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FIGI: BBG000C03J19

DeFi Technologies Inc.
GICS: - · Sector: Financial Services · Sub-Sector: Capital Markets
DeFi Technologies Inc.
Fri, 18.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Strategic Move in Nordic Market: Valour Inc., a subsidiary of DeFi Technologies, will transfer 19 of its ETPs from the Nordic Growth Market to the Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm, aiming to enhance its position in the Nordic ETP market and support growth in crypto-related instruments.Increased Liquidity and Market Expansion: With this move, Valour's ETPs, which generated approximately SEK 14.3 billion (US$1.3 billion) in trading volume over the past year, will increase to 23 listings on Spotlight, positioning the company for greater liquidity and market expansion.
Fri, 11.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Einführung von Valour Sui (SUI) ETP: Die Tochtergesellschaft von DeFi Technologies, Valour, hat das Valour Sui (SUI) ETP an der schwedischen Spotlight-Börse eingeführt und erweitert damit ihr Portfolio an innovativen digitalen Anlageprodukten.Investitionsmöglichkeiten in die Layer-1-Blockchain-Technologie: Das Valour Sui (SUI) ETP bietet eine Beteiligung an den nativen Token der Sui-Blockchain. Sui ist bekannt für seinen hohen Transaktionsdurchsatz und seine sofortige Endgültigkeit und ist eine hochmoderne Layer-1-Blockchain, die für Übertragungen mit geringer Latenzzeit optimiert ist, ideal für Echtzeitanwendungen wie Spiele, Finanzen und mehr.Strategische Produkterweiterung: Das neue Valour Sui ETP unterstreicht das Engagement von Valour, innovative Anlageprodukte für digitale Vermögenswerte anzubieten. Die Einführung an der Spotlight-Börse verbessert den Zugang der Anleger zu digitalen Vermögenswerten und ist ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt in der Expansionsstrategie von Valour.
Thu, 10.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Introduction of Valour Sui (SUI) ETP: DeFi Technologies' subsidiary Valour has launched the Valour Sui (SUI) ETP on Sweden's Spotlight Stock Market, broadening its portfolio of innovative digital asset products.Investment Opportunities in Layer-1 Blockchain Technology: The Valour Sui (SUI) ETP offers exposure to the native token of the Sui blockchain. Recognized for its high-speed transaction throughput and instant finality, Sui is a cutting-edge layer-1 blockchain optimized for low-latency transfers, ideal for real-time applications like gaming, finance, and more.Strategic Product Expansion: The new Valour Sui ETP underscores Valour's commitment to delivering innovative digital asset investment products. This launch on the Spotlight Stock Market enhances investor access to digital assets, marking another significant step in Valour's expansion strategy.
Thu, 10.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Introduction of Valour Sui (SUI) ETP: DeFi Technologies' subsidiary Valour has launched the Valour Sui (SUI) ETP on Sweden's Spotlight Stock Market, broadening its portfolio of innovative digital asset products.Investment Opportunities in Layer-1 Blockchain Technology: The Valour Sui (SUI) ETP offers exposure to the native token of the Sui blockchain. Recognized for its high-speed transaction throughput and instant finality, Sui is a cutting-edge layer-1 blockchain optimized for low-latency transfers, ideal for real-time applications like gaming, finance, and more.Strategic Product Expansion: The new Valour Sui ETP underscores Valour's commitment to delivering innovative digital asset investment products. This launch on the Spotlight Stock Market enhances investor access to digital assets, marking another significant step in Valour's expansion strategy.
Wed, 09.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Verwaltetes Vermögen und kontinuierliche Zuflüsse im Monatsvergleich: Valour Inc. meldete zum 30. September 2024 ein verwaltetes Vermögen von 757 Millionen kanadischen Dollar (561 Millionen US-Dollar), was einem Anstieg von 49 % seit Jahresbeginn entspricht, was auf Nettozuflüsse von 8,2 Millionen kanadischen Dollar (6,1 Millionen US-Dollar) im September zurückzuführen ist. Wichtige Produkte, darunter Valour Solana SEK, Valour Near SEK und Valour ETH Zero SEK, trugen zu dieser starken Performance bei und verdeutlichen das wachsende Vertrauen der Anleger in die innovativen ETPs von Valour für digitale Vermögenswerte.Starke Finanzlage: Am 30. September 2024 belief sich der Bar- und USDT-Saldo auf ca. 19,7 Millionen kanadische Dollar (14,6 Millionen US-Dollar), wobei die laufenden Darlehen bei ca. 13,5 Millionen kanadischen Dollar (10 Millionen US-Dollar) lagen. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem 204,3 BTC erworben und hält diese. Darüber hinaus hat es seine Treasury-Bestände mit 81,3 ETH, 246.683 ADA, 86.616 DOT, 5.745 SOL, 491 UNI, 433.322 AVAX und 2.755.203 CORE-Token diversifiziert, was zum 30. September 2024 einem Gesamtwert von ca. 40,2 Millionen kanadischen Dollar (29,8 Millionen US-Dollar) entspricht.
