Themefolios - Peers & More

'Themefolios' sind themenspezifische Zusammenstellungen von Unternehmen, die sich durch bestimmte Kriterien, Merkmale und Gemeinsamkeiten auszeichnen. Am ehesten vergleichbar wären diese Übersichten mit einem Sektor-Breakdown, der je nach Betrachtungsebene individuelle Merkmale hervorhebt.
Themefolios are an information asset. In particular, investors looking for new ideas for future investments can quickly find what they are looking for here. The tool has several interactive components. For example, users of the platform can suggest interesting companies for inclusion in a Themefolio in order to draw the attention of like-minded investors or interested parties to exciting investment stories. Over the course of the year, it is planned that registered users will be able to create their own Themefolios.
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The thematic focus of this Themefolio is on operators of regulated trading venues that bring together the buying and selling interests of investors via the infrastructure provided. Banks, financial intermediaries and online brokers are connected to the exchange systems. Direct trading in the retail sector via Direct Market Access (DMA) has so far been the exception rather than the rule.
Themefolio: Exchange-Ops
ID Company ISIN WKN BB Ticker RIC Code Research About Factsheet Terminal Website Bookmark B/S
Do you know of an interesting company that would fit into this category?

Our aim is to keep usability and user-friendliness at a high level. The vast majority of the information on offer can be used free of charge and without restrictions. To be able to implement this philosophy in the long term, we need support. We receive this support through cooperations or marketing partnerships that use our information platform to present themselves, services or products. In some areas, we work together with agencies that specialize in marketing.

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Looking for a suitable ETF? Thematically, the iShares U.S. Broker-Dealers & Securities Exchanges ETF (ISIN) would be an exchange-traded fund that deals with the sector.

Visitor statistics (24H): 515 people were interested in this Themefolio
Legend/ Explanations

The companies included in the Themefolio represent a careful selection, but are not exhaustive. Themefolios are dynamic portfolios that thrive on the exchange and feedback of the social trading community. They are designed to motivate investors to actively participate and contribute their expertise. If you know of a company that could be a valuable addition, please let us and the community know. You can find more information on this page.