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141 QnA's
Most recent update: 20.04.2024
ayondo is one of the pioneers in the field of social trading. The umbrella brand stands for innovation, disruptive technologies and an international network of investors interested in the financial markets. ayondo was the first company to receive an independent license from the German Financial Market Authority for its business model of digital, atypical asset management. ayondo has received numerous international awards.
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ayondo has been developing solutions for the financial market since 2008. In the area of marketplace technologies, ayondo has a proprietary social trading platform that has been continuously developed over a period of 15 years.
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The term social trading is directly related to the concept of the sharing economy, as it has some of the typical characteristics. Social' primarily represents the network or community idea, which - sector-specifically - primarily bundles the interests of investors and traders here. Trading' is an example of financial services that are mostly found in the immediate context.
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Depending on the design of the business model and the underlying process structures, social trading providers are subject to regulatory requirements and are supervised by them.
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Social trading is not a technical term. Synonyms are mirror trading or copy trading. The mental bracket is the process that on the one hand signals are generated, which as information carriers trigger downstream processes. Depending on which medium is used to transmit the information, it is an exchange of information in the sense of providing data from which subsequent actions can be derived. If signals trigger trading transactions that allocate funds from third parties for the purchase or sale of financial instruments, these are almost without exception services requiring a license. If this is the case, it is either a matter of investment brokerage or financial portfolio management. The financial market supervisory authority of the country in which the provider is domiciled is responsible for regulation.
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Following trading strategies, which is described by the terms 'following' or 'follower', can be done in different ways. If you invest in an actively managed fund, i.e. buy fund units via your house bank or directly on the stock exchange, you invest in the trading strategy of the fund company that launched the product. The price per share is determined from the individual transactions of the fund manager and the performance derived from them. Social trading follows a similar concept. Signal providers, signal information services, trading system developers - to name just a few typical examples - allow third parties access to the strategies underlying the respective systems. How the signals or trading strategies can be used depends on the technical implementation. Signals information services are usually editorial descriptions created in text form and provided to interested parties via electronic communication media such as email or messenger. Signals can be transmitted via push messages or via SMS. In all of the aforementioned constellations, the decision lies with the recipient of the information as to which downstream action should be carried out. If there is the possibility to subscribe to signals that trigger fully automatic trading transactions, this is generally referred to as copy or mirror trading, two concepts within social trading.
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To form an independent opinion, we like to refer to Google Books and Google Scholar. There are also some interesting scientific studies that deal with the concept.
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ayondo has an extensive asset portfolio consisting of IP and trademark rights. Over 100 developer man-years have gone into the technology developed by ayondo. The company has extensive regulatory know-how in the areas of investment brokerage, asset management and proprietary trading. Unique selling points can be found in particular in the technical implementation of the marketplace technology.
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This depends on the underlying process structures and which possibilities the supervisory law offers in relation to the respective business model. As a rule, social trading providers require an asset management license. Account management, receipt of client funds and execution of trading orders requires further licenses. The equity requirements are also significantly higher. 

To avoid conflicts of interest, companies separate the individual business areas into technology development, brokerage and social trading. 

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Currently, two fourth generation modules are in an extended beta phase. These are the IAB stream and the KOL stream.

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A technology provider is usually a company that specializes in application development. The expertise lies primarily in the areas of programming, database and interface management. A company that uses technology to provide financial services requires a license from the relevant financial market supervisory authority.
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Contracts for difference allow to participate in rising and falling quotes. Investors can implement both long and short strategies. CFDs are transparent due to the comparability with the price of the reference products. CFDs are used in hedging transactions ("hedge"). Trading is done in real time, as well as the evaluation of all important account parameters.
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Those who are interested in trading strategies of the signal providers can follow the performance analogously to the development of share prices. Depending on the type of subscription, signals can be received via digital distribution channels. Fully automated routing of signals and conversion into trading orders is another option.
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The development team is working on the new generation of social trading technology. A release date has not yet been set.
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The restructuring of the ayondo group initiated in 2019 resulted in ayondo being able to focus again on its roots, core competence and unique selling points. The BREXIT and different business policy orientations led to ayondo realigning its social trading business. New partners were found and work began on the new generation of social trading technology.
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