ISIN: SE0007640156 · Scandic Hotels Group AB · © Finansinpektionen

Short Selling Alert: Citadel Europe LLP

Message date: 3rd January 2022

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

As a result of the registered transaction decreased the share of the short position changed from 0,81% to <0,50%. Within the transaction history, this is the 31st adjustment of the short position since the initial commitment of 26th March 2021.
Snapshot transaction history


Nine (9) companies specializing in short selling have Scandic Hotels Group AB on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 15,66%. The largest share is held by Sona Asset Management (UK) LLP with 5,37%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 1045

Short Selling Radar Europe

Corporate Insights | Information for investors and traders

SSR reporting for: 3rd January 2022

Short Selling Radar (Sweden)

Select Country

In this overview, we provide you with visually prepared and enriched with further relevant information short sale holdings for supplementary information and research purposes. The reporting requirements are defined via the specifications of corresponding guidelines and recorded by a publicly accessible register at the Financial Inspections1 . For validation of the data, consult at least a second source.

Tip: If you have a user account with ayondo, you can use the ayondo smart alerts to be notified when net short positionschange, ratings or ad-hoc announcements of listed companies via auto alert.

ID Logo ISIN Short Seller Share Short Price Position Registered for Chart ChatGPT B/S
1 SE0007640156 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 3rd January 2022 B/S
2 SE0000108227 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 27th October 2021 B/S
3 SE0015672282 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 20th October 2021 B/S
4 SE0016589188 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 12th October 2021 B/S
5 SE0000103814 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 4th October 2021 B/S
6 SE0000652216 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 25th August 2021 B/S
7 SE0009554454 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 29th June 2021 B/S
8 SE0000163628 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 27th April 2021 B/S
9 SE0000695876 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 27th April 2021 B/S
10 SE0005757267 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 17th February 2021 B/S
11 SE0000120669 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 16th November 2020 B/S
12 SE0000108201 Citadel Europe LLP 0,66% Opened 29th September 2020 B/S
13 SE0000171100 Citadel Europe LLP 0,57% Opened 29th September 2020 B/S
14 SE0006993770 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 4th September 2020 B/S
15 SE0009922164 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 31st August 2020 B/S
16 SE0000310336 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 16th June 2020 B/S
17 SE0000106270 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 6th May 2020 B/S
18 SE0011166933 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 12th February 2020 B/S
19 SE0012454379 CITADEL EUROPE LLP <0,50% decreased 9th October 2019 B/S
20 SE0000806994 CITADEL EUROPE LLP <0,50% decreased 11th September 2019 B/S
21 SE0011089259 CITADEL EUROPE LLP 0,71% decreased 20th May 2019 B/S
22 SE0009806896 CITADEL EUROPE LLP 1,86% Increased 4th December 2018 B/S
23 SE0000667891 CITADEL EUROPE LLP <0,50% decreased 30th October 2018 B/S
24 SE0000114837 CITADEL EUROPE LLP <0,50% decreased 17th October 2018 B/S
25 SE0005190238 Citadel Europe LLP <0,50% decreased 28th June 2017 B/S

The information prepared here is for informational purposes. The source data comes from the authority responsible for publication - the Swedish Financial Market Supervisory Authority Finansinspektionen (FI). Before further inclusion, e.g. in investment or investment decisions, validation via another source is recommended.

Please note that once positions fall below the 0.50% threshold, they are not reported again until the level triggering the reporting obligation is reached again. It is not apparent from the register data what the % value of the <0.50% position is. This is not updated as is the case with the Federal Gazette, for example. If a short position falls below the reporting threshold, the value is shown as n/a.


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