X-Feed Billboard

The Newsboard is based on a service of the stock exchange operator Deutsche Börse AG, which provides investors with company-relevant information. In particular, it deals with events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.

The publications relate to new admissions to trading on the stock exchanges, trading interruptions, delistings, price suspensions or delistings. Shares, bonds, certificates and warrants are recorded. The X-Billboard portfolio is supplemented by a further service. You can find it here.

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The X-Feed shows important news about listed companies in the style of a short news service. This is not editorial content. The focus is on information about the tradability status of a listed financial instrument. The news is kept compact and reduced to the essentials. You are welcome to use the search function or the available filters to carry out further research quickly and conveniently.
State: 10.11.2024 | 7AM
Fri, 14.06.2024

Instrument ID [19909453] (T2I0 - US45840Y2037) suspended
Fri, 14.06.2024

Das Instrument KO2 FR0010386334 CLARIANE INH. wird heute (14.06.2024) ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt. Aus technischen Gruenden wird der ex Indkator heute nicht angezeigt. The instrument KO2 FR0010386334 CLARIANE INH. has its ex-capital adjustment day on 14.06.2024. Due to technical reasons the ex indicator will not be displayed.
Fri, 14.06.2024       Aegon

Das Instrument J06 US0076CA1045 AEGON LTD. NY SHARES 1 EQUITY wird heute nicht ex Dividende gehandelt. Der ex Tag wurde auf den 17.06.2024 verschoben. Aus technischen Gruenden wird der ex Indkator heute angezeigt. The instrument J06 US0076CA1045 AEGON LTD. NY SHARES 1 EQUITY has not its ex-dividend day on 14.06.2024. The ex day was postponed to 17.06.2024. Due to technical reasons the ex indicator will be displayed.
Silent Ad
Fri, 14.06.2024       Aegon

Instrument ID [17159273] (J06 - US0076CA1045) suspended
Fri, 14.06.2024       Emmerson Resources

Instrument ID [1089] (42E - AU000000ERM4) suspended
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000HV4XR53 HVB Aktienanleihe v.24(25)SIX2 WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024: WARUN_04 The instrument DE000HV4XR53 HVB Aktienanleihe v.24(25)SIX2 WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 14.06.2024: WARUN_04
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000HV4XR61 HVB Aktienanleihe v.24(25)6Z1 WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024: WARUN_04 The instrument DE000HV4XR61 HVB Aktienanleihe v.24(25)6Z1 WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 14.06.2024: WARUN_04
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000HS7A5R7 Aktienanleihe v.24(25)RHM WARRANT hat eine Veraenderung in den Referenzdaten. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024 The instrument DE000HS7A5R7 Aktienanleihe v.24(25)RHM WARRANT has a change of reference data causing deletion of all open orders on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000PN99YX0 Exp.Bon.Z16.09.30 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024: WARBN_04 The instrument DE000PN99YX0 Exp.Bon.Z16.09.30 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 14.06.2024: WARBN_04
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000HS7A5Q9 Aktienanleihe v.24(26)BAYN WARRANT hat eine Veraenderung in den Referenzdaten. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024 The instrument DE000HS7A5Q9 Aktienanleihe v.24(26)BAYN WARRANT has a change of reference data causing deletion of all open orders on 14.06.2024
Silent Ad
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument CH1349980578 Express Z.14.06.2029 DHL WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024: WARIC_01 The instrument CH1349980578 Express Z.14.06.2029 DHL WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 14.06.2024: WARIC_01
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000HS7A5P1 Aktienanleihe v.24(26)PAH3 WARRANT hat eine Veraenderung in den Referenzdaten. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024 The instrument DE000HS7A5P1 Aktienanleihe v.24(26)PAH3 WARRANT has a change of reference data causing deletion of all open orders on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument DE000PN99YB6 Exp.Bon.Z16.09.30 SX5E WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024: WARBN_04 The instrument DE000PN99YB6 Exp.Bon.Z16.09.30 SX5E WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 14.06.2024: WARBN_04
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument CH1336243899 EO-Anl. 24(27) ALV WARRANT hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 14.06.2024: WARIC_01 The instrument CH1336243899 EO-Anl. 24(27) ALV WARRANT has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 14.06.2024: WARIC_01
Thu, 13.06.2024       Textron

Das Instrument TXT US8832031012 TEXTRON INC. DL-,125 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument TXT US8832031012 TEXTRON INC. DL-,125 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024       Nevada Exploration

Das Instrument 28N0 CA64128D3022 NEVADA EXPLORATION INC. EQUITY wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 14.06.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 17.06.2024 The instrument 28N0 CA64128D3022 NEVADA EXPLORATION INC. EQUITY is traded cum capital adjustment on 14.06.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 17.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024       Capital Southwest

Das Instrument SFW US1405011073 CAPITAL STHWEST CORP.DL 1 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument SFW US1405011073 CAPITAL STHWEST CORP.DL 1 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument 2ZR US6706631032 NUVEEN MUN.CRDT FD DL-,01 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument 2ZR US6706631032 NUVEEN MUN.CRDT FD DL-,01 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024       First Financial Bankshares

Das Instrument FI6 US32020R1095 FIRST FIN. BANKSHS DL-,01 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument FI6 US32020R1095 FIRST FIN. BANKSHS DL-,01 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 14.06.2024
First Financial Bankshares
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument GB00BQC82C90 GROSSBRIT. 24/34 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 14.06.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument GB00BQC82C90 GROSSBRIT. 24/34 BOND has its first trading date on 14.06.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Silent Ad
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument TM9 NO0010360019 NORAM DRILLING CO. NK 2 EQUITY wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument TM9 NO0010360019 NORAM DRILLING CO. NK 2 EQUITY is traded ex capital adjustment on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024       China MeiDong Auto

Das Instrument 55M KYG211921021 CH.MEIDONG AUTO.HL.HD-,10 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument 55M KYG211921021 CH.MEIDONG AUTO.HL.HD-,10 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument US674599DL68 OCCID.PETROL 19/46 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 14.06.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument US674599DL68 OCCID.PETROL 19/46 BOND has its first trading date on 14.06.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Thu, 13.06.2024

Das Instrument CCC CA19123A1093 THE COCA-COLA CO. CDR EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 14.06.2024 The instrument CCC CA19123A1093 THE COCA-COLA CO. CDR EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 14.06.2024
Thu, 13.06.2024       Snap One

Das Instrument 8W1 US83303Y1055 SNAP ONE HLDGS DL-,01 EQUITY wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 14.06.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 17.06.2024 The instrument 8W1 US83303Y1055 SNAP ONE HLDGS DL-,01 EQUITY is traded cum capital adjustment on 14.06.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 17.06.2024

The information provided here is not subject to any editorial processing. It is prepared fully automatically and enriched with additional information and further research options. The aim of the content is to provide information seekers with the relevant information quickly and easily. A link back to the information provider and owner ensures that the data prepared here can be compared with the source information if required. The newsboard does not show information in real time. Please contact the exchange operator for this information if required. There is no claim to completeness. High availability cannot be guaranteed. If you notice any errors in the functionality, please let us know using the "Report a Bug" form below.

RAW DATA PROCESSING means that raw data is processed without changing the content. The data is supplemented to improve the interpretation of the information in terms of usability.

Note: The newswire cross-link panel at the top allows you to quickly and easily access additional sources of information. In the terminal view, the news is filtered at company level and enables targeted searches.

On behalf of the trading community, we would like to thank the operators of the trading venues for providing information services.