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Deere & Company
GICS: 20106015 · Sektor: Industrials · Sub-Sektor: Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery
Deere & Company
Mi., 26.02.2025       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Feb. 26, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) Board of Directors today declared a quarterly dividend of $1.62 per share payable May 8, 2025, to stockholders of record on March 31, 2025.

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SOURCE John Deere Company

Mi., 26.02.2025       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Feb. 26, 2025 /CNW/ -- The Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) Board of Directors today declared a quarterly dividend of $1.62 per share payable May 8, 2025, to stockholders of record on March 31, 2025.

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SOURCE John Deere Company

Fr., 07.02.2025       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Feb. 7, 2025 /CNW/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) will hold its first quarter 2025 earnings call on Thursday, 13 February, beginning at 9:00 a.m. central time.  During the call, the company's financial and operating performance will be discussed with analysts, investors and other members of the financial community.

The earnings call can be accessed at The recorded call will be available on the Deere website for a period of time afterward.  The Deere earnings release, other financial information and earnings call presentation can be accessed at the link above.

Fr., 07.02.2025       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Feb. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) will hold its first quarter 2025 earnings call on Thursday, 13 February, beginning at 9:00 a.m. central time.  During the call, the company's financial and operating performance will be discussed with analysts, investors and other members of the financial community.

The earnings call can be accessed at The recorded call will be available on the Deere website for a period of time afterward.  The Deere earnings release, other financial information and earnings call presentation can be accessed at the link above.

Do., 23.01.2025       Deere & Co

New cohort to explore innovations focused on meeting customers' needs

MOLINE, Ill., Jan. 23, 2025 /CNW/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) announced the names of 6 companies chosen for its 2025 Startup Collaborator program. The John Deere Startup Collaborator program was launched in 2019 to enhance and deepen the company's interaction with startup companies whose technology could add value for ag and construction customers.

"The John Deere Startup Collaborator Program represents our ongoing dedication to innovation and customer-centric solutions," said Jahmy Hindman, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer. "By collaborating with forward-thinking startups, we aim to explore new technologies that can bring significant value to our customers in agriculture and construction. We look forward to working closely with these startups to learn, grow, and drive the future of productive, sustainable, and efficient farming and construction practices."

Do., 23.01.2025       Deere & Co

New cohort to explore innovations focused on meeting customers' needs

MOLINE, Ill., Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) announced the names of 6 companies chosen for its 2025 Startup Collaborator program. The John Deere Startup Collaborator program was launched in 2019 to enhance and deepen the company's interaction with startup companies whose technology could add value for ag and construction customers.

"The John Deere Startup Collaborator Program represents our ongoing dedication to innovation and customer-centric solutions," said Jahmy Hindman, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer. "By collaborating with forward-thinking startups, we aim to explore new technologies that can bring significant value to our customers in agriculture and construction. We look forward to working closely with these startups to learn, grow, and drive the future of productive, sustainable, and efficient farming and construction practices."

Di., 14.01.2025       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Jan. 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, John Deere (NYSE:DE) announced another significant step forward in supporting customers' ability to maintain and repair their machines across the agricultural and construction industries. The latest addition to Deere's suite of digital solutions will further empower customers and independent repair technicians by, among other things, enabling them to reprogram Deere-manufactured electronic controllers.

These new capabilities will be integrated into the John Deere Operations Center™ and will offer more comprehensive solutions for diagnosing and repairing equipment while ensuring machine reliability, safety, and compliance.

Di., 14.01.2025       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Jan. 14, 2025 /CNW/ -- Today, John Deere (NYSE:DE) announced another significant step forward in supporting customers' ability to maintain and repair their machines across the agricultural and construction industries. The latest addition to Deere's suite of digital solutions will further empower customers and independent repair technicians by, among other things, enabling them to reprogram Deere-manufactured electronic controllers.

These new capabilities will be integrated into the John Deere Operations Center™ and will offer more comprehensive solutions for diagnosing and repairing equipment while ensuring machine reliability, safety, and compliance.

Mo., 06.01.2025       Deere & Co

Autonomy will support Deere customers across agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping 

MOLINE, Ill., Jan. 6, 2025 /CNW/ -- John Deere revealed several new autonomous machines during a press conference at CES 2025 to support customers in agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping. Building on Deere's autonomous technology first revealed at CES 2022, the company's second-generation autonomy kit combines advanced computer vision, AI, and cameras to help the machines navigate their environments.

Mo., 06.01.2025       Deere & Co

Autonomy will support Deere customers across agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping 

MOLINE, Ill., Jan. 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- John Deere revealed several new autonomous machines during a press conference at CES 2025 to support customers in agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping. Building on Deere's autonomous technology first revealed at CES 2022, the company's second-generation autonomy kit combines advanced computer vision, AI, and cameras to help the machines navigate their environments.