Tue, 08.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Continued Month-over-Month Inflows: Valour Inc. reported C$757 million (US$561 million) in AUM as of September 30, 2024, a 49% increase year-to-date, driven by C$8.2 million (US$6.1 million) in net inflows for September. Key products, including Valour Solana SEK, Valour Near SEK, and Valour ETH Zero SEK, contributed to this strong performance, highlighting growing investor confidence in Valour's innovative digital asset ETPs.Strong Financial Position: September 30, 2024 cash and USDT balance stood at approximately C$19.7M (US$14.6M) with current loans payable at approximately C$13.5M (US$10M). The Company also purchased and holds 204.3 BTC, and diversified its treasury holdings with 81.3 ETH, 246,683 ADA, 86,616 DOT, 5,745 SOL, 491 UNI, 433,322 AVAX and 2,755,203 CORE tokens, totaling approximately C$40.2M (US$29.8M) as of September 30, 2024.
Tue, 08.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Continued Month-over-Month Inflows: Valour Inc. reported C$757 million (US$561 million) in AUM as of September 30, 2024, a 49% increase year-to-date, driven by C$8.2 million (US$6.1 million) in net inflows for September. Key products, including Valour Solana SEK, Valour Near SEK, and Valour ETH Zero SEK, contributed to this strong performance, highlighting growing investor confidence in Valour's innovative digital asset ETPs.Strong Financial Position: September 30, 2024 cash and USDT balance stood at approximately C$19.7M (US$14.6M) with current loans payable at approximately C$13.5M (US$10M). The Company also purchased and holds 204.3 BTC, and diversified its treasury holdings with 81.3 ETH, 246,683 ADA, 86,616 DOT, 5,745 SOL, 491 UNI, 433,322 AVAX and 2,755,203 CORE tokens, totaling approximately C$40.2M (US$29.8M) as of September 30, 2024.
Mon, 07.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Übernahme von Stillman Digital: DeFi Technologies hat erfolgreich Stillman Digital übernommen, einen führenden Anbieter von Liquidität für digitale Vermögenswerte mit einem Handelsvolumen von über 20 Mrd. USD seit 2021, wovon 5 Mrd. USD allein im zweiten Quartal 2024 anfielen. Stillman Digital bietet Produkte und Dienstleistungen für digitale Vermögenswerte in den Bereichen elektronische Handelsausführung, Market Making und OTC-Blockhandel an.Strategisches Wachstum: Die Übernahme von Stillman Digital steht im Einklang mit den Zielen von DeFi Technologies, die Handelskapazitäten zu erweitern und sowohl den Kundenstamm als auch die Einnahmequellen zu diversifizieren. Durch die Internalisierung der Handelsströme von Portfoliounternehmen wie Valour wird DeFi Technologies die Expertise von Stillman Digital nutzen, um sein Arbitrage Trading Desk, DeFi Alpha und seine globalen Aktivitäten zu stärken. Die Übernahme unterstützt auch die institutionelle Wachstumsstrategie von Stillman Digital, da sie Zugang zu Möglichkeiten innerhalb des Netzwerks, der Bilanz und der Vertriebskanäle von DeFi Technologies bietet.Künftige Einnahmequellen: Stillman Digital Bermuda plant, mit der Unterstützung von DeFi in neue Geschäftsbereiche zu expandieren, darunter Custody, Foreign Exchange und Proprietary Trading, die das zukünftige Wachstum vorantreiben sollen.
Mon, 07.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Stillman Digital Acquisition: DeFi Technologies has successfully acquired Stillman Digital, a leading digital asset liquidity provider with over US$20 billion in trade volume since 2021, with US$5 billion of that occurring in Q2 2024 alone. Stillman Digital provides digital asset products and services in electronic trade execution, market making and OTC block trading.Strategic Growth: The acquisition of Stillman Digital aligns with DeFi Technologies' goals of enhancing trading capabilities and diversifying both its customer base and revenue streams. By internalizing trading flows from portfolio companies like Valour, DeFi Technologies will leverage Stillman Digital's expertise to strengthen its arbitrage trading desk, DeFi Alpha and global operations. The acquisition also supports Stillman Digital's institutional growth strategy, offering access to opportunities within DeFi Technologies' network, balance sheet, and distribution channels.Future Revenue Drivers: Stillman Digital Bermuda plans on expanding into new business segments with the support of DeFi, including Custody, Foreign Exchange, and Proprietary Trading, which are expected to drive future growth.
Mon, 07.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Stillman Digital Acquisition: DeFi Technologies has successfully acquired Stillman Digital, a leading digital asset liquidity provider with over US$20 billion in trade volume since 2021, with US$5 billion of that occurring in Q2 2024 alone. Stillman Digital provides digital asset products and services in electronic trade execution, market making and OTC block trading.Strategic Growth: The acquisition of Stillman Digital aligns with DeFi Technologies' goals of enhancing trading capabilities and diversifying both its customer base and revenue streams. By internalizing trading flows from portfolio companies like Valour, DeFi Technologies will leverage Stillman Digital's expertise to strengthen its arbitrage trading desk, DeFi Alpha and global operations. The acquisition also supports Stillman Digital's institutional growth strategy, offering access to opportunities within DeFi Technologies' network, balance sheet, and distribution channels.Future Revenue Drivers: Stillman Digital Bermuda plans on expanding into new business segments with the support of DeFi, including Custody, Foreign Exchange, and Proprietary Trading, which are expected to drive future growth.
Tue, 01.10.2024       DeFi Technologies

