ISIN: SE0000171100 · SSAB AB · © Finansinpektionen

Short Selling Alert: Citadel Europe LLP

Message date: 29th September 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

Opened a short position in this security on 29th September 2020. This is the short seller's first exposure with respect to this company.
Snapshot transaction history


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 342

New: Hedge Fund Activity Tracker ("HFAT") & SSR Weight-WatchR ("WWR")

SSR reporting for: 29th September 2020

Short Selling Radar - First Timer

The compilation on this page shows which companies appear in the short sale statistics for the first time. This means that only one short-selling activist has the company on the sell list where the reporting threshold for disclosure has been reached. This information is interesting, among other reasons, because it may provide explanations for price swings for which there is otherwise no plausible explanation. For journalists and researchers, but also for the companies concerned, this overview can be an important source of information.

If no transaction history is shown, it is the first exposure of a short seller in the respective value. If you are interested in opening short positions where a short seller has become active for the first time, you will find here. You can find more detailed statistics in the overviews HFAT and WWR. Feel free to test our AI integration as well. If you click on the corresponding icon, you will receive valuable additional information.

Short Selling Transaction Report from
29th September 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

Opened a short position in this security on 29th September 2020. This is the short seller's first exposure with respect to this company.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 342
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
28th September 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,50% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 5th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 7th July 2020.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1233
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
18th September 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

Opened a short position in this security on 18th September 2020. This is the short seller's first exposure with respect to this company.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1238
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
17th September 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,53% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 2nd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 4th September 2020.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1240
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
1st September 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,59% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 185th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 1st November 2012.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1250
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
17th March 2020

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

Opened a short position in this security on 17th March 2020. This is the short seller's first exposure with respect to this company.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1362
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
2nd May 2017

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,50% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 8th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 1st July 2015.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1892
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
26th April 2017

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,51% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 59th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 3rd February 2015.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1893
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
7th July 2016

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,54% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 4th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 17th June 2016.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1972
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
4th July 2016

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 1,18% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 10th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 9th June 2016.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1973
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
1st March 2016

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,62% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 17th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 1st November 2012.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2022
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
23rd February 2016

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,59% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 23rd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 16th November 2012.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2028
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
23rd February 2016

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,53% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 2nd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 2nd February 2016.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2028
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
7th December 2015

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,56% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 2nd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 2nd December 2015.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2048
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
3rd June 2015

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,56% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 38th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 1st November 2012.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2084
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
15th April 2015

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,50% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 2nd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 13th April 2015.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2100
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
4th August 2014

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,61% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 3rd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 27th May 2014.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2155
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
1st August 2014

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 1,51% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 12th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 14th February 2014.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2156
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
29th July 2014

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,64% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 3rd adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 25th April 2014.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2158
More info:
Short Selling Transaction Report from
2nd July 2014

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,57% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 29th adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 23rd November 2012.


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have SSAB AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,57%. The largest share is held by Citadel Europe LLP with 0,57%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 2164
More info:
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