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The newsboard processes news from the NASDAQ Nordic portfolio company GlobeNewswire, which provides investors with company-relevant information. This relates in particular to events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.

GlobNewswire (formerly PrimeNewswire) specializes in public relations solutions and digital media services. This feed adds another important source of information for investors to the popular X-Billboard portfolio.

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GlobeNewsWire ist eine wichtige Nachrichtenquelle, die über das X-Billboard abgerufen werden kann. Sie ist Teil des Newswire-Hub, der für Börsianer wichtige internationalen Nachrichtenquellen an einem zentralen Ort bündelt. Wer sich schnell einen Überblick verschaffen will, kann sich bequem durch die Headlines scrollen. Wer sich detailliert mit den Nachrichten auseinandersetzen möchte, kann über die Detailansichten der Info-Cards direkt auf die jeweilige Nachricht und weitere Analysewerkzeuge zugreifen.
State: 29.09.2024 | 12AM
Fri, 27.09.2024

Enefit Green has reached a settlement with GE Vernova concerning the incident during construction of the Akmene wind farm, resulting in the collapse of a wind turbine.

Wed, 25.09.2024

As previously communicated via the stock exchange announcement of 28 June 2024, Veiko Räim's mandate as a Member of the Management Board and CFO of Enefit Green expired on 24 September 2024. The process of selecting a new board member is ongoing.

Thu, 12.09.2024

Enefit Green produced 106.7 GWh of electricity in August, or 29.1% more than in August 2023. The production result was mainly driven by new wind and solar farms in Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Estonia (both by those commissioned last year and by those still under construction) the production of which accounted for nearly 40% of Enefit Green's total electricity production.

Fri, 06.09.2024

Yesterday, on 5 September 2024, the opening ceremony of the Šilalė II wind farm (43 MW, Lithuania) took place.

Fri, 30.08.2024

The Supervisory Board of Enefit Green has decided to extend the contract and mandate of Innar Kaasik, Member of the Management Board and Head of Production of Enefit Green, for 3 years from the expiry of the current contract until 24 September 2027.

Tue, 13.08.2024

Enefit Green produced 94.1 GWh of electricity in July, which is 15.1% more than in the same period last year. The production result was mainly driven by new – both newly completed wind and solar farms and those under construction in Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Estonia. These new assets contributed more than 40% of Enefit Green’s total electricity production.

Fri, 02.08.2024

On 2 August 2024, Enefit Green signed a €100 million loan agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to finance its ongoing investment programme. The term of the concluded contract is 8 years.

Thu, 01.08.2024

The Enefit Green group’s operating income for Q2 2024 decreased by 7% while operating expenses (excl. D&A) decreased by 12% compared to the same period last year. As a result, EBITDA decreased by 2% to €19.3m. Net profit for the quarter increased by €2.8m to €3.9m (earnings per share €0.015).

Wed, 10.07.2024

Enefit Green produced 92.2 GWh of electricity in June 2024, which is 31.7% more than in the same period last year. In the second quarter as a whole, mainly due to the addition of new wind and solar farms, electricity production increased by 35.2% to 358.2 GWh. However, this result fell short of the previously published forecast by nearly 61 GWh.

Fri, 28.06.2024

The Supervisory Board of Enefit Green has appointed Juhan Aguraiuja, who has been leading Adven's Baltic business, as the new Chairman of the Management Board. He will assume his position on October 14. According to Articles of Associations, a member of the Management Board is elected for a term of 3 years. Aavo Kärmas, the current CEO of Enefit Green, will step down from his role by mutual agreement with the Supervisory Board, effective July 1.

Wed, 12.06.2024

Enefit Green produced 116.1 GWh of electricity in May, which is 32.7% more than in the same period last year. The production result was mainly driven by new – both newly completed wind farms and those under construction in Lithuania, Finland and Estonia. These wind farms contributed nearly 35% of Enefit Green’s total electricity production.

Mon, 03.06.2024

Enefit Green (trading code EGR1T, ISIN code EE3100137985) will establish the list of shareholders entitled to receive dividend payment on 11 June 2024 at the end of the working day of the Nasdaq CSD settlement system (record date).

Tue, 14.05.2024

The annual general meeting of the shareholders of Enefit Green AS (hereinafter the Company) (registry code 11184032, located at Lelle 22, 11318 Tallinn, Harju county, Estonia) was held on 14 May 2024 at 13.00 (EEST) at Fotografiska Tallinn (Telliskivi 60a-8, Tallinn).

Fri, 10.05.2024

Enefit Green produced 149.9 GWh of electricity in April, which is 39.5% more than in the same period last year. The production result was mainly driven by new – both newly completed wind farms and those under construction in Lithuania, Finland and Estonia. These wind farms contributed more than a third of Enefit Green’s total electricity production and about 70% of the growth in production.

Thu, 02.05.2024

Enefit Green group’s operating income for Q1 2024 decreased by 11% while operating expenses for the period decreased by 22% compared to the same period last year. As a result, EBITDA increased by 3% to €42.4m and net profit for the quarter increased by 10% to €33.4m (earnings per share €0.13).

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