Di., 03.12.2024       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Dec. 3, 2024 /CNW/ -- The Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) Board of Directors today declared a quarterly dividend of $1.62 per share payable February 10, 2025, to stockholders of record on December 31, 2024.

The new quarterly rate represents an additional 15 cents per share over the previous level of $1.47.

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SOURCE John Deere Company

Di., 03.12.2024       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) Board of Directors today declared a quarterly dividend of $1.62 per share payable February 10, 2025, to stockholders of record on December 31, 2024.

The new quarterly rate represents an additional 15 cents per share over the previous level of $1.47.

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SOURCE John Deere Company

Do., 21.11.2024       Deere & Co

Results demonstrate solid execution despite ongoing market challenges.Full-year 2025 earnings projected to range from $5.0 to $5.5 billion, highlighting improved structural performance.Remain committed to making investments that enhance customer productivity and profitability.

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 21, 2024 /CNW/ -- Deere & Company ($DE) reported net income of $1.245 billion for the fourth quarter ended October 27, 2024, or $4.55 per share, compared with net income of $2.369 billion, or $8.26 per share, for the quarter ended October 29, 2023. For fiscal-year 2024, net income attributable to Deere & Company was $7.100 billion, or $25.62 per share, compared with $10.166 billion, or $34.63 per share, in fiscal 2023.

Do., 21.11.2024       Deere & Co

Results demonstrate solid execution despite ongoing market challenges.Full-year 2025 earnings projected to range from $5.0 to $5.5 billion, highlighting improved structural performance.Remain committed to making investments that enhance customer productivity and profitability.

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Deere & Company ($DE) reported net income of $1.245 billion for the fourth quarter ended October 27, 2024, or $4.55 per share, compared with net income of $2.369 billion, or $8.26 per share, for the quarter ended October 29, 2023. For fiscal-year 2024, net income attributable to Deere & Company was $7.100 billion, or $25.62 per share, compared with $10.166 billion, or $34.63 per share, in fiscal 2023.

Mo., 18.11.2024       Deere & Co

With tens of millions of dollars invested over the last 40 years, John Deere is improving customers' livelihoods while addressing hunger

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE:DE) today announced a $6.6 million, three-year commitment of unrestricted funding from the John Deere Foundation to Feeding America®. This grant reaffirms John Deere's commitment to hunger relief and supporting communities in need while honoring the work of farmers.

Mo., 18.11.2024       Deere & Co

With tens of millions of dollars invested over the last 40 years, John Deere is improving customers' livelihoods while addressing hunger

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 18, 2024 /CNW/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE:DE) today announced a $6.6 million, three-year commitment of unrestricted funding from the John Deere Foundation to Feeding America®. This grant reaffirms John Deere's commitment to hunger relief and supporting communities in need while honoring the work of farmers.

Do., 07.11.2024       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) will hold its fourth quarter 2024 earnings call on Thursday, 21 November, beginning at 9:00 a.m. central time. During the call, the company's financial and operating performance will be discussed with analysts, investors and other members of the financial community.

The earnings call can be accessed at The recorded call will be available on the Deere website for a period of time afterward. The Deere earnings release, other financial information and earnings call presentation can be accessed at the link above.

Do., 07.11.2024       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 7, 2024 /CNW/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) will hold its fourth quarter 2024 earnings call on Thursday, 21 November, beginning at 9:00 a.m. central time. During the call, the company's financial and operating performance will be discussed with analysts, investors and other members of the financial community.

The earnings call can be accessed at The recorded call will be available on the Deere website for a period of time afterward. The Deere earnings release, other financial information and earnings call presentation can be accessed at the link above.

Fr., 01.11.2024       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) today announced the appointment of R. Preston Feight to the company's board of directors. He currently serves as chief executive officer of PACCAR Inc (Nasdaq: PCAR), a Fortune 500 company and a global technology leader in the design, manufacture, and customer support of high-quality light-, medium-, and heavy-duty trucks under the Kenworth, Peterbilt, and DAF nameplates.

Fr., 01.11.2024       Deere & Co

MOLINE, Ill., Nov. 1, 2024 /CNW/ -- Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) today announced the appointment of R. Preston Feight to the company's board of directors. He currently serves as chief executive officer of PACCAR Inc (Nasdaq: PCAR), a Fortune 500 company and a global technology leader in the design, manufacture, and customer support of high-quality light-, medium-, and heavy-duty trucks under the Kenworth, Peterbilt, and DAF nameplates.

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