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State: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
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FIGI: BBG000C03J19

DeFi Technologies Inc.
GICS: - · Sector: Financial Services · Sub-Sector: Capital Markets
DeFi Technologies Inc.
Tue, 10.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Record Inflows: Valour reports assets under management (AUM) of C$661 million (US$487 million) as of August 31, 2024. Despite a decline in AUM due to asset prices, August marked the highest net inflows of 2024, with a significant net inflow of C$14.1 million (US$10.4 million). This growth reflects strong investor confidence and sustained demand for Valour's range of ETP products.Strong Financial Position: August 31, 2024 Cash and USDT balance is approximately C$26.2M (US$19.4M) and current loans payable stand at approximately C$17.5M (US$13M).  The Company also purchased and holds 204.3 BTC, and diversified its treasury holdings with 21.3 ETH, 246,683 ADA, 64,616 DOT, 5,345 SOL, 490 UNI, 433,322 AVAX and 2,515,203 CORE tokens, totaling approximately C$33.9M (US$25.1M) as of August 31, 2024.
Tue, 10.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Record Inflows: Valour reports assets under management (AUM) of C$661 million (US$487 million) as of August 31, 2024. Despite a decline in AUM due to asset prices, August marked the highest net inflows of 2024, with a significant net inflow of C$14.1 million (US$10.4 million). This growth reflects strong investor confidence and sustained demand for Valour's range of ETP products.Strong Financial Position: August 31, 2024 Cash and USDT balance is approximately C$26.2M (US$19.4M) and current loans payable stand at approximately C$17.5M (US$13M).  The Company also purchased and holds 204.3 BTC, and diversified its treasury holdings with 21.3 ETH, 246,683 ADA, 64,616 DOT, 5,345 SOL, 490 UNI, 433,322 AVAX and 2,515,203 CORE tokens, totaling approximately C$33.9M (US$25.1M) as of August 31, 2024.
Fri, 06.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

Ankündigung der Partnerschaft: DeFi Technologies Inc. und Professional Capital Management (unter der Leitung von Anthony Pompliano) haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um die Chancen auf dem schnell wachsenden US-Markt für börsengehandelte Fonds (ETF) zu nutzen.Nutzung von Fachwissen für Marktinnovationen: Diese Partnerschaft verbindet die Expertise von DeFi Technologies im Bereich digitaler Asset-ETPs durch ihre Tochtergesellschaft Valour Inc. mit dem Erfolg von Professional Capital Management beim Aufbau profitabler Unternehmen und der Nutzung der Medienreichweite.Strategische Marktpositionierung: Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, innovative ETF-Lösungen anzubieten, die den sich entwickelnden Bedürfnissen der US-Anleger gerecht werden, und gleichzeitig die einzigartige Marke und Marktpositionierung von DeFi Technologies und Anthony Pompliano zu nutzen, um eine starke Präsenz auf dem nordamerikanischen ETF-Markt aufzubauen.
Thu, 05.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

Partnership Announcement: DeFi Technologies Inc. and Professional Capital Management (led by Anthony Pompliano) have partnered to capitalize on opportunities in the fast-growing U.S. exchange-traded fund (ETF) market.Leveraging Expertise for Market Innovation: This partnership combines DeFi Technologies' expertise in digital asset ETPs, through its subsidiary Valour Inc., with Professional Capital Management's success in building profitable companies and utilizing media reach.Strategic Market Positioning: The partnership aims to deliver innovative ETF solutions that cater to the evolving needs of U.S. investors while leveraging DeFi Technologies' and Anthony Pompliano's unique brand and market positioning to establish a strong presence in the North American ETF market.
Thu, 05.09.2024       DeFi Technologies

