Themefolios - Peers & More

'Themefolios' sind themenspezifische Zusammenstellungen von Unternehmen, die sich durch bestimmte Kriterien, Merkmale und Gemeinsamkeiten auszeichnen. Am ehesten vergleichbar wären diese Übersichten mit einem Sektor-Breakdown, der je nach Betrachtungsebene individuelle Merkmale hervorhebt.
Themefolios are an information asset. In particular, investors looking for new ideas for future investments can quickly find what they are looking for here. The tool has several interactive components. For example, users of the platform can suggest interesting companies for inclusion in a Themefolio in order to draw the attention of like-minded investors or interested parties to exciting investment stories. Over the course of the year, it is planned that registered users will be able to create their own Themefolios.
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Themefolio: Health Wearables
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Legend/ Explanations
Please note that Themefolios were conceived as information carriers and merely represent a non-binding compilation of companies that are linked to each other by similarities, special features or certain patterns. Themefolios are not financial products. They serve as a source of information and knowledge and offer a wide range of research opportunities. Interested investors have the opportunity to examine the individual business models, identify strengths and weaknesses and analyze the players in detail thanks to numerous additional functions. A direct comparison allows you to determine the heavyweights of the sectors and identify promising newcomers. Based on the price trends, you can see at a glance whether investors are more likely to decide for or against an investment.