X-Feed Billboard (International)

The newsboard processes news from the NASDAQ Nordic portfolio company GlobeNewswire, which provides investors with company-relevant information. This relates in particular to events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.

GlobNewswire (formerly PrimeNewswire) specializes in public relations solutions and digital media services. This feed adds another important source of information for investors to the popular X-Billboard portfolio.

System-State: Number of processed items 27.775 Notifications successully processed since Inception
GlobeNewsWire ist eine wichtige Nachrichtenquelle, die über das X-Billboard abgerufen werden kann. Sie ist Teil des Newswire-Hub, der für Börsianer wichtige internationalen Nachrichtenquellen an einem zentralen Ort bündelt. Wer sich schnell einen Überblick verschaffen will, kann sich bequem durch die Headlines scrollen. Wer sich detailliert mit den Nachrichten auseinandersetzen möchte, kann über die Detailansichten der Info-Cards direkt auf die jeweilige Nachricht und weitere Analysewerkzeuge zugreifen.
State: 29.09.2024 | 2AM
Thu, 26.09.2024       Riverview Bancorp

VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Riverview Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq GSM: RVSB) (“Riverview” or the “Company”) today announced that on September 25, 2024, its Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.02 per share which remained unchanged compared to the preceding quarter. The dividend is payable on October 18, 2024, to shareholders of record as of October 7, 2024.

Thu, 26.09.2024

TORONTO, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ninepoint Partners LP (“Ninepoint Partners”) today announced the final September 2024 cash distribution for the Ninepoint Cash Management Fund - ETF Series. The record date for the distribution is September 27, 2024. This distribution is payable on October 7, 2024.

Thu, 26.09.2024       Genmab

Thu, 26.09.2024       Biomea Fusion

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Biomea Fusion, Inc. (“Biomea” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: BMEA), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering and developing oral covalent small molecules to treat and improve the lives of patients with metabolic diseases and genetically defined cancers, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has lifted the clinical hold on Biomea’s ongoing Phase I/II clinical trials of the Company’s investigational covalent menin inhibitor BMF-219 in type 2 and type 1 diabetes (COVALENT-111 and COVALENT-112), respectively.

Thu, 26.09.2024       Scor

Press release
September 26, 2024 - N° 13

Thu, 26.09.2024       Willis Towers Watson

Plan redesign outweighs cost-shifting to reduce the cost of care, WTW survey finds
Plan redesign outweighs cost-shifting to reduce the cost of care, WTW survey finds
Thu, 26.09.2024       Shell

Thu, 26.09.2024       Hagar

Í tilkynningu Haga frá 10. apríl 2024 var meðal annars greint frá því að Olís, dótturfélag Haga, og Festi hefðu komist að samkomulagi um að hefja undirbúning sölumeðferðar á eignarhlutum félaganna í Olíudreifingu ehf.

Thu, 26.09.2024       Festi

In Festi's announcement, dated 10 April 2024, it was announced that the company and Olís, a subsidiary of Hagar, had reached an agreement to begin preparations for the sale of the companies' shares in Olíudreifing ehf. ("Olíudreifing").

Thu, 26.09.2024

Stjórn Félagsbústaða hf. samþykkti á fundi sínum 26. september 2024 fjárhagsáætlun félagsins fyrir árið 2025 og langtímaáætlun fyrir árin 2026 til 2029. Fjárhagsáætlunin byggir á útgönguspá fyrir árið 2024.

Thu, 26.09.2024       Proactis

    Proactis SA announces results for
the 18 months period ended 31 January 2024

Thu, 26.09.2024       Proactis

Thu, 26.09.2024       First Bank

HAMILTON, N.J., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Bank (Nasdaq Global Market: FRBA) invites participation in a conference call to discuss the Company’s financial and operating performance during its third quarter ending on September 30, 2024.

Thu, 26.09.2024       Alliance Trust

Thu, 26.09.2024


Thu, 26.09.2024


Thu, 26.09.2024

BROSSARD, Quebec, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DIAGNOS Inc. (“DIAGNOS” or the “Corporation”) (TSX Venture: ADK) (OTCQB: DGNOF), a pioneer in early detection of critical health issues through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, announces the voting results of its annual general and special meeting of shareholders held on September 25, 2024.

Thu, 26.09.2024       Proactis

Publication date of the results and the Annual Financial Report fiscal period ended 31 January 2024

Thu, 26.09.2024       ABC Arbitrage

Thu, 26.09.2024       Sound Financial Bancorp

SEATTLE, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Banker names Laurie Stewart, President and CEO of Sound Community Bank, as one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024.

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