Das erste an der LSE notierte Produkt von Valour: Valour Digital Securities Limited setzt mit der Einführung seines ersten durch Vermögenswerte besicherten Ethereum Physical Staking Exchange Traded Product (ETP), auch bekannt als Exchange Traded Note (ETN), an der Londoner Börse einen bedeutenden Meilenstein und bietet professionellen Anlegern direkten Zugang zu Ethereum und Staking-Erträgen.   Sichere, nicht hebelfinanzierte Beteiligung an Ethereum mit Renditepotenzial durch Staking: Das ETP bietet eine physisch unterlegte, nicht hebelfinanzierte Beteiligung an Ethereum, wobei die zugrunde liegenden Vermögenswerte von regulierten Verwahrern in Cold Storage verwahrt werden, um eine sichere Anlage für institutionelle Anleger zu gewährleisten.   Pionierarbeit bei der Integration von traditionellen Finanzdienstleistungen und DeFi: Diese Einführung unterstreicht die Rolle von Valour bei der Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen traditionellen Finanzdienstleistungen und digitalen Vermögenswerten, indem professionellen Anlegern die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, durch regulierte Finanzprodukte am wachsenden DeFi-Markt teilzunehmen.
Mon, 30.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

Valour's First Listed Product on LSE: Valour Digital Securities Limited marks a significant milestone with the launch of its first asset-backed Ethereum Physical Staking exchange traded product (ETP) also known as exchange traded note (ETN) on the London Stock Exchange, offering professional investors direct access to Ethereum and staking rewards.Secure, Non-Leveraged Exposure to Ethereum with Staking Yield Potential: The ETP provides physically-backed, non-leveraged exposure to Ethereum, with the underlying assets held in cold storage by regulated custodians, ensuring a secure investment for institutional investors.Pioneering the Integration of Traditional Finance and DeFi: This launch highlights Valour's role in bridging the gap between traditional finance and digital assets, allowing professional investors to participate in the growing DeFi space through regulated financial products.
Mon, 30.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

Valour's First Listed Product on LSE: Valour Digital Securities Limited marks a significant milestone with the launch of its first asset-backed Ethereum Physical Staking exchange traded product (ETP) also known as exchange traded note (ETN) on the London Stock Exchange, offering professional investors direct access to Ethereum and staking rewards.Secure, Non-Leveraged Exposure to Ethereum with Staking Yield Potential: The ETP provides physically-backed, non-leveraged exposure to Ethereum, with the underlying assets held in cold storage by regulated custodians, ensuring a secure investment for institutional investors.Pioneering the Integration of Traditional Finance and DeFi: This launch highlights Valour's role in bridging the gap between traditional finance and digital assets, allowing professional investors to participate in the growing DeFi space through regulated financial products.
Mon, 16.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, 16. September 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DeFi Technologies Inc. (das „Unternehmen" oder „DeFi Technologies") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), ein Finanztechnologieunternehmen, das Pionierarbeit bei der Konvergenz der traditionellen Kapitalmärkte mit der Welt der dezentralisierten Finanzen („DeFi") leistet, freut sich, bekannt zu geben, dass es heute ein „Form 40-F Registration Statement" („Form 40-F") bei der United States Securities and Exchange Commission (die „SEC") eingereicht hat, und zwar in Verbindung mit seinem Antrag auf Notierung seiner Stammaktien („Aktien„) an der The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (die „Nasdaq"). Die Notierung der Stammaktien des Unternehmens an der Nasdaq steht unter dem Vorbehalt der Genehmigung durch die Nasdaq und der Erfüllung aller geltenden Notierungs- und aufsichtsrechtlichen Anforderungen, einschließlich der, dass das „Form 40-F" von der SEC für wirksam erklärt wird. Die Gesellschaft wird die Notierung ihrer Aktien an der Cboe Canada Exchange beibehalten.

