
Would you like to trade an IPO or an already listed stock1 and are not sure whether this is possible?

If you have not found what you are looking for using the chart tool 2 or the product wizard, you are welcome to use the form on the right to submit your product proposal to Trading-Desk for review.

1 as a contract for difference via our trading partner ActivTrades

2 If you use the chart tool, you can transfer all company-related data directly into the form, saving you valuable time.

Suggest a product

You would like to trade an IPO or an already listed stock and are not sure whether this is possible?
We try to offer our community the best conditions for active trading on the markets. This includes requests and suggestions regarding financial products in which to invest. 'Suggest a Product' is your opportunity to get actively involved in product development. Feel free to give it a try. We look forward to hearing from you.