X-Feed Billboard

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State: 21.03.2025 | 12PM
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SPDR Bloomberg 10+ Year U.S. Corporate Bond UCITS ETF
GICS: - · Sector: ETF · Sub-Sector: -
SPDR Bloomberg 10+ Year U.S. Corporate Bond UCITS ETF
Thu, 20.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts

Das Instrument LU1834983394 LIF-600 AUTOM. EOA ETF wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument LU1834983394 LIF-600 AUTOM. EOA ETF is traded ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts
Thu, 20.06.2024       Grupo Financiero Galicia

Das Instrument GF4 US3999091008 GRUPO FIN. GALICIA B ADR EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument GF4 US3999091008 GRUPO FIN. GALICIA B ADR EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024
Grupo Financiero Galicia
Thu, 20.06.2024       SPDR S&P U.S. Dividend Aristocrats (€) HDGE

Das Instrument SPPD IE00B979GK47 SPDR S+P US DIV.ARIST.EOH ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 24.06.2024 The instrument SPPD IE00B979GK47 SPDR S+P US DIV.ARIST.EOH ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 24.06.2024
SPDR S&P U.S. Dividend Aristocrats (€) HDGE
Silent Ad
Thu, 20.06.2024       Airtel Africa

Das Instrument 9AA0 US00951A1060 AIRTEL AFRICA UNSP.ADR/10 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument 9AA0 US00951A1060 AIRTEL AFRICA UNSP.ADR/10 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024       Boston Pizza Royalties

Das Instrument J8M CA1010841015 BOSTON PIZZA ROY.INC.FD EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument J8M CA1010841015 BOSTON PIZZA ROY.INC.FD EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials

Das Instrument LU1834983808 LIF-600 CO.+MA. EOA ETF wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument LU1834983808 LIF-600 CO.+MA. EOA ETF is traded ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials
Thu, 20.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods

Das Instrument LU1834988351 LIF-600 PER.+H. EOA ETF wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument LU1834988351 LIF-600 PER.+H. EOA ETF is traded ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods
Thu, 20.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts

Das Instrument LU2082995908 LIF-600 AUTOM. EOD ETF wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument LU2082995908 LIF-600 AUTOM. EOD ETF is traded ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts
Thu, 20.06.2024       British Land

Das Instrument BLDA US1108281007 BRITISH LAND ADR/1 LS-,25 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument BLDA US1108281007 BRITISH LAND ADR/1 LS-,25 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024

Das Instrument GUJB HK1203033175 GDH GUANGNAN (HOLDINGS) EQUITY wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 24.06.2024 The instrument GUJB HK1203033175 GDH GUANGNAN (HOLDINGS) EQUITY has its pre-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 24.06.2024
Silent Ad
Thu, 20.06.2024       China Merchants Port

Das Instrument CPM HK0144000764 CHINA MERCHANTS PORT HLDG EQUITY wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 24.06.2024 The instrument CPM HK0144000764 CHINA MERCHANTS PORT HLDG EQUITY has its pre-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 24.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024       Guangshen Railway

Das Instrument GRCH CNE100000379 GUANGSHEN RAILWAY H YC 1 EQUITY wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 24.06.2024 The instrument GRCH CNE100000379 GUANGSHEN RAILWAY H YC 1 EQUITY has its pre-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 24.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024

Das Instrument HA5 KYG2118N1079 CHIN.HARMON.AUTO HL.HD-01 EQUITY wird ex Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument HA5 KYG2118N1079 CHIN.HARMON.AUTO HL.HD-01 EQUITY is traded ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024

Das Instrument K7A KYG525741032 KINGDOM HLDGS LTD HD-,01 EQUITY wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 21.06.2024 The instrument K7A KYG525741032 KINGDOM HLDGS LTD HD-,01 EQUITY has its ex-dividend/interest day on 21.06.2024
Thu, 20.06.2024       First Atlantic Nickel

Instrument ID [19285696] (P21 - CA3186411078) suspended
Thu, 20.06.2024       Acer Inc.