Mon, 16.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, Sept. 16, 2024 /CNW/ - DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DeFi Technologies") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company that pioneers the convergence of traditional capital markets with the world of decentralised finance ("DeFi"), is pleased to announce that it filed today a Form 40-F Registration Statement ("Form 40-F") with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in connection with its application to list its common shares ("Shares") on The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (the "Nasdaq"). The listing of the Company's common shares on the Nasdaq remains subject to the approval of the Nasdaq and the satisfaction of all applicable listing and regulatory requirements, including the Form 40-F being declared effective by the SEC. The Company will continue to maintain the listing of its Shares on the Cboe Canada Exchange.

Mon, 16.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DeFi Technologies") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company that pioneers the convergence of traditional capital markets with the world of decentralised finance ("DeFi"), is pleased to announce that it filed today a Form 40-F Registration Statement ("Form 40-F") with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in connection with its application to list its common shares ("Shares") on The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (the "Nasdaq"). The listing of the Company's common shares on the Nasdaq remains subject to the approval of the Nasdaq and the satisfaction of all applicable listing and regulatory requirements, including the Form 40-F being declared effective by the SEC. The Company will continue to maintain the listing of its Shares on the Cboe Canada Exchange.

Fri, 13.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

Die Tochtergesellschaft von DeFi Technologies, Reflexivity Research, kündigt ihren ersten Crypto Investor Day an, der am 25. Oktober 2024 in New York City stattfinden wird.Es wird erwartet, dass fast 1.000 Branchenführer und führende Köpfe sowohl aus dem Krypto- als auch aus dem traditionellen Finanzbereich zusammenkommen werden, darunter Redner von VanEck, Nelson Mullins, Tether, Ripple Labs, Fidelity Digital Assets, White & Case, Sei, Lekker Capital und anderen.Der Crypto Investor Day wird von Anthony Pompliano moderiert und von prominenten Sponsoren unterstützt, darunter Coinbase, Ledger, Grayscale, Near, 3iQ, Ripple, Blockware, B2C2, Copper, Nelson Mullins, Liquid Mercury und viele mehr.
Fri, 13.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies' subsidiary Reflexivity Research announces its inaugural Crypto Investor Day, set for October 25th, 2024, in New York City.The event is expected to bring together nearly 1,000 industry leaders and top minds from both crypto and traditional finance, including speakers from VanEck, Nelson Mullins, Tether, Ripple Labs, Fidelity Digital Assets, White & Case, Sei, Lekker Capital, and more.Crypto Investor Day will be moderated by Anthony Pompliano and is supported by prominent sponsors, including Coinbase, Ledger, Grayscale, Near, 3iQ, Ripple, Blockware, B2C2, Copper, Nelson Mullins, Liquid Mercury, and more.
Fri, 13.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

DeFi Technologies' subsidiary Reflexivity Research announces its inaugural Crypto Investor Day, set for October 25th, 2024, in New York City.The event is expected to bring together nearly 1,000 industry leaders and top minds from both crypto and traditional finance, including speakers from VanEck, Nelson Mullins, Tether, Ripple Labs, Fidelity Digital Assets, White & Case, Sei, Lekker Capital, and more.Crypto Investor Day will be moderated by Anthony Pompliano and is supported by prominent sponsors, including Coinbase, Ledger, Grayscale, Near, 3iQ, Ripple, Blockware, B2C2, Copper, Nelson Mullins, Liquid Mercury, and more.
Thu, 12.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Rekordzuflüsse: Valour meldet ein verwaltetes Vermögen (AUM) von 66 Mio. CAD (487 Mio. USD) zum 31. August 2024. Trotz eines preisbedingten Rückgangs der verwalteten Vermögen verzeichnete der August die höchsten Nettozuflüsse des Jahres 2024 mit einem bedeutenden Nettozufluss von 14,1 Mio. CAD (10,4 Mio. USD). Dieses Wachstum spiegelt das starke Vertrauen der Anleger und die anhaltende Nachfrage nach den ETP-Produkten von Valour wider.Starke Finanzlage: Am 31. August 2024 beläuft sich der Bargeld- und USDT-Saldo auf ca. 26,2 Mio. CAD (19,4 Mio. USD) und die laufenden Darlehensverbindlichkeiten auf ca. 17,5 Mio. CAD (13 Mio. USD). Das Unternehmen kaufte und hält außerdem 204,3 BTC und diversifizierte seine Treasury-Bestände mit 21,3 ETH, 246.683 ADA, 64.616 DOT, 5.345 SOL, 490 UNI, 433.322 AVAX und 2.515.203 CORE-Token, die sich zum 31. August 2024 auf insgesamt etwa 33,9 Mio. CAD (25,1 Mio. US-Dollar) beliefen.

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