Partnership Announcement: DeFi Technologies Inc. and Professional Capital Management (led by Anthony Pompliano) have partnered to capitalize on opportunities in the fast-growing U.S. exchange-traded fund (ETF) market.Leveraging Expertise for Market Innovation: This partnership combines DeFi Technologies' expertise in digital asset ETPs, through its subsidiary Valour Inc., with Professional Capital Management's success in building profitable companies and utilizing media reach.Strategic Market Positioning: The partnership aims to deliver innovative ETF solutions that cater to the evolving needs of U.S. investors while leveraging DeFi Technologies' and Anthony Pompliano's unique brand and market positioning to establish a strong presence in the North American ETF market.
Thu, 15.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

Rekord bei Betriebseinnahmen und Nettogewinn: DeFi Technologies verzeichnete sein bisher stärkstes Quartal mit einem Gesamtumsatz von 133,2 Mio. CAD0 (ca. 98,0 Mio. USD) und 128,2 Mio. CAD (ca. 94,4 Mio. USD) für die drei und sechs Monate und einem Nettogewinn von 90,4 Mio. CAD (ca. 66,5 Mio. USD) und 72,3 Mio. CAD (ca. 53,2 Mio. USD) für die drei und sechs Monate, die am 30. Juni 2024 endeten.Strategische Weiterentwicklungen und Produkteinführungen: Das Quartal war geprägt von der Einführung mehrerer börsengehandelter Produkte („ETPs") durch die Tochtergesellschaften Valour Inc. und Valour Digital Securities Limited (zusammen „Valour"), die das Produktangebot und die Marktposition des Unternehmens deutlich verbessern.Erhebliches Wachstum des verwalteten Vermögens (Assets Under Management, AUM): Das verwaltete Vermögen wuchs seit dem 31. Dezember 2023 um 43,7 % auf ca. 730,1 Mio. CAD (533,4 Mio. USD) zum 30. Juni 2024, was auf günstige Marktbedingungen, neue Produkteinführungen und strategische Unternehmensmaßnahmen zurückzuführen ist, die das Handelsvolumen und die finanzielle Gesamtleistung erhöhten. Seit dem 30. Juni 2024 ist das verwaltete Vermögen weiter auf 837 Mio. CAD (610 Mio. USD) zum 31. Juli 2024 gestiegen.2024 Ausblick: Mit Blick auf die Zukunft rechnet DeFi Technologies für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 mit einem Jahresumsatz von ca. 179 Mio. CAD (131 Mio. USD), unterstützt durch das anhaltende AUM-Wachstum, die bevorstehende Einführung von ETPs und die Integration neuer Akquisitionen, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, von den günstigen Bedingungen im Sektor der digitalen Anlagen zu profitieren. Darüber hinaus evaluieren wir weiterhin zusätzliche Defi-Alpha-Handelsmöglichkeiten, die, wenn sie umgesetzt werden, zu höheren Erträgen und Nettoeinnahmen führen werden.
Wed, 14.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

Record Operating Revenues and Net Income: DeFi Technologies recorded its strongest quarter ever, achieving Total Revenues of C$133.2 million (approximately US$98.0 million) and C$128.2 million (approximately US$94.4 million) for the three and six months and Net Income of C$90.4 million (approximately US$66.5 million) and C$72.3 million (approximately US$53.2 million) for three and six months ended June 30, 2024.Strategic Advancements and Product Launches: The quarter featured the launch of multiple Exchange Traded Products ("ETPs") by subsidiary Valour Inc, and Valour Digital Securities Limited (together, "Valour") significantly enhancing the company's product offerings and market position.Substantial Growth in Assets Under Management (AUM): AUM grew by 43.7% since December 31, 2023 to approximately C$730.1 million (US$533.4 million) as of June 30, 2024, driven by favorable market conditions, new product launches, and strategic corporate actions that enhanced trading volumes and overall financial performance. Since June 30, 2024, AUM has further increased to C$837 million (US$610 million) as of July 31, 2024.2024 Outlook: Looking ahead, DeFi Technologies projects its annualized revenues for fiscal 2024 to reach approximately C$179 million (US$131 million) for 2024, supported by ongoing AUM growth, upcoming ETP launches, and the integration of new acquisitions, which are poised to capitalize on the favorable conditions in the digital asset sector. Furthermore, we continue to evaluate additional Defi Alpha trading opportunities which, if executed, will drive revenues and net income higher.
Wed, 14.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

