3U HOLDING AG · ISIN: DE0005167902 · EQS - Company News

3U awarded a contract in the Federal Network Agency's onshore wind energy tendering process

3U awarded a contract in the Federal Network Agency's onshore wind energy tendering process Another milestone achieved in the planned capacity expansion Repowering project covering 31 MW now moving into implementation 3U Group invests around EUR 70 million New facilities to be connected up to the grid before the end of 2025 Marburg, 8 July 2024 – Last week Germany’s Federal Network Agency (FNA) announced the results of its most recent round of tendering for (onshore) wind turbines, which wi...

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Corporate News 3U HOLDING AG

In this overview you can view company news in the chronological order of publication. The source information comes from EQS News, the leading European news distributor. The most recent news item is listed first.
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08 July 2024 07:00AM
3U awarded a contract in the Federal Network Agency's onshore wind energy tendering process
3U awarded a contract in the Federal Network Agency's onshore wind energy tendering process Another milestone achieved in the planned capacity expansion Repowering project covering 31 MW now moving into implementation 3U Group invests around EUR 70 million New facilities to be connected up to the grid before the end of 2025 Marburg, 8 July 202...
14 May 2024 07:30AM
3U Group delivers sound uptrend in Q1 2024, as expected
3U Group delivers sound uptrend in Q1 2024, as expected 3U continues its growth trajectory in the reporting period with revenue growth of 3.4 % Segment development attests to resilient business model Operating results in line with expectations Management Board affirms guidance for the financial year 2024 Marburg, 14 May 2024 – 3U HOLDING AG (IS...
11 March 2024 07:30AM
3U HOLDING AG brings the financial year 2023 to a successful close
3U HOLDING AG brings the financial year 2023 to a successful close Preliminary figures show: revenue growth at 4% in the financial year 2023; EBITDA margin at 10%; Group result at the upper end of guidance Two of the three operating segments report higher revenue and improved profitability Management proposes dividend distribution of EUR 0.05 O...
23 September 2020 08:48AM
3U HOLDING AG: Greater variety, more bustle in the weclapp store
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08 September 2020 07:00AM
3U HOLDING AG: weclapp SE and Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG cooperate
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Directors Dealings 41 8th April 2024 TOMPAT Invest GmbH DD
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