RSQ is the short form of the company name, RSQ Technology Ventures GmbH. The company operates in various business areas. The focus is on the development of new business models using new technologies, particularly in the area of digitalization, especially in all financial market-specific topics. Commitments are made specifically in data mining, deep tech, artificial intelligence and digital security. RSQ operates a lab and develops new products, tools and applications itself or with partners. The company's asset portfolio includes a number of valuable brand and IP rights, technologies and exclusive, industry-specific expertise. RSQ sees itself as a company builder and acts as an incubator for early-stage investments.
Our primary goal is to create the best possible framework conditions for our users - regardless of the area or context. Whether information retrieval, research, training, product offerings or trading environments - we do not measure ourselves against minimum standards, but set benchmarks. The expectations of our users should not only be met, but exceeded. Our partners share this aspiration and demonstrate this in the way they live customer service and deal with complaints.
Customer satisfaction and the resulting loyalty are key success factors - jeopardizing customer satisfaction through poor performance is not a risk we take. That's why we make sure that the interests of our community are always in focus. Every professional provider in the financial market who is committed to these principles is welcome to join us. Anyone who consistently aligns their business model with the needs of their customers and takes responsibility - even in the event of errors - will find the right platform here.
The FAQ section fulfills an important task. It is primarily aimed at users of the information service who were previously unfamiliar with the service provider and the portfolio and want to get a quick and targeted initial overview. However, the FAQs are also aimed at the group of people who associate the ayondo brand primarily with social trading, a business model that left its first mark on the then still very manageable landscape of innovative IT start-ups in the early 2010s and later played a key role in shaping it. ayondo's innovative strength made it one of the most influential companies in the industry, which was still in its infancy at the time and for which the term FinTech was later invented and coined, as early as 2013. In 2017, ayondo portfolio management GmbH was the first pure digital asset manager to receive authorization from BaFin to offer the business model associated with social trading marketplace technology under EU supervisory law.
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