 (the "Circular"), which is available for viewing at the National Storage Mechanism which can be located at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism and on the Company's website, www.biotechgt.com  Capitalised terms used in this announcement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, bear the meanings given to them in the Circular.


Legal Entity Identifier: 549300Z41EP32MI2DN29



Katherine Manson

Frostrow Capital LLP

Company Secretary

Telephone: 0203 709 8734

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