Instrument ID [8120] (AC5G - US0044342055) suspended
Thu, 20.06.2024

Instrument ID [19975972] (AT20 - US0465132068) suspended
Wed, 19.06.2024       The Bitcoin Fund

Das Instrument 7T9 CA09175G1046 THE BITCOIN FUND UTS A INVESTMENT_FUND hat eine geaenderte Produktzuweisung. Dies fuehrt zu einer Orderloeschung zum 20.06.2024: FUNBF_01 The instrument 7T9 CA09175G1046 THE BITCOIN FUND UTS A INVESTMENT_FUND has a change of product relation causing deletion of all open orders effective on 20.06.2024: FUNBF_01
Wed, 19.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 P&H Goods

Das Instrument MTDA LU2082998324 LIF-600 PER.+H. EOD ETF wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 20.06.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 21.06.2024 The instrument MTDA LU2082998324 LIF-600 PER.+H. EOD ETF is traded cum capital adjustment on 20.06.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 P&H Goods
Wed, 19.06.2024       PIMCO Euro Short Maturity

Das Instrument PJS1 IE00B5ZR2157 PFI ETF-EO SH.MAT.EOIN ETF wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 20.06.2024 The instrument PJS1 IE00B5ZR2157 PFI ETF-EO SH.MAT.EOIN ETF has its ex-dividend/interest day on 20.06.2024
PIMCO Euro Short Maturity
Silent Ad
Wed, 19.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials

Das Instrument CSTD LU2082996898 LIF-600 CO.+MA. EOD ETF wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 20.06.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 21.06.2024 The instrument CSTD LU2082996898 LIF-600 CO.+MA. EOD ETF is traded cum capital adjustment on 20.06.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials
Wed, 19.06.2024       PIMCO Euro Short-Term High Yield

Das Instrument EUHI IE00BD8D5H32 PFIE.-E ST HY CB IU EOI ETF wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 20.06.2024 The instrument EUHI IE00BD8D5H32 PFIE.-E ST HY CB IU EOI ETF has its ex-dividend/interest day on 20.06.2024
PIMCO Euro Short-Term High Yield
Wed, 19.06.2024       PIMCO Euro Low Duration Corporate Bond

Das Instrument LDCE IE00BP9F2J32 PFI ETF-P.LD EO C.B. EOI ETF wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 20.06.2024 The instrument LDCE IE00BP9F2J32 PFI ETF-P.LD EO C.B. EOI ETF has its ex-dividend/interest day on 20.06.2024
PIMCO Euro Low Duration Corporate Bond
Wed, 19.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts

Das Instrument LAUT LU1834983394 LIF-600 AUTOM. EOA ETF wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 20.06.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 21.06.2024 The instrument LAUT LU1834983394 LIF-600 AUTOM. EOA ETF is traded cum capital adjustment on 20.06.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts
Wed, 19.06.2024       Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials

Das Instrument LCST LU1834983808 LIF-600 CO.+MA. EOA ETF wird cum Kapitalmassnahme gehandelt am 20.06.2024 und ex Kapitalmassnahme am 21.06.2024 The instrument LCST LU1834983808 LIF-600 CO.+MA. EOA ETF is traded cum capital adjustment on 20.06.2024 and ex capital adjustment on 21.06.2024
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials

The information provided here is not subject to any editorial processing. It is prepared fully automatically and enriched with additional information and further research options. The aim of the content is to provide information seekers with the relevant information quickly and easily. A link back to the information provider and owner ensures that the data prepared here can be compared with the source information if required. The newsboard does not show information in real time. Please contact the exchange operator for this information if required. There is no claim to completeness. High availability cannot be guaranteed. If you notice any errors in the functionality, please let us know using the "Report a Bug" form below.

RAW DATA PROCESSING means that raw data is processed without changing the content. The data is supplemented to improve the interpretation of the information in terms of usability.

Note: The newswire cross-link panel at the top allows you to quickly and easily access additional sources of information. In the terminal view, the news is filtered at company level and enables targeted searches.

On behalf of the trading community, we would like to thank the operators of the trading venues for providing information services.