X-Feed Billboard

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 25.11.2024 | 7AM
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument USU90984AF98 VAIL RESORTS 24/32 REGS BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument USU90984AF98 VAIL RESORTS 24/32 REGS BOND has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
So., 28.04.2024       Financial 15 Split

Das Instrument 74VA CA3175043064 FINL 15 SPLIT CORP. A EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument 74VA CA3175043064 FINL 15 SPLIT CORP. A EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB45Q52 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 29.04.2024: WARLB_01 The instrument DE000LB45Q52 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 29.04.2024: WARLB_01
Silent Ad
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000A3KLDY2 SOLAR FI.MT. 21/28 BOND wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 30.04.2024 The instrument DE000A3KLDY2 SOLAR FI.MT. 21/28 BOND has its pre-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 30.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024       SL Green Realty

Das Instrument GEI US78440X8873 SL GREEN REAL. NEW DL-,01 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument GEI US78440X8873 SL GREEN REAL. NEW DL-,01 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument USG35906AA76 FLUTTER TR. 24/29 REGS BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument USG35906AA76 FLUTTER TR. 24/29 REGS BOND has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
So., 28.04.2024       Plumas Bancorp

Das Instrument OKO US7292731020 PLUMAS BANCORP DL-,01 EQUITY wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 30.04.2024 The instrument OKO US7292731020 PLUMAS BANCORP DL-,01 EQUITY has its pre-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 30.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB45Q86 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 29.04.2024: WARLB_01 The instrument DE000LB45Q86 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 29.04.2024: WARLB_01
So., 28.04.2024       Gentili Mosconi

Das Instrument Z5A IT0005531261 GENTILI MOSCONI S.P.A EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument Z5A IT0005531261 GENTILI MOSCONI S.P.A EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument US36262GAF81 GXO LOGISTIC 24/29 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument US36262GAF81 GXO LOGISTIC 24/29 BOND has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Silent Ad
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB45Q60 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 29.04.2024: WARLB_01 The instrument DE000LB45Q60 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 29.04.2024: WARLB_01
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument 9QE CA86934R1001 SUSTAINABLE POWER CL.A EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument 9QE CA86934R1001 SUSTAINABLE POWER CL.A EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument US36262GAG64 GXO LOGISTIC 24/34 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument US36262GAG64 GXO LOGISTIC 24/34 BOND has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
So., 28.04.2024       Firm Capital Mortgage

Das Instrument 74X CA3183231024 FIRM CAP.MORT.INV.CORP. EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument 74X CA3183231024 FIRM CAP.MORT.INV.CORP. EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument XS2775056067 LEASYS S.P.A 24/28 MTN BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument XS2775056067 LEASYS S.P.A 24/28 MTN BOND has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument ECV1 DE000A4BGGQ8 ENCAVIS AG Z.VERK. EQUITY hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_EQU, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y The instrument ECV1 DE000A4BGGQ8 ENCAVIS AG Z.VERK. EQUITY has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_EQU, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000DW6C4P4 DZ BANK IS.A2077 VAR BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000DW6C4P4 DZ BANK IS.A2077 VAR BOND has its last trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
So., 28.04.2024       Big Pharma Spli A

Das Instrument XN4 CA08934P1080 BIG PHARMA SPLIT CL.A EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument XN4 CA08934P1080 BIG PHARMA SPLIT CL.A EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB33FD4 LBBW FZA 22/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB33FD4 LBBW FZA 22/24 BOND has its last trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument US45906M5H07 WORLD BK 24/29 MTN BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument US45906M5H07 WORLD BK 24/29 MTN BOND has its first trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Silent Ad
So., 28.04.2024       Umicore SA

Das Instrument NVJ US90420M1045 UMICORE S.A UNSP.ADR 1/4 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 The instrument NVJ US90420M1045 UMICORE S.A UNSP.ADR 1/4 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB45Q94 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 29.04.2024: WARLB_01 The instrument DE000LB45Q94 Deep-Exp-Z 28.06.2030 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 29.04.2024: WARLB_01
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000HLB47Z3 LB.HESS.THR.CA.TIL.04C/23 BOND hat eine Veraenderung in den Referenzdaten. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 29.04.2024 The instrument DE000HLB47Z3 LB.HESS.THR.CA.TIL.04C/23 BOND has a change of reference data causing deletion of all open orders on 29.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024       Stef

Das Instrument STP FR0000064271 STEF S.A. INH. EO 1 EQUITY wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 29.04.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 30.04.2024 The instrument STP FR0000064271 STEF S.A. INH. EO 1 EQUITY has its pre-dividend/interest day on 29.04.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 30.04.2024
So., 28.04.2024

Das Instrument DE000DW6C342 DZ BANK IS.A2059 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000DW6C342 DZ BANK IS.A2059 BOND has its last trading date on 29.04.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N

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