Interactive appointment planner

Have you become interested in the stock market and the like and would like to familiarize yourself with the new, exciting topics - but don't know where to start? No problem: you've come to the right place. The event feed can be the perfect introduction to the subject. Take a look around and, if necessary, take advantage of one of the many offers provided by the organizers of the online or pre-course events. The great thing about it is that many of them are completely free of charge and can be used without obligation or commitment.

This information service is a content partnership with GARNO Media GmbH, the leading provider of event management solutions in the financial sector. The original content presented here can be found on the event information portal, a product of Garno Media.

Webinars are online seminars in which presentations, workshops or lectures are held via the Internet to enable interactive knowledge transfer from any location. The range of topics is diverse. It ranges from basic to expert knowledge. In terms of interactivity, the offerings also range from easy-to-understand lectures to interviews and live trading sessions. Due to the large number of providers, you can make your individual selection according to your interests, knowledge, need for information or simply out of curiosity to discover something new.
Ingmar Königshofen & Stephan Feuerstein
About the event

Was bewegt die Märkte?

Welche Tradingchancen können sich ergeben?

Wie wähle ich das passende Produkt aus?

Diese Fragen diskutieren die beiden Trading-Experten Stephan Feuerstein und Ingmar Königshofen in der regelmäßigen Webinarreihe. Jeden Mittwoch ab 17:30 Uhr, präsentiert von Vontobel.

Für die Webinarreihe können Sie sich jederzeit anmelden und in den Live-Webinaren Fragen an die Referenten stellen. Sollten Sie eine Sendung verpassen, stehen Ihnen die Aufzeichnungen anschließend als Video zur Verfügung.

Note: The content presented here is for information purposes only. The information provided is not edited. There is no pre-selection according to specific criteria. If you are looking for a specific topic, please use the filter elements or the search function. The respective organizer is responsible for the content. The team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the information provided.