Record Operating Revenues and Net Income: DeFi Technologies recorded its strongest quarter ever, achieving Total Revenues of C$133.2 million (approximately US$98.0 million) and C$128.2 million (approximately US$94.4 million) for the three and six months and Net Income of C$90.4 million (approximately US$66.5 million) and C$72.3 million (approximately US$53.2 million) for three and six months ended June 30, 2024.Strategic Advancements and Product Launches: The quarter featured the launch of multiple Exchange Traded Products ("ETPs") by subsidiary Valour Inc, and Valour Digital Securities Limited (together, "Valour") significantly enhancing the company's product offerings and market position.Substantial Growth in Assets Under Management (AUM): AUM grew by 43.7% since December 31, 2023 to approximately C$730.1 million (US$533.4 million) as of June 30, 2024, driven by favorable market conditions, new product launches, and strategic corporate actions that enhanced trading volumes and overall financial performance. Since June 30, 2024, AUM has further increased to C$837 million (US$610 million) as of July 31, 2024.2024 Outlook: Looking ahead, DeFi Technologies projects its annualized revenues for fiscal 2024 to reach approximately C$179 million (US$131 million) for 2024, supported by ongoing AUM growth, upcoming ETP launches, and the integration of new acquisitions, which are poised to capitalize on the favorable conditions in the digital asset sector. Furthermore, we continue to evaluate additional Defi Alpha trading opportunities which, if executed, will drive revenues and net income higher.
Wed, 14.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, 14. August 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DeFi Technologies Inc. („Unternehmen" oder „DEFI") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF), ein Finanztechnologieunternehmen und das erste und einzige börsennotierte Unternehmen, das die Lücke zwischen traditionellen Kapitalmärkten, Web3 und dezentralem Finanzwesen schließt, wird am Donnerstag, 15. August 2024, um 12.00 Uhr EST, eine Konferenzschaltung für Aktionäre einrichten, um seine Finanzergebnisse für den Dreimonats- und den Sechsmonatszeitraum zu erörtern, die jeweils am 30. Juni 2024 endeten. 

Wed, 14.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, Aug. 13, 2024 /CNW/ - DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DEFI") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company and the first and only publicly traded company that bridges the gap between traditional capital markets, Web3 and decentralised finance,today announces it will conduct a shareholder call on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. EST to discuss its financial performance for the three month and six month period ending June 30, 2024. 

Wed, 14.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

TORONTO, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - DeFi Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "DEFI") (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF), a financial technology company and the first and only publicly traded company that bridges the gap between traditional capital markets, Web3 and decentralised finance,today announces it will conduct a shareholder call on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. EST to discuss its financial performance for the three month and six month period ending June 30, 2024. 

