Ramon Hack
Trader | Anleger | Systementwickler
Ramon Hack
Trader | Anleger | Systementwickler
Address Coach
Koppoldstr. 1
86551 Aichach
About Ramon
Even before the turn of the millennium, I was fascinated by trading and the stock market. My education, studies and professional career were always characterized by trading and the stock market. I had and have particular pleasure as a speaker for knowledge transfer in the field of investment and trading. But nothing can replace many years of trading experience on the stock exchanges with my own money and the emotions that go with it. I was very early also privately active on the stock exchange and have dealt very intensively with the topic "rule-based trading strategies". So the point in time when I wanted to focus mainly on my private trading activities had to come sooner or later for me. Today, I am a full-time trader and investor, managing director of my own asset-managing limited liability company, and above all, I have the great privilege of being able to make the most of my creative freedom. I am looking forward to the shared insights and experiences and I very much hope to be able to inspire you in a similar way as I am about the topic "rule-based trading strategies". I would like to support you in getting a little closer to your goal.
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Praesentium unde ut inventore dignissimos dolores voluptatem. Quisquam voluptatem ducimus facere commodi sit. Et aut sit magnam sit sunt non quia.
Vitae quia sunt sapiente nesciunt adipisci provident. Quae in modi est voluptates cupiditate dolor. Natus debitis modi nam consequatur omnis illo et. Aperiam quas atque rerum necessitatibus error earum.
Magni dolor voluptatem quis porro laboriosam. Eius deserunt alias voluptas eius reiciendis suscipit sed. Porro tenetur ut ducimus rerum dolorum consequatur iusto. Modi reiciendis dolorem harum est voluptas aut.
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