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Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.01.2025 | 4PM
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Clearmind Medicine Inc.
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Clearmind Medicine Inc.
Di., 07.01.2025       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, is pleased to announce that all of the matters put forward before shareholders for consideration and approval at its meeting held on January 6, 2025 (the “Meeting”), as set out in the Company’s Management Information Circular dated December 1, 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at the Meeting, including a resolution fixing the board of directors at five members, the election of directors of the Company for the ensuing year, to appoint Brightman Almagor Zohar & Co., a firm in the Deloitte Global Network, as auditor of the Company, a resolution to establish and approve an omnibus equity incentive plan and a resolution allowing the directors, if they deem such an action to be in the best interest of shareholders, effect a consolidation (the “Consolidation”) of the common shares in the capital of the Company (the “Shares”) on the basis of fifty (50) pre-Consolidation Shares for one (1) post-Consolidation Share, or such other lesser consolidation ratio as determined by the Company’s board of directors.

Mo., 06.01.2025       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, Jan. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, today announced the publication of a European patent application with the European Patent office for its innovative combination therapy of MEAI and N-Acylethanolamines, addressing binge behavior, including alcohol consumption, eating, tobacco consumption, shopping and sexual conduct.

Do., 26.12.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Company recently signed a non-binding term sheet with Dr Glitter Pty Ltd for mutual development in ActivCrystal™ Format

Di., 24.12.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, Dec. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, today announced it has received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for its Phase I/IIa clinical trial of CMND-100, targeting alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Do., 10.10.2024       Clearmind Medicine

FDA approval for the IND submission to conduct its trial already secured

Mo., 16.09.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Innovative drug treatment developed in collaboration with SciSparc
aims to enhance safety and efficacy in mental health and addiction care

Do., 12.09.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Innovative compounds designed to address critical unmet needs in PTSD treatment

Fr., 06.09.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Pioneering Therapeutic Approach Aims to Enhance Safety and Efficacy
in Mental Health and Addiction Treatments

Do., 29.08.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, announced the publication of its patent application under the international Patent Cooperation Treaty (“PCT”) for innovative combinations of Ketamine and N-Acylethanolamines.

Mi., 21.08.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, today announced that it has received a new patent approval from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, marking another significant advancement in its proprietary MEAI-based binge behavior regulator program.

Fr., 16.08.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "company"), a biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, today announced the submission of a patent application under the international Patent Cooperation Treaty (“PCT”) as part of the company’s ongoing collaboration with the with Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (“Yissum”) pursuant to the exclusive licensing agreement that the Company entered into with Yissum.

Di., 16.07.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, today announced that  the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Company’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application for its proprietary MEAI-based (5-methoxy-2-aminoindane) CMND-100 oral capsule, allowing the Company to proceed with a Phase I/IIa clinical trial in the United States for treating patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD). While the Phase I/IIa clinical trial was already approved in Israel, clearance from the FDA will allow the trial to be initiated in the US.

Di., 16.07.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, announced that it has submitted an additional patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”), as part of its ongoing collaborations with SciSparc Ltd. (Nasdaq: SPRC) (“SciSparc”), a specialty clinical-stage pharmaceutical company focusing on the development of therapies to treat disorders of the central nervous system, and with invented with Prof. Joseph Tam from the Hebrew University’s technology transfer company, Yissum.

Fr., 12.07.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, July 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, announces its participation in the upcoming Psychedelic Medicine – Israel 2024 conference. This event will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel from July 28th to 30th, bringing together leading experts and researchers from around the world in the field of psychedelic medicine.

Fr., 28.06.2024       Clearmind Medicine

Vancouver, Canada, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearmind Medicine Inc. (Nasdaq: CMND), (FSE: CWY0) (“Clearmind” or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovery and development of novel psychedelic-derived therapeutics to solve major under-treated health problems, announces advancement in its proprietary MEAI- based binge behavior regulator program through the granting of patent approval in Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Patent Office  

Fr., 10.05.2024       Clearmind Medicine

The global market of no- and low-alcohol beverages estimated at over $13 billion in 2023

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