The newsboard processes news from the NASDAQ Nordic portfolio company GlobeNewswire, which provides investors with company-relevant information. This relates in particular to events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.
GlobNewswire (formerly PrimeNewswire) specializes in public relations solutions and digital media services. This feed adds another important source of information for investors to the popular X-Billboard portfolio.
In week 47, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 2,000,000 own shares at a total purchase price of 69,100,000 ISK, as follows:
The Nomination Committee of Heimar hf. ("Heimar" or the "Company") invites submissions of candidacies and nominations for the Board of Directors of Heimar in connection with the Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
At the Annual General Meeting of Heimar hf. ("Heimar" or "the Company") on March 12th, 2024, the shareholders approved to authorize the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 55 of the Act on Public Limited Companies No. 2/1995, to purchase up to 10% of issued shares in the company.
The buyback under the buyback program, which was announced on October 16 2024, has now been completed.
In week 46, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 4,000,000 own shares at a total purchase price of 137,700,000 ISK, as follows:
In week 45, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 4,000,000 own shares at a total purchase price of 134,600,000 ISK, as follows:
Heimar reports a profit of ISK 5.6 billion in the first nine months of the year - EBITDA rises by 7.5%
In week 44, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 3,000,000 own shares at a total purchase price of 98,000,000 ISK, as follows:
On October 4, 2024, Heimar hf. („Heimar“ or „the company“) announced that the company had accepted a purchase offer from Módelhús ehf. (“Módelhús”) for five properties.
In week 43, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 4,000,000 own shares at a total purchase price of 125,100,000 ISK, as follows:
At the Annual General Meeting of Heimar on March 12th, 2024, the shareholders approved to authorize the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 55 of the Act on Public Limited Companies No. 2/1995, to purchase up to 10% of issued shares in the company.
The buyback under the buyback program, which was announced on September 16 2024, has now been completed.
In week 41, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 3,000,000 of its own shares at a purchase price of ISK 92,000,000 in accordance with the following details:
In week 40, Heimar hf. (“Heimar”) purchased 5,000,000 of its own shares at a purchase price of ISK 154,800,000 in accordance with the following details:
Heimar hf. ("Heimar" or "the company") has accepted a purchase offer from Módelhús ehf. for five properties. The properties are located outside Heimar's defined core areas and the sale aligns with the company's strategy.
Heimar hf. („Heimar") hafa undirritað viljayfirlýsingu við Grundarheimilin og Klasa ehf. („Klasi“) um uppbyggingu á nýjum lífsgæðakjarna á þróunarreit á Borgarhöfða í Reykjavík. Áætlað er að margvísleg heilsutengd þjónusta verði í kjarnanum, þar á meðal 100 rýma hjúkrunarheimili í rekstri Grundarheimilanna, þjónustumiðstöð og 160 íbúðir fyrir 60+. Fyrirkomulag, uppbygging og rekstur þessa nýja kjarna verður með áþekkum hætti og Grund rekur í dag í Mörkinni við Suðurlandsbraut 58 – 70.
Sjá meðfylgjandi tilkynningu um flöggun frá Brimgörðum ehf. þar sem farið er undir 5% eignarhlut í Heimum hf.
Heimar hf. ("Heimar" or "the company") has today completed the expansion of the bond series HEIMAR50 GB.
Á aðalfundi Heima hf. („Heimar“ eða „félagið“) þann 12. mars 2024 var samþykkt að heimila stjórn félagsins að kaupa allt að 10% af heildarhlutafé félagsins í því skyni að koma á viðskiptavakt með hluti í félaginu og/eða til að setja upp formlega endurkaupaáætlun.
Stjórn Heima hf. ákvað á fundi sínum í gær að veita nánar tilteknum stjórnendum félagsins kauprétti allt að 3.250.000 hlutum í félaginu, sem samsvarar 0,18% af heildarhlutafé félagsins eins og það var þegar kaupréttarkerfið var samþykkt. Samningar vegna þessa voru undirritaðir í gær.
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RAW DATA PROCESSING means that raw data is processed without changing the content. The data is supplemented to improve the interpretation of the information in terms of usability.
Note: The newswire cross-link panel at the top allows you to quickly and easily access additional sources of information. In the terminal view, the news is filtered at company level and enables targeted searches.
On behalf of the trading community, we would like to thank the operators of the trading venues for providing information services.