Fri, 09.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM und kontinuierliche Zuflüsse: Valour meldet ein AUM von 837 Mio CAD (609 Mio. USD) zum 31. Juli 2024, was einen beachtlichen Anstieg von 64 % im bisherigen Jahresverlauf bedeutet. Dieses Wachstum wird durch die anhaltend hohen Nettozuflüsse von 9,3 Mio. CAD (6,75 Mio. USD) im Juli im Vergleich zum Vormonat weiter gestützt, was das Vertrauen der Anleger und die anhaltende Nachfrage nach den ETP-Produkten von Valour belegt.Starke Finanzlage: Der aktuelle Bargeld- und USDT-Saldo beläuft sich auf ca. 56,2 Mio. CAD (40,9 Mio. USD) und die aktuellen Darlehensverbindlichkeiten belaufen sich auf ca. 17,9 Mio. CAD (13 Mio. USD). Das Unternehmen erwarb und hält außerdem 204,34 BTC und diversifizierte sein Vermögen durch den Erwerb von 12.775 SOL-Tokens und 1.484.148 CORE-Tokens, die sich zum 7. August 2024 auf insgesamt 20,7 Mio. CAD (15,1 Mio. USD) beliefen.Produkteinführungen und strategische Partnerschaften: Letzten Monat wurde Andrew Forson in den Vorstand von DeFi Technologies berufen, um die Führung mit Fachwissen über digitale Assets zu stärken. Eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Zero Computing wurde geschlossen, um die Handelsmöglichkeiten von DeFi Alpha mit Zero-Knowledge-Proofs zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus hat Valour das weltweit erste NEAR-Protokoll-ETP an der Spotlight-Börse eingeführt und damit sein innovatives ETP-Angebot erweitert. Darüber hinaus unterzeichnete DeFi Technologies eine Absichtserklärung zur Übernahme von Stillman Digital, einem führenden OTC-Desk und Anbieter von Liquidität für digitale Vermögenswerte, um die Handelskapazitäten zu erweitern und die Ertragsströme zu diversifizieren.
Thu, 08.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Continued Inflows: Valour reports AUM of C$837 million (US$609 million) as of July 31, 2024, marking a notable year to date increase of 64%. This growth is further bolstered by Valour's continued month-over-month strong net inflows of C$9.3 million (US$6.75 million) during July, demonstrating robust investor confidence and continued demand for Valour's ETP products.Strong Financial Position: Current cash and USDT balance is approximately C$56.2M (US$40.9M) and current loans payable stand at approximately C$17.9M (US$13M). The Company also purchased and holds 204.34 BTC and diversified its treasury by acquiring 12,775 SOL tokens and 1,484,148 CORE tokens, totaling C$20.7M (US$15.1M) as of August 7, 2024.Product Launches and Strategic Partnerships: Last month, DeFi Technologies appointed Andrew Forson to its board of directors, strengthening leadership with digital asset expertise. A strategic partnership with Zero Computing was established to enhance DeFi Alpha's trading capabilities using zero-knowledge proofs. Furthermore, Valour launched the world's first NEAR Protocol ETP on the Spotlight Stock Market, expanding its innovative ETP offerings. Additionally, DeFi Technologies signed an LOI to acquire Stillman Digital, a leading OTC desk and digital asset liquidity provider, to enhance trading capabilities and diversify revenue streams.
Thu, 08.08.2024       DeFi Technologies

AUM & Continued Inflows: Valour reports AUM of C$837 million (US$609 million) as of July 31, 2024, marking a notable year to date increase of 64%. This growth is further bolstered by Valour's continued month-over-month strong net inflows of C$9.3 million (US$6.75 million) during July, demonstrating robust investor confidence and continued demand for Valour's ETP products.Strong Financial Position: Current cash and USDT balance is approximately C$56.2M (US$40.9M) and current loans payable stand at approximately C$17.9M (US$13M). The Company also purchased and holds 204.34 BTC and diversified its treasury by acquiring 12,775 SOL tokens and 1,484,148 CORE tokens, totaling C$20.7M (US$15.1M) as of August 7, 2024.Product Launches and Strategic Partnerships: Last month, DeFi Technologies appointed Andrew Forson to its board of directors, strengthening leadership with digital asset expertise. A strategic partnership with Zero Computing was established to enhance DeFi Alpha's trading capabilities using zero-knowledge proofs. Furthermore, Valour launched the world's first NEAR Protocol ETP on the Spotlight Stock Market, expanding its innovative ETP offerings. Additionally, DeFi Technologies signed an LOI to acquire Stillman Digital, a leading OTC desk and digital asset liquidity provider, to enhance trading capabilities and diversify revenue streams.

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