Hardman & Co Research · ISIN: GG00B1ZBD492 · EQS - Company News

Robust growth and widening EBITDA margins

Analyst interview | Investment Companies Q&A on NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) | Robust growth and widening EBITDA margins  NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) is the topic of conversation when Hardman & Co analyst Mark Thomas joins DirectorsTalk Interviews. Mark discusses NBPE’s robust business model, highlighting its high secular growth, downside resilience and the value added by its General Partners and managers. He talks about the company's key financial metrics, including double...

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23 May 2024 12:10PM
Robust growth and widening EBITDA margins
Analyst interview | Investment Companies Q&A on NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) | Robust growth and widening EBITDA margins  NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) is the topic of conversation when Hardman & Co analyst Mark Thomas joins DirectorsTalk Interviews. Mark discusses NBPE’s robust business model, highlighting its high secular grow...
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Offsetting higher interest rates, leaving return targets unchanged
Analyst interview | Investment Companies Q&A on NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) | Offsetting higher interest rates, leaving return targets unchanged  NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) is the topic of conversation when Hardman & Co analyst Mark Thomas joins DirectorsTalk Interviews. Mark discusses his latest report entitled ‘Value creat...
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Value creation in a higher-rate environment
Hardman & Co Research | Investment Companies NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) | Value creation in a higher-rate environment   In this note, we explore how the sources of value creation have evolved and how NBPE’s GP partners are expected to organically and inorganically generate incremental EBITDA growth to offset higher interest costs. Lon...
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How NBPE benefits from value creation through growing companies
Analyst interview | Investment Companies Q&A on NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) | How NBPE benefits from value creation through growing companies  NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) is the topic of conversation when Hardman & Co analyst Mark Thomas joins DirectorsTalk Interviews. In this interview, we take a closer look into the strateg...
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value creation from growing companies
Hardman & Co Research | Investment Companies NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) | 2023 CMD: value creation from growing companies   We reviewed NBPE’s differentiated strategy, strong outperformance and good market positioning in our initiation, Co-investments generating superior performance, and 1H’23 results summary: continued growth. The ke...
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