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All for One Group SE
ISIN: DE0005110001
WKN: 511000
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All for One Group SE · ISIN: DE0005110001 · EQS - Analysts (63 News)
Country: Germany · Primary market: Germany · EQS NID: 12000
14 January 2021 10:21AM

All for One Group SE (von BankM AG): Buy

Original-Research: All for One Group SE - von BankM AG

Einstufung von BankM AG zu All for One Group SE

Unternehmen: All for One Group SE
ISIN: DE0005110001

Anlass der Studie: Acquisition
Empfehlung: Buy
Kursziel: €74.20
Kursziel auf Sicht von: 12 Months
Letzte Ratingänderung: 24.5.2017; previously 'Hold' Analyst: Daniel Grossjohann

CONVERSION/4 - flanked by planned near-shore acquisition - will drive growth after the pandemic

With the planned acquisition of the Polish SNP Poland Sp. z o.o., All for One Group SE (ISIN DE0005110001, Prime Standard, A1OS GY) is strengthening its own capacities in order to be prepared for the upcoming migration wave towards SAP S/4HANA. The Polish unit of SNP also includes a Digital Transformation Center (DTC). All for One Group is increasing its own share of the largely automated (migration) value chain, while partner and seller SNP can place its own focus more strongly on the core competency of a data migration software supplier. As the takeover has not yet been finally negotiated, the sales of SNP Poland are not yet included in our forecast. In view of the upcoming migration of existing SAP customers to SAP S/4HANA - which is largely independent of economic developments - All for One Group has a specific growth driver in CONVERSION/4. This is not yet reflected in the valuation (EV/Sales 0.8), because the market casts a special eye on the quarterly development. Here - analogous to the overall economy - an increase in the operating performance can be expected after the conclusion of the vaccination campaign (summer 2021).

Our price target for the All for One Group share, equally based on DCF valuation and peer group analysis, is €74.20. We reiterate our “Buy” rating.

Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: http://www.more-ir.de/d/22000.pdf
Die Analyse oder weiterführende Informationen zu dieser können Sie hier downloaden http://www.bankm.de/webdyn/141_cs_Research%20Reports%20Disclaimer.html.

Kontakt für Rückfragen
BankM AG
Daniel Grossjohann
Mainzer Landstrasse 61, 60329 Frankfurt Tel. +49 69 71 91 838-42
Fax +49 69 71 91 838-50
Email: daniel.grossjohann@bankm.de

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