CH0009980894 · 969000 · SMI

SMI 50

SMIEXC <Index>
The SMI50 (SMI Expanded) is a Swiss stock market index that represents the 50 largest and most liquid companies in various sectors. It combines the SMI and SMIM indices. The companies included in the index are the most highly capitalized stocks on the Swiss stock market. The SMI50 covers 95% of the capitalization of freely tradable shares on the Swiss stock market.
share index, the 50 most important commercial enterprises in Switzerland comprehensively
Swiss blue chips, companies with the highest market capitalization
Stock market barometer, performance, weighting by market capitalization
Calculated as a performance and price index
ATH: 17.003,28 | 14.12.2023
If you are interested in the historical performance of the DAX index, you will find it here
We have compiled a number of other interesting statistics for you, such as the all-time highs in chronological order or Y2Y performance.

SMI 50 - Index-Member · Constituents

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The following overview shows the index members of the DEUTSCHE AKTIENINDEX, ISIN: DE0008469008, WKN: 846900), commonly known by the abbreviation DAX.  From the view you can access useful information and analysis tools. You are also welcome to test our AI integration. With just one click, you can obtain all the key background information on the company in a compact summary. You may also receive one or two hidden clues that you have been missing in your profiling so far.
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The price data shown in the overviews is end-of-day* (EoD) information. For further information, please use the functions available in the views. At the click of a mouse, you can access further information, carry out research and analyses and, if necessary, consult external sources for verification. If you are interested in real-time prices, we would recommend that you take a look at the range of services offered by our partner Tradingview.

Both the performance of indices and the individual securities covered by them are mapped using different categories of financial instruments. Depending on the investor profile, investment horizon, risk appetite and holding period, the available options range from shares and ETFs to investment products and speculative forms such as warrants or contracts for difference.

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